
0 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"a history of good comments" - quote from founder of beehaw

This is so funny. The entire point of cryptocurrency was to be an irreversible, untraceable currency. Now these dipshits are sueing over losses? I don't know if they are severely mistaken or severely angry. You are not getting that back. Neither do you deserve to. You knew what you were doing.

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The introduction of seatbelt legislation lead to an increase in nonfatal vehicular injuries

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Programmer: "Does that mean it's free?"

Cashier: stabs you in the face

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Yes. There was a famous marketing scandal called New Coke. Additionally, Coke in different countries has different ingredients. "Mexican Coke" is sought after in the states because it has cane sugar rather than high fructose corn syrup.

more evidence that "modern" just means "written in javascript"

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On another topic, there are rumors circulating that we are fascists or supported genocide. These claims are completely false, and like most viral twitter threads, are coming from a single Mastodon user on a personal vendetta who didn’t provide any sources. Such slander doesn’t deserve any response and is best left ignored.

My "Not involved in genocide denial" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt

It's seriously hilarious that the "damage control" has been more damaging than the blackout itself

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Being a gay best friend doesn't mean you can flout misogyny. Even though I am non binary (amab) I respect women's spaces. The patriarchy doesn't end just because I identify differently now. Afab are in clear and present danger around amab. When I see women I think "Are they going to respect my gender identity?" But what they evaluate is "Is this person gonna go Ted Bundy on me?"

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There is no such thing as "api misuse". You provide the api and people use it according to the conditions you provide. Tighten your shit. Don't blame your own failures on other people.

What does this have to do with Mastodon?

The same privacy issues also exist with Mastodon and all distributed systems.

Hypothetically yes. But consider that much like a virus growing in a petri dish, it needs an appropriate environment. A mp4/mkv/whatever file sitting on your hard drive that you never access is not going to be problematic. Even when you do access it, it is probably is not going to do anything unless you also open it in the viewer that the malware author intended the payload for. There is no general purpose video decoding malware. They target the players.

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Not really to be honest. ActivityPub is a very inefficient protocol. My concerns are that it is HTTP based and that the files would need to be replicated across every federated instance. There are already scaling issues just from having to federate all the text.

Lol I love how brutal these headlines are getting

This is the first post on lemmy I've bookmarked, congrats

I would not really compare it to dying, but having had seizures, you can appear dead and then wake up really disoriented and scared. Your brain basically shuts off for a moment.

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Bro that occurred years ago. Github and linkedin are both owned by Microsoft. It is a funnel from LinkedIn recruitment requiring Github requirements from the recruiters. Unfortunately nobody who is under 30 years old saw these dumb tools getting ripped off.

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Do you think kbin is just reaching into other servers and pulling the bytes off the disk? You can't guarantee anything is deleted in a federated system, other servers can just ignore your delete request. So this makes no difference.

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I just raw dog that shit and hope for the best

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For context, based on historical pushshift data:

  • 80gb zipped decompresses to ~1100GB of text data
  • 80gb zipped would only be the most recent ~4 months of comments

They do indicate that the data they have is more valuable though, particularly pointing out how users are being tracked (GDPR alarm bells ringing) or censored.

Linux is pretty easy to use nowadays. The only thing I would check before switching is driver compatibility.

If you are longing for a world that you never lived in, there's probably some "grass is greener on the other side" in play. The world before smart phones was considerably worse. I bet that most of the people who are asking for this don't know how to read a paper map and have never seen a phone book.

The good news is that, if you don't want to use a smart phone, you can just... not. Nobody is forcing you. If you really wanted a world without smart phones you would already not be using one!

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Well, two things about that. In their interviews, Huffman says this decision making is based on Elon Musk at Twitter. I think this implies that Huffman is not basing this on numbers but on ideology and an example set by Musk. It's simply "If I'm a rich tech bro and a richer tech bro does x, I can become a richer tech bro by copying them!"

Secondly, they can crunch the numbers, it doesn't mean they are right, or that they are not subject to change in unexpected ways. Digg V4 was also a calculated decision, but they greviously miscalculated.

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I miss when this was vim vs Emacs

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You will need to double check the specific DVDs you are working with. They can be useful for backups and if you don't store them in sunlight or acid or something they basically last forever. You can copy your important data onto a DVD and leave it in your closet for the rest of your life. Of course, as with all backup strategies, you need to test it very regularly.

