1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yeah. This is the real issue here.

Sex work should be legal and the morality discussion here is about people lying to their spouses and if anybody is being forced into sex work… all interesting topics.

But anybody implicated in this situation needs all security clearances and access dropped because they are high risk morons.

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Is Spotify the villain here or is the “big three”? Because it sounds like Spotify is delivering a service and deserves some profit from that.

But what are the big three doing? Seems like they are just skimming because they hold the IP rights. Are they providing any service?

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The Ohio Clean Water Fund for which Wartman and Mahoney served as fundraisers raised $149,000 in donations in the wake of the East Palestine train derailment disaster in Ohio. The charity claimed it would provide donations to the Second Harvest Food Bank of the Mahoning Valley.

But the Ohio Clean Water Fund only donated $10,000, and the charity pocketed the rest.

So of the 130k they stole they only have to give up 25k of it? And they say crime doesn’t pay.

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I disagree: anybody that is "in the middle of road" and is holding that "slaves benefited from slavery" is anything other than racist drivel --- is lying to you. They are not "in the middle of the road"; instead they are racist assholes that hoping for, at best, an excuse and more likely are just enjoying wasting your time.

“They may have felt compelled to follow the call to action from a president they held fealty to. They may have even genuinely believed that this was their patriotic duty.” She continued, “But none of those reasons or feelings provide legal justification to violate the law and upend our Constitution and our nation’s traditions of representative government, self-determination, and a government by the people.”

So if their defense ends up being "we were just following orders" does that mean they could flip and become witnesses against trump? How many of them, in how many states, would it take before all these charges land in his lap too?

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Blaming artists? What are you smoking?

I was asking if it’s Spotify which is relatively new and, as pointed out in the article MUST get this contract or die, or if the problem might be the big three that hold all the power in this negotiation.

Speaking of which. Isn’t it the big three that actually pay the artists. So how would Spotify, if they were so inclined, manage that payout? (It’s an interest idea though. I wonder what would happen if they offered a tip-the-artist button).

I'm here in my van on a hot hot day doing 'work' (in this case a little browsing of lemmy).

cooling me down is a "arctic air' USB fan with a little water reservoir providing a misting action. I think I said, "as seen on tv" like six times after buying it because how stupid can you get -- but i needed a fan and this is what the local hardware store had that ran on USB.

Wow. I love it. Fast, quiet, low power, good air, and the misting function is awesome. I'd buy it again in a heartbeat. (assuming it doesn't break within a week).

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“He had been sent to the plant to examine whether the machine was working properly.”

It doesn’t sound like it was

thanks. my /etc/hosts file still has: www.reddit (break link) .com

(I find this helps me break habits)

“One report suggested that the man may have moved near the robot with a box in his hands, which could have triggered the machine’s reaction.”

Seems like a dumb way to check though.

The burrito butt is the juiciest bestest bit.

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This is what strikes me most about these types of posts. I see two totally different people where I can totally identify with one picture and totally not with the other.

Then I think about being forced to look like the person I can’t identify with.

Congrats OP.

And to make matters worse I’m not spending free moments learning more and more computer science — but am instead reading internet stuff about material science. I can enjoy my wide ranging brain but agree that sometimes I wish I was more focused.

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The kids will already be hurt … It’s a question of acknowledgment or if other institutions decide to ignore their deficiencies. (And, in admitting them, risk others students being subjected to their brainwashed viewpoints)

7: A trump toupee (a "Trumpee" if you will)

Wait. Baked into your thoughts here is an idea that each middle manager up the chain deserves “more” and that isn’t substantiated.

Managing a bunch of people may/mayn’t be harder than doing a difficult job w/ customers or manual labor or whatever. In some cases it’s a relatively kooshy desk job compared to “being in the trenches”.

Yes, sometimes decisions at higher levels has more ramifications. This is why we want good talent in those roles. But it’s a cultural choice that we decide to pay them 100s of times more.

I'm looking forward to research on that.

I've an impression that "people are even nastier than before" has been a result of Trump era politics which reveled in nastiness --- which itself appeared to be a pushback from nasty people about Obama being president. Basically its been a growing divide and was made a lot worse when such a prominent political group doubled down on divisiveness as a tribal identity.

I think it predated covid, which certainly made things worse, but I don't really know what the cause was.

correct. getting them on record doesn't do shit -- but making sure they are legally liable if they do try that bullshit might help.

This is probably the answer. Unfortunately they control that punishment and will, of course, only use it when it serves their political purposes.

I've totally got the money to buy a new car. My 2005 forester is getting long in the tooth and i'm ready to replace it.

I want a smallish car with the same basic features: AWD, 4door, boxy rear so I can toss a full size mtn bike in there, good in the snow, etc.

My distinct impression is that the manufacturers want to sell high end (all the options and $$) but don't give a shit about usability. Chevy volt comes close but can't take a bike.

