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Joined 1 years ago

I'm not sure why light would matter, obviously if you're flying you'd use wind over solar, there's so much wind flowing around the planes it'd be a much more available and reliable source of power.


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It's listed under each title in the article.

I prefer the "Darth Jar Jar" and "The Bloop" levels of conspiracy theories.

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Biden never any public or official statement about only serving 1-term, in fact when that story started circulating, the official response from his campaign was to say that they were not ruling it out.

I think you're suggesting that he committed to being a 1-term president as part of his campaign. You might be remembering a bunch of sensationalized articles based on a Politico article where an unnamed "prominent advisor" said "he won't be running for reelection" and a bunch of other mostly unnamed people also suggested he wouldn't/shouldn't run again. Which led to tons of other articles, which parroted it as fact.

The Politico article even further went on to be updated after it was first published to add a quote from Biden's deputy campaign manager and communications director at the time, which stated Biden was "not privately considering declining to run for re-election."

So he never made that commitment and the only official communication refuted the speculation.

Reference Politico - Biden Single Term

Slate even covered this recently in another article, where they were unable to locate any official commitment related to serving a single term.

Reference Slate - Biden Single Term

Disclaimer: I also wish we had another option, just presenting some evidence. Maybe it'll make you feel better with your choice.

"We got married" becomes "We incorporated a Delaware LLC that manages our assets through a Swiss Trust"

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is only 72 Electoral Votes away from being enacted, but it's getting harder and harder...

They might be in one of the 35-40 states where their vote doesn't matter anyway.

Seems like kind of a straw that broke the camel's back situation.

A company sent them a one-of-a-kind prototype cooling device and the video card it was designed for to have it reviewed or whatever. The reviewer misplaced the GPU but was under deadline to produce their video, so they used a different video card, and the cooler (as should be expected) didn't function well, but they posted the negative review anyway. After the fuckup was pointed out, they put a very easy to miss "correction" on the video. People caught on that this happens alot, and started to question the value of the content, given so many mistakes and easily missed corrections. This also extended to people questioning the bias of their reviews on products related to companies they have partnerships with or competing brands.

Additionally, despite being asked to return the device and agreeing to do so, they later sold it at a charity auction. This measurably harmed the creator and it is unknown who purchased it (people speculate it was a competitor), apparently some compensation was worked out however.

Last I've seen, the former social media manager posted a pretty scathing recounting of time at the company. It included alot of events that indicate this was a predatory and hostile work environment, including sexual harassment.

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This isn't early access, it's advanced access, like if a game has a deluxe edition that lets people play a few days before the official release.

I was a manager at a big bank. They were having problems with attrition, so every manager had to doing a dumb HR class about retention. During the class, they asked us how we thought we could improve the retention rate. My immediate response was pay more and drop their policy of focusing on paying bonuses over giving raises. The HR person was dumbfounded and we spent the whole time talking about trust exercises...

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The proprietary/cloud based threat bit me already. Installed smart vents in my home several years ago. They weren't perfect, but they did really help even out my 3-bedroom, 2-story, 1-zone home. Now the app fails to login, the site doesn't even attempt password recovery and I'm back to dumb vents... Customer support is a black hole and basically every product is and has been out of stock for years, so I've no hope of any happy resolution.

They apparently used to be supported by SmartThings when it allowed custom stuff, but that's dead now too because Samsung didn't want to allow it. I even tried to use their proprietary hub which said it could connect to them, but that shit didn't work either.

Your account can only have 1 person per server/world and it is only for that world.

You can create/join multiple worlds, each has its own independent progress.

So for example, if everyone in a family of 4 wanted to play but only one account, they each could play independently on different worlds using the same account, but could never join each other's worlds with any character other than the first made on that world.

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It's not really a pokemon game, the similarity basically ends at: there are weird fighting animals you catch with round objects and take research notes on. There's no evolving, combat is an active battle rather than turn-based, combat participants are unlimited, your character participates in combat directly, you can catch people, you put what you catch to work for you at your camp, plus all the survival elements.

