Plume (She/Her)

@Plume (She/Her)
1 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hi! I’m Plume. Whatever brings you here, feel free to ask me anything! :)

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Steam Spring Sales 2024

Honestly, after this, and hearing some of his recent interviews: I am genuinely convinced that not only is Elon Musk not a genius, but he possess subpar intelligence. You can’t convince me otherwise, I am 100% convinced that the dude is just a clinical moron.

There has been a meme comparing Elon Musk to Wheatley from Portal 2 being put in charge of the whole Aperture Science center and it immediately going to shit, because this robot was literally purposely designed to be a moron… It keeps on getting truer.

To me, he is like Trump, people thinking the dude is a genius, and he’s constantly playing 4D chess, but over time, everything ends up proving that the simplest theory is the correct one, the dude is just a fucking idiot. A man so profoundly stupid at their core that people had to convince themselves, he actually was a secret genius for their nonsense to make sense, like believing that Jar Jar Binks was secretly a mastermind Sith Lord.

If there ever was a perfect demonstration of wealth not equating intelligence, or even merit, the absolute inexistence of meritocracy, this might be it.

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The utter irony of r/AntiWork being forced to reopen is astounding. Strike broken. Union busted. It's over.

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TWO YEARS LATER: Perspectives will be shut down ...

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It's almost a guarantee that she is going to be raped multiple times in a men's prison. And while you could say that she is supporting the people who make this happen, leopards eating faces and all that, and therefore, had it coming... no one deserves this. Being principled means standing for your enemies when it's necessary, even if you know they wouldn't do the same for you.

Does she deserves prison? I mean... I guess, if we think prison is good, then yes? But that's a whole other debate. But I'm seeing it like this: On one hand: It's a Trump supporter dipshit who stormed the fucking capitol and is getting what's coming to them, fuck them. But on the other hand: It's a trans woman being thrown in a men's prison and is therefore going to be raped multiple times and/or be forced to be stuck in solitary the whole time. And that is not ok, at all.

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And like every other DRM, it's just going to be something that the people who bought the game and play it unaltered will be forced to deal with in one way or another... while those who modify the game, emulate or pirate it, won't. I love DRMs. Nothing like feeling like a sucker for actually buying the game and not cracking it.

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Reddit actions are tragic for the web. I can't even tell you how many times I searched something and typed Reddit at the end of the query. Not just because Reddit search SUCKS, but mostly because it's a gold mine of information. Especially for technical stuff.

Your game crash? Reddit. Weird bug on your laptop? Reddit. Looking for a cool app? Reddit. Have a weird question? Reddit.

Reddit saved me countless hours and headache. I felt that yesterday when doing a search about something without even putting Reddit on it, kept bringing up Reddit links. I'd click on it without reading and end up on a locked sub because of the blackout.

It sucks but I hope it's going to continue. But at the same time, I don't see Reddit backing down. And even lf they do? I'm not going back. Because how dare you? Like... screw you for even trying to pull that crap on your users.

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It was my fear as well when I came over to Lemmy. Which is why I was seduced and ended up applying for Beehaw. It's just the way it is on internet right now, when there is an alternative platform to something that is mainstream, it is most likely to be filled with the worst people on earth.

Remember Bitchute? Remember Odysee? Those YouTube alternatives? Well, who's on there? Nazis. It's just Nazis. Especially the first one. On the second one, Odysee, it's Nazis and Linux people (not saying there is an overlap between the two).

Back when I was still down the alt-right pipeline on YouTube years ago, I remember going over on Bitchute because lots of people were talking about it. And, once I did, all I was met with, were people who were banned off of YouTube. You know, because YouTube had a anti-conservatism bias.. so they said.... Well, in a truly shocking twist: there were good reasons why these people were banned.

I went there and I remember thinking that these people were fucking nuts... And that was quite something, because I would later realize, that the people I was watching on YouTube, were Nazis too. The difference is, they were still pretending not to be, they were trying to catch on a larger audience and also trying not to get banned. Moderation kept them in line. Kind of. But on Bitchute? With basically no moderation, all pretenses were dropped and you could see people being openly Nazis and as antisemitic as you can imagine.

