3 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

That immediately stuck out to me as well, what a lame excuse not to patch. I've been in IT for a while now, and I've never worked in any shop that would let that slide.

Reddit is leaking, lol

Man, BBC really scraping the bottom of the barrel for content here 😄

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Never commit more than one crime at a time

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Don't push when you shit, hemmorrhoids suck

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Excuse my ignorance, but if her legal team decided to sue him into the ground, there's virtually nothing he could do about it, right? There's no recourse to protect "the little guy" from being legally bullied? Would his best bet be to find someone willing to work pro bono with potential to countersue for damages?

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I think he's maybe just too obvious a choice and people are trying to be more creative in their answer.

Also, could the harm Hitler caused truly be inflicted back on his physical form? It seems to me like there is no way he could truly pay for what he'd done (if he were to live again).

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Basically my thoughts. The speed of light, while the fastest thing we know, is as slow as smell on the scale of the universe. Any race of beings able to get here, check us out, and leave, would need technology that would break physics as we understand it. Not to say it's impossible, but we've now firmly stepped into beliefs, rather than anything based on observable data. Also, the notion of a race being so advanced they can travel faster than light accidentally crashing on our planet is pretty silly to me.

I think this is the funniest thing I've read all year, "driving people to go crazy with demand for the shai-hulussy-shaped vessel.

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Database Administrator (DBA) can be a lucrative position with a low barrier to entry. Can bridge nicely into data science/AI if you want to go that route. Data is the new oil, and AI/LLMs are the refineries.


The Golden rule in action; the one with the gold makes the rules.

You didnt mention children, so im assuming you dont have any. If so, keep it up. Staying child-free is likely the most effective personal decision you could make to reduce your environmental impact. Obviously, that doesnt mean you should feel free to dump your used motor oil in the street, but you also arent adding a lifetime worth of consumption to the pile. Further, even if you lived in a cave the rest of your life, someone is one broken condom away from invalidating your (lack of) contribution.

Further, the argument could be made that what we're doing to our environment is the "natural" way of things. Stick a bacteria culture in a petri dish and what does it do? It expands to the limits of its environment and consumes all available resources until there is nothing left it can use. Earth is our petri dish, and we're just going through the motions.

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Albert Einstein:

  1. Invented the photon and discovered the photoelectric effect, which earned him a nobel prize.
  2. Discovered Brownian motion and proved the existence of particles and molecules.
  3. Created the theory of relativity, changing the way we think about space, time, energy, and matter.

Oh, and he released papers on all three of these groundbreaking discoveries in a single year. Dude was next level.

Made the switch last year from Gmail and I love it. I set up a custom domain and a catch all address as well, so I can give out whateveriwant@mydomain.com as an email and it gets to me. Particularly nice for finding out who's sharing my information, as well as picking out phishing emails. Banking coming in from amazon@mydomain.com? Immediate red flag.

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This got me thinking the other day... How on earth does tapping a square on your phone become a legally binding agreement? There's no signature, verification of identity, etc., so how is me just saying "It wasn't me who clicked yes", not enough to totally invalidate this "agreement"? Especially in the case of forced arbitration clauses, if I don't even provide my real information to Discord, how on earth could anyone legally say I can't sue them?

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I was at a going away party for a friend when I overheard her at the bar talking to someone about The Human Centipede. I thought, "No fucking way," and immediately walked over geeked out about the movie for a bit with her. I owe my marriage to that movie.

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Watching this robot land weird and shoot hydraulic fluid out of its knees makes me physically uncomfortable, but I gotta say it's pretty neat how similar the "panic motions" to regain its balance are to human attempts to regain balance.

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I went with Pro for the custom domains and catch-all inbox. Now I can give out whateveriwant@mydomain.com and it will get back to me. It's nice for easily identifying phishing, plus you can set up filters to trash emails to a particular address automatically, so if one of your addresses gets compromised you can just filter them out. Also, it's nice to see who's selling your info!

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Damn, i thought I was quick, lol

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Sure, there are inconveniences with living in the suburbs, but there are some positives. A dollar typically goes further than in the city, meaning more space for gardening, hobbies, kids, etc. You get to have neighbors without literally living on top of eachother. Usually more quiet then urban settings,etc.

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No luck today i guess, haha, tried that code and it seems its been used as well. Appreciate you trying though :)

So frustrating seeing this shit. I simply dont understand how this type of language is allowed to be present in T&Cs.