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My in-laws are in Arizona where there are scorpions. I’m giving them a powerful blacklight flashlight so we can go look for them when it gets dark out.

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I’m worried about it AND I’m worried of the framing that holding one branch is at all enough. Look what Rs have done in states where they want to block governors.

They really don’t care about anybody but their own tribe. They are not “conservatives” and have openly make constitution defying motions beyond the coup attempt.

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does this ban block you from (continuing) to change your existing comments?

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yes yes and yes.

I'm only here to add: if he gets elected again he will absolutely 100% pardon himself. I figure if another Republican gets elected there is still a high probability of a pardon if only "so the country can heal" (or some such bullshit).

(Obviously only for federal cases)

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Can anybody explain why thats a logistical nightmare. Seems pretty simple to me: he's in a fucking jail cell in a secure building and the secret service protects him like they do in any other place; except easier because its a secure location.

Sure, he can't be in general population. But don't they have other inmates like that? Just do what they do then (I guess he gets a cell to himself; maybe gets his meals delivered).

I don't see why thats more than a minor paperwork glitch. Surely we've had inmates before that need to be reasonably protected from other inmates. Heck, I'll bet gitmo is ready to handle it.

I too would like a 'custom feed' functionality.

I don’t know that there is a best case for “everybody” at this point.

If Trump is blocked from running we will be hearing from his cult for the rest of time - and they will turn around and try to do this to others as payback (like they are doing with impeachment).

If Trump dies of a heart attack he becomes a martyr.

I think the best case is that he looses the primary. This might keep the Rs together as a party (sigh) but at least it will be their choice and maybe we can all move forward from there.

If Trump looses on the general we have another round of sore losers whining and trying to destroy democracy some more. Regardless of how that fight goes every day of it diminishes the country and boost in intensity would be bad.

If he wins the general election the country is SO very fucked — welcome to your new authoritarian apartheid anti-freedom etc state. At least that is their stated goal and it’s gonna be a horrible country damaging battle.

All of this is Rs and Trumps (MAGAs) fault. And they’re continuing to take the initiatives. I don’t have a broad strategy in mind so I’m ok with fighting them at each of these levels.

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He has a right to a speedy trail but it’s in his political interests to delay things. So in addition to all the good reasons this will take a while (like all the extra work to deal with how classified material will be used during the trail) Trump and his team will also be doing everything they can to delay things.

I’d argue we haven’t “recovered” from those at all. Racism of still very much a factor in our politics and culture and, sadly, indigenous people are a small enough group that we kinda ignore the embarrassment without really doing anything about it beyond it contributing to relative small racism and legal battles.

laugh? or cry?

but yes, i feel a ton of resentment and lay the blame on the bunch of fucktards that couldn't get off their couch when they could have done something.

Part of the difficulty being how much harder it is to build, make and do vs destroy and stall. The progressive left sees the fervent right tear down and block a lot when they have a slim majority and forget, in their righteous anger, that they're asking for a much harder job and need a real majority.

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"stock will become worthless"

I'm thinking the opposite might happen.

If big companies succeed in capturing the knowledge workers market share and transferring all those salaries into their own profits then it will be reflected in the stock prices of those big companies. People, mostly currently rich people, who own those stock will benefit.

Same as it ever was for other forms of automation or job outsourcing. Why would this be any different?

If we make them felons they can’t vote. We could also do things like scapegoat them and find ways to disenfranchise them.

(The Rs have a whole history of this sorta shit. I wonder if half the reason they’ve been so bad lately is that they worry those tactics will get used against them. )

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How is your “crafty detective work” really any different than sneaking in through a window even though you don’t have a search warrant?

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That is a great idea for a browser extension. An AI module that hides ads and clicks x’s and generally fucks with their engagement numbers but don’t let any of it get to your eyeballs.

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They're metal things sitting up there where the sunlight hits them. What you're seeing is the sun reflecting off them. Its like how you can look up and see a plane all bright and in the sun even at dusk when its starting to get dark on the ground.

Kinda. But as a purchaser I'd rather buy an expensive product w/ consistent experience vs something that only sometimes works. Generally OTA updates are a LOT better because I don't have to take time out of my life to go somewhere to deal with it. My time is worth a lot to me.

I’m driving a 2004 with a broken antenna (no radio). All I want in my next car is a good mount for my phone and Bluetooth speakers / mic.

My 2017 van is surprisingly good with CarPlay. So I could go that route.

I really don’t want to deal with any of the car manufacturers software.

I've heard the term "burp" to refer to posts on that platform. As in, "trumps latest Burp is in ALL CAPS".

Also, they are clearly already in full disbelief. This whole situation is because they decided to believe the big lie.

At this point the same arguments for why trump knew he lost also applies to them. The facts are out there but they choose not to believe in them.