But I believe this time is different.

Until now, a ton of those alternatives to websites, were designed with free speech absolutism in mind. You can come on here, and say anything, and we won't do shit about it. Which basically means, there is no fucking moderation. Which of course is going to result in a bunch of troglodytes saying horrendous shit. Kind of like when Elon, the Muskrat took over Twitter to restore free speech, and the whole site was just spammed with the n-word.

And those types of alternatives still exist, look at Kick, the Twitch ripoff alternative. Who's on there? Nazis. Crypto scammers. And xQc, now, apparently. Is it going to turn into a shit show? No. It already is!

Now, what makes places like Mastodon and Lemmy different? These aren't just alternatives. They're frameworks. Bases on which communities can be built. With their own rules and moderation. Which is why I came here, to this specific instance. It is not just a place to read stuff and that's it. No, the idea is to build an actual community, it isn't just another "Free speech, come say all of your favorite racial slurs" zone.

Beehaw has a clear vision of what it wants to be, and enforces it. The defederation from is a perfect example of this. "It is turning into a shit show, we don't want that here, therefore, we are branching off and separating ourselves from it to ensure a safe place for our community."

I understand where you're coming from. And I too have worries. However, I do believe in this one. Is it going to be the new Reddit? Absolutely not, it is always going to be somewhat of a niche platform. And you know what? I don't mind it. I don't want this to be Reddit, I want it to grow beyond this and be its own thing. Let it grow into what it wants to be.

I think we are making a huge mistake by coming over from Reddit, and trying to build a new Reddit. It is very much Reddit-like. For sure. But it doesn't have to be just another Reddit. I chose Beehaw specifically for the vision it has for what it wants to be. I didn't pick it because it sounded nice and the other instances were full, I chose it because of it's rules and ideals, and what these meant to me.

To me, this is something new. Not just an alternative platform. And I think you should look at it this way.

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Feels like the Steam Deck gave them a boost in, I don't know if it's morale, creativity or something but it's there. Amazing little machine, I love it. And to see Steam's UI finally getting some much needed love and tweaks is fantastic.

MacOS getting a "no longer feels awful to use" update? Hell yeah. Even if I don't play on it, I like to have the client.

Notes especially looks to be a fantastic features. It's a simple thing and I could take notes anywhere. But having them in-game is another thing.

As always, Steam continues to be the best gaming platform ever. While others are just like: "Fuck you, this is where you must buy our games now", Steam provides valuable features that would make you want to buy it here over another place. Sure, I love the DRM-free nature of GOG but the work Valve keeps on putting in stuff like Proton and Linux makes me stick with them in the end.

I honestly love Steam. They did some mistakes in the past, sure, but they keep doing amazing stuff. They stand out in this industry of ridiculous greed and they've earned my trust, which is quite hard these days. And while I am always cautious, I think they'll keep it until the day Valve does a 180 and announce: "We're going public" and it'll be all downhill from there, as it always happen when great companies who make amazing products goes public.

I dread this moment but hopefully, it'll never happen. They're already swimming in money, so... Can't see why they'd do this. But still. I keep it in the back of my mind.

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If this ever comes out and you actually put your money in it, you deserve whatever fuckery happens to it. I'm sorry, but I'm completely out of empathy for Musk's fans.

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Rebranding Twitter, one of the most recognizable brand on earth, to "X" is not just shooting yourself in the foot, it's taking a shotgun, aiming at your feet and pulling the trigger.

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Republicans talking about Trans people like Nazis talking about Jews episode #853

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This is a reminder that this guy has very large chances to go back in the office and be president of the United States once again. We are so fucked and I am saying this as someone who is not American.

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I remember the conspiracy theory that was going on in the right wing circles of the internet a few years ago, where people like Tim Pool were saying that the blue checkmark was an attempt from Twitter to create a "privileged class on Twitter"...

All of those people are the ones that Elon's been pandering so hard to and look at Twitter now.