Edited to add nitpicks: if you decide to do this back up across multiple DVDs and use encryption. Borg is a fantastic tool for encrypted backups and if you are just mounting your DVDs as cdrom0 and such it can handle that as easily as any other block device.

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Yep, this is probably the best bet. Some other options: ferment them to make wine or pit and freeze the flesh to drop into smoothies or make juice out of on demand.

Check out my comment here: https://lemmy.one/comment/325139

The relevant parts for you are:

  • The default configuration for Lemmy does log IP addresses through nginx's access log.
  • The default configuration doesn't rotate or prune the logs; they are maintained indefinitely.
  • The default configuration doesn't encrypt the logs (file-level encryption) or disk (block-level encryption.)

The requests and IPs are therefore vulnerable to:

  • The server admin can check the logs (who can SSH into the server itself, not just an admin on Lemmy)
  • The hosting provider can check the logs (the file is not encrypted and they own the disk they're stored on)
  • A government can subpoena the server admin or the hosting provider for these logs.

A Lemmy instance that is concerned about its user's privacy should either disable access logging, or log to RAM, and ideally encrypt it too.

However, this raises the issue that you don't know what software the server is actually running. The above analysis is based on looking at the default configuration of the open source code. But if they were to change the logging to be more secure, you would need to trust them when they say that's actually the code they are running.

Have you considered using a VPN like Mullvad or even Tor? Lemmy doesn't have the same issues with blocking VPNs as reddit does. (Although some fediverse instances, such as Kbin, use Cloudflare, which does its best to block VPNs/Tor.)

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Glad that people are finally realizing this considering I've been saying it and getting called crazy for the last 13 years.

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Is this news to anyone? Elon Musk is a literal Nazi. Every dollar going there supports fascism. I don't get how you can have such a high profile person who is like "Hey, I'm a Nazi, and I sell Nazi shit!" and still be surprised.

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No it isn't, you can't even read any of it without an invite lol

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It's not a fucked up situation. I'm a Ruby developer and I got hired in a Scala shop with no experience. It took just a couple weeks to get up to speed and everyone was understanding.

Since you know programming principles already, the difference between languages is mostly in their APIs. But even experienced developers spend half their time reading docs about APIs. It's nothing out of the ordinary.

The problem in this case is specifically that it is not trained on humans. The LLM hallucinates nonsense and then recursively reads its own nonsense from the internet in some kind of shit Ouroboro. This problem doesn't seem solvable with LLM and contrasts it with AGI (artificial general intelligence - the thing LLMs claim to be.) Since the model needs more and more data to build more satisfying responses, it's susceptible to injesting from other LLMs.

A LLM must ONLY be trained on humans because they don't actually understand reasoning or linguistic structure. You end up with a "invisible green dragons sleep furiously" response very quickly. But the LLM also can't tell if the text it's injesting is from a human or LLM.

Yeah, a big problem when starting new forums is breaking them into too many categories that eventually go stagnant. A lot of forums would do well just to start with a single, general category, which !chat basically is.

No. I did donate once and then they illegally spammed my email for a year. I had to threaten them with a lawyer to stop. It was senseless.

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Please do not follow this advice. For one, copilot is terrible in general. For two, using it without being able to vet the codes correctness is a recipe for disaster.

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Yeah, a lot of private travelers will not accept doubly-lossy encoded files as a rule. So you can't just go from 264 to 265. You need the original lossless file.

To OP, yeah, you want a seed box. Both to pin the file up and host it for a while, and to preserve your anonymity (the original seeder is under particular scrutiny.)

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_News_Act doesn't only apply to facebook... it's extremely broad, unenforceable, and likely to be repealed

Auto correct typo of private tracker. Sorry.

The only way to about this is to self fund and stop assuming Web apps are free.

It's possible to make web apps that are close to free, but that isn't how developers work these days. Everybody has to use JavaScript, Kubernetes, Docker, and a 500-person developer/infrastructure team. When in reality, 99.999% of websites could be made without JavaScript, hosted on a single VPS with SQLite.

A couple of my side projects run on 1GB VPS that cost $10/month, and they would easily run on a 512MB VPS if those were still offered.

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No, if you do that the police will federate to your house and arrest you

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