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Because changing your product, which specifically appeals to the target purchasers because of what you're changing, is going to make your product revenue take a nose dive? It should be obvious why they're fighting it with lawyers. Hopefully the laws are ironclad and upheld so Kellogg's gets their shit pushed in.

Also, the 50% statistic is from all marriages, not first-time marriages. The figure goes way up due to people being divorced, married, divorced again, ad nauseam. I remember the first-time marriage divorce rate being somewhere in the range of 27-33%.

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I have little doubt that apple still uses things like wi-fi and bluetooth even if they are completely turned off. I complained when they made the change to the control panel. If I want bluetooth or wifi off, no button I push should turn it off partially or for "24 hours."

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Half the fun is seeing how people try to fuck with you, and fucking with them back. Burner phone, though, never a real connection that you care about.

It doesn't look close enough to a real bill for the bank/Secret Service to care about. I've seen someone charged with counterfeit money when they had the movie money that literally says "This is not real money, it is for cinematic purposes only" on the back. Cops and DAs can fuck you twice over.

That just...seems so wrong. My mentally declining grandmother used firefox back in the 00s era (though now that I think about it, my uncle is a developer, so maybe he set up the computer). How have we backslid since then to where so few people know/use firefox?

The majority of the mug shots (that you'll never see, because most places don't even care enough to release them) don't have the arrested in a jumpsuit or with placard. Modern day suspect lineups use those mugshots to generate 'look-alikes' so that the lineup isn't one black guy and four white guys and thus completely ridiculous in terms of a victim identifying the actor in a crime. The mugshots need to be of them in civilian attire for the same reason that you wouldn't put one guy in the lineup in handcuffs.

At least in America, all the judges are either in the pocket of the businesses or have their hands tied by laws passed by legislators who are in the pocket of businesses. Fuck them businesses.

Generally female and male are terms used in more 'scientific' or exact language. I wouldn't say, "I met a group of females last night," but rather "I hung out with some women at the bar." It sounds awkward to use female/male in casual conversation for the typical English speaker. on the other hand, if I was writing a paper and discussing the research subjects, I would definitely say something like, "The research cohort consisted of 22 males, ranging in age from 21-34 years old (mean 24.5, SD 1.3), and 31 females, ranging in age from 20-39 years old (mean 25.6, SD 2.1)."

It's come to be considered derogatory for the same reason as retarded, mentally challenged, intellectually disabled, etc. have come to be derogatory: feelings built by consensus and time. A large group of people don't like the average 'incel,' and then they got the idea that incels were using the term 'female' in place of woman because they didn't see humans of the female variety to be 'people' in the same way they viewed males.

Which, sadly, these days is a one-way ticket to you being in the alternative school. With your bully. If the bully, who is probably a football or basketball player, even makes it to the principal's office instead of being given the royal treatment for having a student oh so randomly attack him!

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I wonder if there's any service that can 'fake' the $20 for a little while...

I'm sick of slightly-not-threats in general. I'm always amazed at people for listening to a few interactions between police and crooks and figuring out exactly what they can say and get away with while leaving the victim with no uncertainty that they'll be targeted. It seems like a majority of the population will happily scream at someone over something small. It's no surprise that we are seeing escalations into real death threats, regardless of intent or seriousness.

This whole fucking handbasket seems to be in flames already.

I have extended family members who have fake COVID vaccine cards. How tough do you think it will be to fake a dog's status, or even find an insane veterinarian who is willing to sign on the dotted line for a little moolah?

*Initialism. Acronyms have to be words, like ACORN or RICE.

Vacation is the key word there. Living is different, because the services you'll need aren't necessarily available. We now have stopgaps for certain areas if you aren't poor, like delivered groceries, but good luck in Seattle and Washington DC if you aren't at least upper middle class.

Not Trump. Harambe.

Depending on why the infant is in the neonatal unit, specific food can have extremely deleterious effects. Disorders of metabolism are rare, but not as rare as you think, and most are controlled with specific diets. So if she purposely fed the wrong food, and in large amounts, it could absolutely kill certain populations. If an otherwise 'healthy' infant, the most likely cause due to overfeeding would be vomiting, and then aspiration of the vomitus. Infants, especially neonates, are very unlikely to be able to protect their airway. Even if a patient is already on the operating table, survival rates of aspirating vomitus is only 50% or so. That's why you don't eat/drink before surgery, btw.

The instructions say that chest hair comes off if the pad isn't sticking effectively to the chest. That means shaving if you have a razor, or using the second adhesives (kid/adult sizes usually come in the same AED kit) as ad hoc waxing devices.

