Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs sue after digital apes turn out to be bad investment to – 552 points –
Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs sue after digital apes turn out to be bad investment

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This is so funny. The entire point of cryptocurrency was to be an irreversible, untraceable currency. Now these dipshits are sueing over losses? I don't know if they are severely mistaken or severely angry. You are not getting that back. Neither do you deserve to. You knew what you were doing.

The first step is "Fuck the government!" The second step is always "Help me, Obi Wan Government, you're my only hope!"

I deserve help from the government as I've done everything right and just been unfortunate. Its everyone else who have got into trouble entirely through their own doing that don't deserve help.

Also: "why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?"

When was cryptocurrency meant to be untraceable? It literally had the complete ledger out in the public.

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They just seem really upset that the scam/grift/MLM didn't work out in their favour and they're the ones taking the loss.

I don't really agree with this sentiment.

Are they dipshits?


Should Sothebys lose all credibility and be fined for faking an auction?

Also yes.

Should Bored Ape owners get any of their money back?


This crosses certain lines that are beyond just: huuuur crypto dumb

You forgot unregulated which usually even makes it to the front row in a lot of arguments completely denying the necessity to even have regulations at all...

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