Why is it with these people, that them who cry wolf so often, also turns out to be the wolves so often?

I'm still shocked by the fact that people actually like or even trust Nothing when, personally, the company gives me nothing but bad vibes since the very beginning. This tech-bro-crypto-bullshit / Elon Musk-esque / Cybertruck-esque marketing and attitude is a massive red flag to me. Can't say I'm surprised about this.

Okay, I'm going to go on a bit of a rant now, and it's nothing against this particular creator. But at some point I have to put my foot down and say: No. Fuck this video.

I don't know who started this damn trend, but I'm so tired of these unnecessarily long videos. Your video should never be 4, 5 or even 6 hours long. What the fuck! Amazing documentaries have been made for decades and they never reached that amount of time. There is no reason why a video should be 6 hours long. I have other shit to do. At some point, just publish a book...

And I know, that sweet retention time. But you can't convince me you had so much to say and that everything in this video is so important that nothing couldn't be taken out. I don't believe you. I don't need to click on this video to know it could be two and a half hours long at best. And if really, you have that much to say? Cut that shit into a series, then!

Look, I already find it hard to watch a 30 minute video essay. Because most of the time, it doesn't need to be that long and the person making it just won't get to the damn point.

Like, let's say I'm watching a video about a game. If I'm watching this, chances are I already know the game. Or at least, just give some brief context. You don't have to "but actually... whats's a video game?" me and then to go into thé whole fucking history of video games and tell me about how life was for the developer when they was a sperm in someone's balls...

I'll say this though, I used to make videos. I would write, record and edit the whole thing on my own. So a six hours long project? Yeah, I respect the hell out of that. But at some point, you need to think of the viewer. It's unreasonable to ask someone to take this much time to do anything in their day. Cut it into multiple parts, I know chapters are a thing but YouTube remembering where I stopped watching is far too inconsistent for that.

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Skill issues. uBlock Origin.

So, if WhatsApp eventually fails, can we accept for at least just this once, to move on to something that is not proprietary and owned by a large company, please? Please, for the love of everything can we please for once move on to something that is open source and for just this once not repeat the same fucking mistake over and over again?

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What kind of a fucking broken human somehow reaches the conclusion that Twitter is competently handled?

...and the subreddit rebellion has been foiled. The remaining locked subreddits will be hunted down and defeated!

The attempt on my credibility by the Apollo dev has left me scarred, and deformed. But I assure you: My resolve... has never been stronger!

In order to ensure the profitability and continuing advertising...





— u/spez to potential investors. Maybe. Probably. Might be slightly paraphrased.

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I wonder how they're going to announce it at their keynote. Because Apple was strong armed into doing this they didn't want to. At all. They kicked and screamed the whole way but they did comply.

So. Will they present it as an evolution like they almost invented the thing? Will they be passive aggressive about it? Or will they just say nothing about it.

I'm also expecting Apple to basically use the worst USB-C standard possible, which, just like Lightning, will basically be USB 2 in terms of speeds and so on. At least on the non-pro models. :/

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It feels so good to see countries not tolerating the far right. As a French, they're basically everywhere now, everyone on talks like the Far Right on TV, now. My country has gotten so complacent with it...

I hope Germany keeps doing this and more act accordingly.

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I would love to. But when you’re stuck in perpetual minimum wage and your rent alone is costing you at least half of that… yeah. I am not arguing by the way, you’re absolutely right, it’s just that, for a lot of people, myself included, dare I say, the vast majority of people people, this is not something that is possible.

It sucks. What sucks even more for me is that, I understood the fact that a platform like YouTube costs an unimaginable amount. I get that. And I wanted to pay. As a matter of fact, I did pay, happily so, for quite while. For YouTube Prenium Lite. Until a week ago I think, where I got this wonderful email from Google titled: Kindly go fuck yourself... or at least that's how I read it... telling me that YouTube Prenium Lite was going the way of the Google graveyard. Because of course it did. And now, it was paying for full Prenium or nothing.

So I stopped paying. I'm not paying 13 bucks a month for no ads. Especially if you're basically strong arming me in doing so, I'll do without YouTube.