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It also acts as a threat that they'll do the same to jurors involved in the trial should it not go their way.

Seems like whatever admin did this just mistook the permission they were given. Kid had a bunch of patches on his bag, some had firearms, school got direction from the district that they could have those removed, told the family, family removed offending patches, and that should've been that. But kid went to school and some busy body saw a patch on his bag and decided that any patch must be offending, so took it too far.

Also, the flag patch was approved, so he can wear it going forward. Unless there some clear pattern with the admin who drove this, seems like whoever manages them just needs to give them a don't be an ass talk and we can move on.

Other people had the capability to do what Copernicus did, but lacked desire/resources. A LLM will never have the capability for a novel idea.

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I'm not sure Andrew Jackson is the role model we should be elevating.

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From Wikipedia, Mediatonic created the international remake of it, which presumably included some kind of licensing fee from the original developer, which this tweet implies is at least partially based on number of sales. Seems like someone involved in contractual obligations at Epic dropped the ball on at least this game.

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Holy shit, what a "HR" style take. People want improved cash to effort ratios, far and away above anything in this article. More cash, more or better benefits, more time off, more efficient work with the same output expectations, WFH, shorter days, shorter weeks. But all that costs the company, so instead we get these stupid things that largely cause even more wasted time at work, causing more effort to get your same output and getting an even lower value of what people care about.

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Satoru Iwata and the Wii U is the single instance I can think of.

It should probably just say "TBD - Court". But it wouldn't surprise me if their system just cannot handle putting letters in a field that typically uses numbers.

Palworld, rent a dedicated server, anyone can hop in or out as necessary. Guns, legally(?) distinct from pokemon monsters to catch. Cartoon violence. Tons of fun to be had.

I'm thinking either he used it as a canteen to carry more water further, or as a rain barrel to capture it, not just as a cup to drink from at places where water was readily available.

If you really want a caving incident that'll give you nightmares... Nutty Putty

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In the US, lots of stores are doing free curbside pickup on your orders, their employees pick it and bring it out to your car, in-store prices, no additional fees.

Americans use any/all of bedrooms/bathrooms/square footage/lot size

The Kickstarter wasn't just selling "the book", it sold four things (we'll get back to this) and wasn't trying to "get back at Amazon". I believe the Kickstarter was an appropriate option, even without considering his inability to independently bankroll the final scope of the project.

The four things:

  1. A Premium Hardcover of the novels. This is the first time that the initial print version of one of his novels was released as a Premium Hardcover (albeit they did glue the binding), demand was very much not predictable and using KS helped to ensure everyone who wanted the limited print hardcover could get one (over 90k of each were needed).

  2. DRM-free ebook of the novels. This was entirely risk-free for the consumer, they already essentially existed. This was essentially a pre-order, it is really only justified on KS because of #1.

  3. Audiobook of the novel. Similar to #2, however I guess there was some minor consumer risk in that the audio needed to be recorded still, but Brandon does have reliable narrators and though he tried and failed at getting special narrators, that wasn't part of the pitch.

  4. Swag Boxes. This is the biggest item type to justify KS usage, they needed tools like they get from KS to be able to properly manage the monthly subscription box fulfillment. This did have some consumer risk, because it isn't what they normally do, Sanderson couldn't bank roll it himself (even after the $40M Kickstarter, he's only got a 6M$ net worth) and it was largely an unknown in the book publishing space.

Back to the Amazon bit, it wasn't a selling point to the KS, Amazon isn't mentioned at all. He did decide to support competition in the Audiobook space as part of his fulfillment. In fact, all 4 of the novels are available on Amazon as print and ebooks, published through deals with his traditional publishers.

The way in which he decided to sell these novels (bundled content types and subscriptions) wasn't something his traditional publishers were agreeable to and the KS was used as a proof of concept for that.

The KS raised $41M dollars, it's the largest KS campaign ever by double. There's a 0% chance the project would have been any where near remotely successful (and enjoyed by fans) if he'd tried to deliver it in a more traditional way. He didn't have support of his publishers for that, he couldn't afford it himself and the only other option would be a business loan, which we don't know if he could have received a large enough one. Regardless of funding, the demand smashed expectations, less people would have got what they wanted in a traditional purchase method.

