They can't keep getting away with it to – 767 points –

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Oh man, you played too? There's dozens of us!

I remember having to learn how to use DOS commands to load the cd and start the game.

Back then it was on floppy disks!

I played the F-117 game on DosBox a few years ago, settings to full realism/full difficulty and it was surprisingly easy. I also really miss the Microprose-style UIs in modern games, only few game developers put the work into making an immersive UI (one such positive example is the game "Highfleet").

Yeah get a load of that guy with his fancy CDs.

Mine was 5.25” floppies. (F19)

I’ve never tried it on an emu because I figured I don’t have the manual so I wouldn’t know what all the keys did :(

Was Tank Platoon also microprose? That game was awesome too.

I only had Lemmings on 5.25, I think they came in a pack of promotional disks from my dad's office. The brokers had to stay busy in between avoiding another 1987 Black Monday.

Lemmings was also a great game. I thought that was early 90s though.

Also had Loom and Monkey Island on 5.25.