Because hey, I tried YouTube Music. It's actually quite good in many aspects (horrendously flawed in many others too, of course, but that's most Music Streaming services) but you know what? I know it's been years, but I'm still not over Google Play Music and how they killed that off for what was an inferior product back then. Why the fuck would I invest my time and money in a Google product, nowadays? I'm sorry if you reading this were one of these people, but it's like... to the people who were paying for Stadia and were shocked to learn that the service was shutting down... I'm sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with you? It was bound to happen, from the moment it was announced, the entire internet started joking about the fact that this thing will be dead in two years!

I refuse to pay for a Google product nowadays. It's like paying for a live service game at release, it's rolling the dice and betting against the colossal odds that this thing will be dead in two years. So, unless it's a Pixel, so I can slap something else than stock Android, Google can suck it. They won't get a cent from me.

It's not like I paid for Prenium Lite because I loved YouTube. Hell, YouTube stopped being a good product a long time ago, I was paying for the content I was watching. Gotta support creators, you know? And also, because I watched a lot of YouTube on my TV, and you can't slap Ublock on that. It was a reasonable enough price. But now? Fuck YouTube, I'm done with this. I've been hating this platform more and more for a while now, the algorithm is awful, it keeps recommanding me stuff I don't want (why the hell does YouTube insist and recommanding me far right content, jesus christ, stop!). And even without ads, you still get them because monetization is so damn inconsistent creators can only depend on sponsors, I could go on and on.

So now, it's NewPipe on mobile, Piped on desktop and I guess I'll just find something better to watch on TV. I'm paying for Nebula, it's cheap, doesn't have even a third of the people who I watched on YouTube, but at least it's creator centric and it's got a lot of good, interesting stuff on it. I've been watching lots of Twitch lately, and while yes, I agree, fuck Amazon, at least I can just pay for the people who I watch most to get no ads, it's a reasonable price, support them and Twitch ads are not nerely as horrendous YouTube's are in terms of frequency. So, yeah. I don't miss it.

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We say this every fucking year! Come on, this is getting ridiculous! Stop it! There will never be a year of the Linux desktop and if anything, this post shows why.

So much of the Linux community is utterly detached from what really matters to most users and focus on things that 80% of people won't ever understand, care about or even use.

We focus on this and meanwhile, little quality of life features constantly get ignored when these are the real things that users will encounter and that will piss them off. They get treated as trivial. They get ignored in favor of other things.

Somebody mentioned it here. I saw it and I didn't need them to mention it to want to say it. It's already something that's pissing me off. On Fedora for my Framework Laptop there is no way to adjust the scrolling speed on my trackpad which is moronically fast.

We are on the 40th release of Fedora, the 46th release of GNOME, and somehow this still isn't baked in. I still have to go look around and use the fucking terminal to do something this basic. When some of them try Linux and will eventually push them to go back to Windows. And when users complain about this, what do we get? A bunch of elitists telling them to fuck off to go back to Windows, which I also saw as responses to this complaint about the trackpad.

Listen, Linux is an amazing project and I love it. I daily drive it. I don't use Windows anywhere in my life. I haven't touched OS in like two years at the very least. So many things that we are celebrating as brand new things that are finally working properly are things that already work by default on Windows and have been for years. We're not going to convince people by mentioning that, "oh, we fixed this thing that's been working forever on Windows." It works on Linux now. People need more than this.

You want to know the sad truth? Here we go. We, collectively here, users of platform like Lemmy, are a vocal minority who are detached from the reality of most users. We care about ads, we care about privacy and so on, but the reality is most that people don't. Most people won't even notice that those things are there. For so many people, Windows is just the thing that stands between them and launching Chrome. It already works for them. There's no reason for them to switch.

We are all way too invested in what runs on our computers and we forget that we are just us. Most people are not like us. Privacy scandals stop us from using stuff like social media and so on, but it clearly hasn't stopped most of the world.