Just make enough money selling the diamonds to buy co2 credits, now the footprint is zero! /s

I like the free Plex channels for Antiques Roadshow and BBC.

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Ah, the old faithful, "legally binding until you spend a million dollars proving that it's not" strategy. Classic.

Well then don't do those, lol

Kratos is my go-to any time a question like this comes up.

This is one of the few games out there where a low intelligence opens up new "stupid" dialogue. Highly recommend trying it out!

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Hell ya, shes awesome. I loved her role in Sandman

Am i the only one who just presses the windows button and types the setting thry want? I havent looked at control panel forever...

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I call when i hear gunshots.

Totally agreed on the Frutiger style, with Sharper Image being the pure, distilled form of it.

I hope the asshole that stole my CD wallet from my truck years ago is in a better place in their life now, but I'm still sore about it.... Fucker....

More like bullshit tasks

I've been using Ground News for the last six months or so and quite like it. It does seem like you may have a misunderstanding of how it works though. Ground News is not, in itself, a "news outlet", nor does it generate articles, its an aggregator. When viewing a story there is an AI generated summary of all of the articles related to that story, but its generally no more than 3-5 bullet points, and certainly not enough information to form an opinion (nor is it intended to be). The user should read several of the articles and form their own opinion based on that. Further, their bias and factuality gauges use data thats averaged from external organizations, so again, not generated by Ground News itself. They lay it out here:


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Oh, I do the same for other things and didnt mean to imply you should do anything differently, everyone has their "line". I'm just saying maybe you dont have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The Foo Fighters, particularly Dave Grohl, are some of the more humanitarian artists out there. Dave himself routinely puts on BBQs to feed the homeless. So considering your comment about actions having consequences, they've earned a little bit of wiggle room in my eyes.

But regardless, I respect ypur opinion and enjoy your weekend!

I'm not sure the original post was referring specifically to the inflation of the dollar but it does highlight a real phenomenon in which large corporations are shrinking their product and their workforce, yet prices increase exponentially. I'm not arguing that McDonald's sandwich price changes are reflective of the economy either, but as one of the worst offenders on the planet in regards to corporate greed, there's no question "inflation" only accounts for a small portion of the increase,

I have to disagree a little bit, as, at least in the US, there are some really great perks associated with miltary service. GI bill and VA home loans are some of the bigger perks, but theres plenty of smaller perks as well (if you know where to look).

Dont get me wrong, these benefits shouldn't have to be "earned", but one doesnt necessarily have to put themselves in harms way (or sacrifice their morals) to get those benefits. For example, I enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve at 18 and picked IT as my "rate". I often joke that i picked the "lowest form" of miltary service, but Bush's illegal war in Afghanistan was in full swing at the time and I wanted nothing to do with it, so I justified my choice with, "I'd rather help save people, then help kill people."

As i joined the reserves, i was able to skip the otherwise mandatory time in service requirements for IT school, and went right after bootcamp. After training, i got stationed with my permanent reserve unit in my home town. Less then a month later i secured an entry level IT job, and have been in the industry ever since. A few years after that, I bought my first house with a VA loan.

While i was in, my service obligation was ludicrously easy. One weekend a month I'd shave and cut my hair, throw on a uniform, and do the same job I'd been doing in my civilian life for the weekend (when there was work to do anyway, we fucked off A LOT). Further, working in both private sector and government IT gave me some really useful perspective that helped me accelerate both my civilian and government careers.

Last thing ill mention is that, presumably due to my ADD, I tend to excel in a job in the first couple years, but eventually get bored and start slackin. CG deployments (at least for IT folks), were very rarely mandatory, but there was usually enough going on that if you wanted to deploy, you just had to say so. Because of this, if i started to feel bored at my civilian role, I'd just throw my name in the hat for a set of orders (ranging from 2-12 months in duration), travel the country on the governmwnt dime, work on some cool shit, maybe learn something, then go back to my civilian job feeling rejuvinated and wanting to apply what i learned. In case you dont know, employers are federally required to keep your position available for when you return (for up to 5 years). Also, depending on the orders, you'd often make more money then active duty folks doing the same job because you'd receive BAH to pay your rent/mortgage at home, while also receiving per diem based on the location of your orders.

Anyway, not trying to sound like a recruiter, but you dont have to sell your soul to get those bennies.