Jessica Watkins (mtf) sentenced to 8 years in a men's prison for Jan 6 involvement

Scary le to – 124 points –
Let's talk about leopards, opportunity, and a likely underreported story....

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It's also not okay to attempt treason (and be bad at it, too.) She will be in protective solitary confinement and and solitary is where she belongs.

I realize solitary is considered torture, but not too long ago we would just straight up execute treasoners. This is an improvement.

I don't care. It doesn't make it OK.

Beside, I hate the idea of a citizen committing "treason". I have absolutely no loyalty whatsoever to my country, I just happen to be born there, I didn't chose it, I didn't signed up for it.

By definition only citizens can commit treason? I don't have any loyalty either (I'm an anarchist) but if I pick up arms against my country I know what to expect. It might involve a lot of getting shot.

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