Jessica Watkins (mtf) sentenced to 8 years in a men's prison for Jan 6 involvement

Scary le to – 124 points –
Let's talk about leopards, opportunity, and a likely underreported story....

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It's almost a guarantee that she is going to be raped multiple times in a men's prison. And while you could say that she is supporting the people who make this happen, leopards eating faces and all that, and therefore, had it coming... no one deserves this. Being principled means standing for your enemies when it's necessary, even if you know they wouldn't do the same for you.

Does she deserves prison? I mean... I guess, if we think prison is good, then yes? But that's a whole other debate. But I'm seeing it like this: On one hand: It's a Trump supporter dipshit who stormed the fucking capitol and is getting what's coming to them, fuck them. But on the other hand: It's a trans woman being thrown in a men's prison and is therefore going to be raped multiple times and/or be forced to be stuck in solitary the whole time. And that is not ok, at all.

It's also not okay to attempt treason (and be bad at it, too.) She will be in protective solitary confinement and and solitary is where she belongs.

I realize solitary is considered torture, but not too long ago we would just straight up execute treasoners. This is an improvement.

I don't care. It doesn't make it OK.

Beside, I hate the idea of a citizen committing "treason". I have absolutely no loyalty whatsoever to my country, I just happen to be born there, I didn't chose it, I didn't signed up for it.

By definition only citizens can commit treason? I don't have any loyalty either (I'm an anarchist) but if I pick up arms against my country I know what to expect. It might involve a lot of getting shot.

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