Context matters. When they're in a conversation with another person that they care for and are face-to-face, who is talking about a contrary point of view, logic and thinking is present in some small amount in their brain. They'll actually think about the other person's point, and then make the mental shrug about Trump and his crimes and their effect on his viability/reasonableness as a candidate.

If they're in a group of other supporters, or on the internet, they very quickly do the republican/conservative thing of 'falling in line' and will try to publicly demonstrate (virtue signaling, aye?) how much they are part of the group and follow its standards.

I've had several conversations with my parents. When it is just me and one of them, I get a semi-reasonable conversation, but if another person is present, suddenly it's like having a conversation with a fox news talking-head.

Turns out, I would download a person. Take that, record companies!

I told a supervisor sometime in 2021 that we'll never have another Republican president. I was in a super rural, supermajority republican area, and none of them would believe me. I think Trump was the warning 'moderates' and lazy voters needed.

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To be fair, he ate chips with a neat soundtrack and flashy cuts. Whooooah.

Nah, alcohol shares the same boat. There are lots of examples if you really dig into the effects of various things. Alcohol and tobacco just kill you so slowly that it doesn't drop profits.

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Oh man, you played too? There's dozens of us!

I remember having to learn how to use DOS commands to load the cd and start the game.

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Nah, mate. 6'3" and 215 is still mildly overweight. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm

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It probably falls under the 'not illegal' category. They got the number somehow, and I would bet it's from some stupid agreement that lets a company sell his number and whoever buys it is allowed to send messages to it.

It's also hard to get harassment charges for these, since realistically it is hard to contact the assholes and tell them to stop sending messages, which is required for most cases. There's also the issue that harassment needs to be a repeated thing (and usually after being told to stop) from the same source/conspiracy. If you could prove all of these different messages were from the exact same organization, or that each entity sending the messages had collaborated, you could possibly get a judge to agree that harassment took place. Then, of course, your issue becomes the question of who did the harassment. If the judge/jury believes that it was a particular individual at the corporation, maybe that person could be prosecuted, but if they only will say that it was the entity, like a PAC or LLC or inc. or whatever, you're boned. No one holds business/political entities accountable.

All that to say... those of us who get these messages are boned, with little legal recourse. I just block the numbers and delete. It seems like it works, because I haven't gotten any messages like OP did for the last year or so. They must reuse numbers to send texts.

Problem? I see an opportunity here. Perhaps it is aesthetically pleasing to see Ho during sex. Therefore anyone can sue if the Ho is not currently having sex. Obviously it is mete for all to have sex with the Ho at any time they wish. Heck, sue so a court can order that Ho to have sex with you.

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Yes, so much this. Every time I have to do something in the engine bay, I get a friend. A six-pack, a dinner, or whatever other small favor they need in return returns gold for pennies in the investment. If only the damn engineers would have the incentive to make working in the engine as easy as changing the oil (though Subaru even fucked that one up), life would be a breeze.

This is how a gang operates. It's all about consensus building by braggadocio. Someone says they're going to do something, and sees if enough others join them. Then they threaten the person who is their rival based on the number of people behind them. Unfortunately for the wagner fellows who proposed this, they don't have anywhere near enough backing them to get putin to back down. They're fucked.

Because it matters to the person in the category. If you're a young lad or lass in love, and you are considering marriage, knowing that only a quarter of the marriages similar to yours end in divorce is a hugely different take than half of them.

There are, but remember that defenses come into play after being sued. So you can still go through the mental nightmare (because let's be real, a rich person isn't going to be doing CPR, and certainly isn't going to care about being sued, so only your typical person who could lose everything in this scenario) of being a defendant in a lawsuit until the judge agrees to toss it or you go to court and are found not liable.

We'll have to agree to disagree. Complacency could see a repub president again, but with swelling gen Z, dying boomers, and a soon to be swung Texas (if they don't throw out the big cities' votes, like they're trying), I think we'll be solid.

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Customer taste preferences are definitely odd. I liked their pizza before the change, and really liked it afterwards.

Zip-tie surround it with carts.

Sure, that's hilarious, but I'm pretty sure I remember actually being taught to turn on a computer (and monitor) when we were being taught about them in general. What do you think these kids should do, just know things?

Some email systems now won't mark things as spam. They'll have a popup window asking if you want them to help you unsubscribe from the shit. I about blew it when I saw that.

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Yeah, I think the Nixon and Bush Jr. examples could have been way stronger than those. It seems they were chosen for their recognition rather than their severity. Abu Ghraib was not good, but blaming Bush for that rather than the whole war?

Credit unions aren't always perfect either. I switched unions because one started adding fees.

Yahoo is aol now, isn't it? Or aol is yahoo?

One day, I'll play all the different white wolf games, FATE, and whatever else is in there. One day soon...