People heard about the shit that Meta was and is doing. Did people stop using Instagram? No, they didn't. People know what Google is doing, how many of them switched to DuckDuckGo? A clinical moron turning the platform into a far-right haven didn't stop most users from using Twitter.

The API bullshit didn't stop most users from using Reddit. Sure there were protest, but I guarantee you that 99% who took part in the blackout just went back to it after. A lot of us didn't. We left. We're here now. But we're still a tiny minority.

Ask a Firefox user did telling Chrome users that privacy was important ever worked? I'm sure you will get examples of it working but it's a minority. Most people don't give a shit and they use Chrome.

I don't have a solution. I'm sorry, I made this long-ass comment but I don't have much else to say. I don't have a good solution to this problem.

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Tearing down women's rights. Ruining queer people's life, especially trans people. Making sure children can't eat for free. Wow. Quite the priorities over at the Republican party.

I'm not American, I've just been looking from afar for a long time now. But from everything I'm seeing... it feels like they're going to be in for quite the rude awakening in 2024.

I hate my country so fucking much. What happened to us! We keep on saying that this country is at risk of fascism when it's already quietly there! It keeps getting worse. And all of this is because Islamophobia is so bad here, it's basically a nationalized mental illness at this point...

Destructoid; The Escapist; Siliconera; Twinfinite; Dot Esports; Upcomer; Gamepur; Prima Games; PC Invasion; Attack of the Fanboy; Touch, Tap, Play; Pro Game Guides; Gamer Journalist; Operation Sports *and GameSkinny.

Noted. I'm officially starting a "not reading your crap" list.

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Uhm... yes? That's pretty much the point?

Well, fuck you and your shitty game then. Wasn't interested in the first place, but this kills any possibility of that ever changing.

It's kind of disgusting, honestly. NOT THE SURGERY! No! This, I'm super happy it can be done and I'm really happy for you (hell, I might even do it for myself someday 👀)! No, it's the fact that this life changing and sometimes, life saving surgery has to be approved by a third party who's sole purpose is profit... it's just awful.

Anyway. Fuck yeah, you go girl! Hope everything goes smoothly for you! Keep us posted! 🩷🩵🤍

“Game dev here,” Carlone writes, adding that they are a “big fan” of Dreamcast Guy. “Wanted to clarify: it’s not a sign of an unfinished game. It’s a choice. 60fps on this scale would be a large hit to the visual fidelity. My guess is they want to go for a seamless look and less ‘pop in.’ And of course, [it’s] your right to dislike the choice.”

Sure. Maybe. It could be this. Or...

Arm-chair babbling idiot who plays too much video games here, I am one hundred percent convinced that it has nothing to do with visual fidelity and everything to do with that asthmatic engine they've been dragging since Morrowind. Can't prove it but... you know. Just a hunch I get from playing their games.

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Let's hope it doesn't happen. I don't know why some people get excited. Monopolies are never a good thing and Microsoft is ONCE again getting too big...

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Reminder that it takes much more effort to try and erase us from society, than to accept us.

You know, there is a lot that is to blame for why Firefox doesn't get the market share that it needs, but I would blame a part on its community as well. I have never seen a community that is so reluctant to any change or basically any features being added to a product than the Firefox community.

Firefox developers:

Look! To try and make the browser easier to use for new users, we have added a pop-up remind you that hey, Firefox sync is an awesome feature of this browser. Because feature discoverability is hard.

The Firefox community five seconds later:


Mozilla isn't perfect. Far from it. I have a lot of things to say about them and features that were never added or removed years ago that I'm still pissed off about and will continue to complain about until it is resolved, like fucking PWAs for example.

But damn, being a Firefox developer sounds really hard. Like, trying to please a bunch of people who are always complaining about the state of this browser, but also will, without fail, always complain every time you change or add features sounds fucking exhausting.

"But... is it woke?"

OH MY GOD. All of these people's brain are rotten by culture war crap!

I could come up with a thousand reasons as to why this would never happen. Hell, I could even argue that the whole Steam Deck's existence comes from a series of decisions that Valve made out of hatred for Microsoft. So, yeah, it's not happening.