Yeah, there are bad board game companies on KS, take your complaints up with them. Which reminds me, I need to see when my physical edition pledge of Z from 2013 is due...

While that's part of it, it's definitely not "just" that.

Sadly, part of it is that the game has released in a fairly stable/polished state, which is considered a positive in the world of broken releases. The multiplayer also just works with little issue as opposed to some problems of yesteryear.

There's also a perhaps surprising pent up demand for good co-op PvE focused games. They blow-up hard but tend to fade out depending on gameplay quality. Part of this is the streamer effect, streamers like to play group games with other streamers because it helps cross-pollinate their audiences. Sales are also improved due to group/peer-pressure, if someone can pull in their friend group, that's a lot of sale multiplication.

I also think that the developers tried to make a game that's fun. A lot of decisions seem to have followed the rule of cool for this type of game e.g. pal mounts, firearms, catching people, automation of survival elements via slavery.

It also manages to have both a clear and guided progression system while maintaining the freedom for the player to just fuck off and do whatever they want while still at least partially progressing.

My only honest gripes with the game are how world saves are handled (they should use the Grounded system in addition to having dedicated servers) and that I for some reason can't find the exit button on the title screen so to quit I need to alt-f4, for the rare times I need it.

While that's true, there's also a huge difference from like 20+ years ago when they more often than not released games as a complete functional product as opposed to a "we hit the date" buy-in beta test. Games just tend to release with less features and polish than they used to, for the most part companies will keep working on it and get it where it needs to be so the final product is comparable, but it makes for a murkier cycle, buy in at release and probably suffer or wait and try to time when it's actually ready.

How do you propose doing research other than through informed consent from willing volunteers? Let alone that this whole chain of events even stemmed from a research paper! How are they supposed to do the research you said they need to do, when they're actively punished for doing it?

I think he was trying to say Biden got more votes or higher vote share in swing states than Obama did. I don't know if that would be true or not, but that's the closest I can figure to something that might be a cognizant thought.

You just can't draw the article's statements as even a reasonable conclusions without ignoring a whole host of things. They're largely comparing a general election to a midterm election, Rs show up for midterms more reliably than Ds, a drop is basically expected. Even compared to the previous midterm, that was with a very polarizing R in office, so we'd also expect a higher D turnout than one with a D in office. Plus add in consideration for the effects of voter suppression that's been building basically specifically targeted at the group in question.

This article is just bait created by someone who is either ignorantly or purposely misrepresenting the actual study's implications.

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I'm expecting someone smart at Google to figure out how to encode ads as part of the video file as it is delivered, making it literally undifferentiatable in the data we receive, and then there's no way around it. They'll make millions in ads and billions licensing it out.

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It's not the customer's responsibility to try to figure out why and make some determination if the too good to be true deal is real. If it gave it out for a penny, is that too much of a deal? What about half price? 1 penny discount? Where's the line?

Regardless, I could see someone designing it as a feature because "nobody would ever swipe their card twice normally".

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"always" might be a bit of a strong word when referring to ownership of basically any part of that region.

These people give actual conspiracy theorists a bad name. They don't have theories, there's no basis any of their claims other than it makes them feel good to attack political opponents and othered groups.

This comment just reminded of the great loss of r/conspiracy, which was essentially overrun by these idiots as they trampled what was once upon a time home to some honestly fun/interesting conspiracy theories and discussions.

They said if you're buying solely based bubble color then it's based on peer pressure, there of course are other valid reasons for someone to choose one and there are also other bad reasons.

I've an Armor 21, it has the radio, headphone jack, IR blaster and the memory card slot, plus a loud and clear speaker, actual night vision and is rugged as fuck. Base price sub-$250, upcharge for an attachable endoscope.

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What hellscape of a country have we become that we're holding a presidential in election in what was supposed to be a midterm year, everything else checks out.