Still though, as a thought experiment, imagining a world where tomorrow, Steam is owned by Microsoft, it's... interesting, to say the least. In the most horrifying way possible, but interesting nonetheless. Quite frankly, I can't imagine anything worse happening for video games. Like to me, this is what a video game apocalypse sounds like.

It used to exist, but not so much anymore. I miss heavily community based FPS multiplayer games. With custom servers and so on. I played Counter-Strike: Source last night, what a breath of fresh air!

Same, I played some Day Of Defeat: Source also a while back. I got onto a server, people were talking about random things and seemed to know each other, there was a sense of community, it felt like a local bar.

It's 3am and I'm chilling and talking with strangers while surfing on CS:S. God, I miss this.

I miss that in newer games. It's all matchmaking, all competitive and in many ways, modern games like this feels "no fun allowed".

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These people see the world through: "USA bad". It's the only thing they believe. So if the US criticize a place, like Russia, then it must be good because the US is bad.

Is the US fucking awful? Yes. Is this a completely moronic way of looking at the world? Also yes.

Well, my thinking was that I wasn't sure, actually. I just liked their proportion better. They were nice looking. It was almost a running gag for me and my friends that I would always play women.

There were exceptions, like if it was a character that was speaking it would depend on the voice, for example in Far Cry 6. I picked the male model because I preferred his voice over her. Or if the female model is like overly sexualized with over the top sized ass, ridiculous sized boobs, a distinct lack of clothing compared to men... No thanks. I want to play as a woman, not play as a "made for horny 14 years old by horny men-children" version of women. No thanks. That kinda thing. But that's about the only exceptions.

If I have the option in an RPG, it will be female. I'm gonna play Cyberpunk soon, you can bet your ass it will be a feminine type character. I played Mass Effect, Fem Shepard all the way. That GTA 6, for as little as I am excited by it for many reasons, I'm still very excited that one of the main characters is a woman.

I've always had a preference for playing women. I don't have a problem playing any character at all. I can always immerse myself in them. It's rarely an issue. But if I can, I like to play something that I identify myself with more, qnd that's always been more the case with characters that are fem coded.

They are usually smaller. Usually thinner than male models. They have a more rounded face. And they tend to have long hair. All of this always fitted much more with who and what I was. I never had much muscle. I was never that tall. My voice, even as I grew into an adult, was never the typical male voice. It always had a bit of femininity in it. I have long hair. I have a more rounded face compared to most men. It always clicked more with me.

So yeah, there have always been lots of reasons, but it's always been kind of nebulous as to why I just preferred it, you know? But then I figured out I was trans, so...

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Yup. I moved to Mastodon because of it, I don't trust BlueSky.

I don't trust a platform that is funded by the guy who gladly sold the previous one to the moron who's now in charge. And I don't trust their claims because as of now decentralized it isn't. It's just not. And there is no real reason for them to do so. So eventually they may just walk back their claims and 99% of the user base won't care about this.

Plus, this website is going to need to make money eventually. But as of yet, they have no concrete monetization plan, which is basically the norm in nowadays with these kinds of projects. We grow fast, we make money later. How is that going to happen? Is it going to be filled with ads? Is it going to basically make the same mistakes as before? We don't know.

Plus again, this is originally made and funded by the guy who made Twitter. And let's not pretend that Twitter wasn't already a dumpster fire before the Muskrat came in. It was. Twitter sucked way before this and, personally, I left it waaaay before this guy came in.

I'm done, personally. I'm done with all of this. If a company is public, I don't even care about their product anymore. Investors are going to ruin it. Doesn't apply here, good. If a social media platform is not decentralized, not open source, I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore. So, no Bluesky I'm done with all of that.

I am on Mastodon and I'm happy with my choice. And that's it for me. I'm not trying anything else. I'm happy on there. It's not filled with ads. I don't have to worry about investors fucking ruining it eventually. And I don't have to worry about it becoming a shithole filled algorithmically boosted Neo-Nazis because anger drives engagement and engagement makes money.

A while back, I was still hesitant. Then I read this article which basically sold me on it.