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Joined 1 years ago

Seriously though who the fuck still has an actual pension anymore?

The scam part comes when you are forced to fight tooth and nail to get money from them even when you are clearly covered

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This is such a weird "america bad" take; having universal healthcare has nothing to do with wanting to hold corporations accountable for their shitty behavior.

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What do they expect the Palestinians to do, just accept their own extermination?

I mean you can fight back against your oppressors without massacring civilians, many of whom aren't even Isrealis

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Around here you'd be lucky to get any kind of justification for raising rent. Mine went up $500 this year just cuz for fun.

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Don't forget Oprah who amplified the idea more than they ever could have done on their own

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I know a lot of people won't believe it happens, because the simpler and more mundane explanation (which is usually the true one) is that it isn't necessary because of all the data that we know is being collected like browsing habits, searches, etc but my partner has a few times tried to test this as a party trick. Normally her ads are for like kitcschy knick-knacks or like funky flower pots but one time we were hanging with friends talking about this discussion and we decided to all repeat out loud "lab grown diamond engagement rings" for about 15 min. Not 1 hour later she had an Instagram ad that said word for word "lab grown diamond engagement rings." I know it's anecdotal and isn't proof but we've done this a few times and it's seemed to work about half the time; each time we get an ad that's both hyper specific to what we're taking about and also not something close to anything we've been advertised before.

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Um, I'd start with the current Supreme Court and their striking down of Roe v Wade?

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Attending prestigious does not inherently make him well educated. Especially when one of the professors says you are, and I quote, "the dumbest goddamn student I ever had".

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Ohhhh for some reason my mind went to him trying to tutor other dudes to help them with women. Was very confused.

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and the version locked exclusives in each generation are day 1 dlc

I can see how it would be seen this way, but imo the intention from the beginning wasn't that people would buy both/all three versions per generation, it was to encourage people to trade with each other. Which absolutely worked when it came out. It was a totally new idea that definitely helped sell more people on the games, because they could connect with friends and trade or battle, with later gens adding even more features for when you connected.

I could see making the dlc argument these days, but at this point you could also argue it's just out of tradition.

As someone who has been in the professional music scene for over a decade trying to 'break through' and has seen many others trying the same, sometimes it's about how good people are at their instrument/songwriting/art but more often it's about luck and what connections and/or funding you have. I've seen people who are truly creative and work hard build impressive success from basically nothing. I also know plenty of people who are just as creative and hardworking spin their wheels and get nowhere. Frankly, i suspect this has always been the case. Ability alone has very very rarely been enough to attract great attention. In the stories of most big names you know there is something somewhere along the way where they either were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time or just come from enough money to be able to give it their full attention for years, and even then they usually need some other kind of luck.

My point is not to discourage though, but rather to say that if you want to make art to become well known then in my opinion you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Also, if you truly like a creator you should spread the word, tell your friends, tell strangers on the internet! It's hard to convince people to give your art a try, but if someone else is doing some evangelizing it becomes much easier.

When I did use twitter it was for being the fastest way to get news on events developing in real time. George Floyd protests, J6 coup attempt, start of war in Ukraine, etc. And not just national/world news but also local news. I don't really that type of use fits in to your two buckets and unfortunately I don't think Mastodon is quite there yet to fulfill this type of thing either, but I definitely think it could with more time and more users. Fuck the influencers and people looking for 'content' imo, when people are going to Mastodon with breaking news is when we'll know twitter is completely dead.

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Many on "the left" still believe Trump coordinated with Russia in his election for example. And that Russia was instrumental in that win

Anyone who actually read the Mueller report knows this to be true

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Yeah and that's the risk you're supposed to take on when you invest in property to rent. The things you mentioned went up max 8% in my area but the rent increase was closer to double that. It's greed, plain and simple. Landlords raise rent because they can.

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For me its mostly the legs/heads. I dont fuck with heads on anything and legs need to be way bigger for me to be interested. I'd try one of those fly/mosquito burgers tho.

For real, like, has she not already done enough to cement her as a partisan hack? Why would this one more thing make anything different?

There is literally no way to be upfront about communicating 'I have no interest in what you are saying and wish you would stop talking' without coming off like an asshole and/or hurting their feelings most of the time.

Actually in ID4 there was an explanation. Basically all of humanity's computer tech came from reverse engineering alien tech. So our computers worked with theirs because they were based on theirs. Maybe this isn't this best logic, but they did at least have an in universe explanation.

Not to mention most of them are used to consuming way more calories then the average human and doing intense workouts that they then stop doing during s competition. That energy needs to release somehow.


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Couldn't disagree more. Plenty of wired headphones and iems come with detachable/ replaceable cables. On the other hand wireless earbuds can be difficult to keep track of and easy to lose if one happens to fall out. If you lose one, congrats you have to buy a whole new set because they don't generally sell replacements and usually come paired from the factory meaning getting a second replacement wouldn't work.

I've got wired buds i bought ten years ago that are still kicking and wired headphones made in the late 80s that have only needed cup replacements. Wired headphones will cost half that of wireless for similar quality and if a cable is ever damaged and isn't detachable it really isn't difficult to solder in a new one.

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There is one thing rich people never get away with, and that's stealing from other rich people.

But a federal holiday doesn't really help though right? People working at Wendy's don't get existing federal holidays off so it wouldn't change for the majority of people who can't get to the polling stations because of what job they have.

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Why do you get to decide what is reasonable? I could see pro videographers shooting in 4k easily hitting that mark just doing their job. You're acting like this was a case of trolls ruining it for normal people when you have literally zero evidence that it wasn't people just using it how they were told it could be used. If you have bad actors abusing your system, the solution is to remove the bad actors, not punish everyone else for thinking you weren't lying.

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How do you keep the pants dry

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But there weren't limits... it was unlimited...

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World War Z, the book not the basically unrelated movie, is definitely the best imo. As a bonus the audiobook has a full cast of narrators including Mark Hamil and Common.

all of that blood is on the hands of the Israeli apartheid regime

Huh? How do you figure that? Isreal has done a ton of fucked things but that doesn't excuse massacring civilians. If you want support in fighting your oppressors you don't go around committing war crimes of your own. Both sides suck here.

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It's harder to market to smart people than dumb people

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Oh if only you had bothered even opening up the article. literally the second line:

Up until yesterday, Dropbox offered an unlimited $24-per-user-per-month plan for businesses called Dropbox Advanced that came with an "as much as you need" storage cap. This was intended to free business users from needing to worry about quotas.

I didn't see really any questions relating to mod tools or moderation outside of the one that was talking about the join-lemmy lists. Is that what you are referring to or do you mean the lack of mod tool discussion on that AMA?

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He's making a joke, because if you look at /all communities it can be like half posts from various Linux communities at times

Get corporate money out of politics, bust up monopolies/oligopolies, implement better regulations that hold executives/board members personally liable

I'm gonna give some advice that goes a bit against the grain here. It sounds like you want to try it out without making any big purchases before you know if you'll like it, so I'd suggest finding a drum instructor and take one or two lessons just to get a feel for a real acoustic kit. Let them know you don't have drums and just want to try some out. They'll be able to get you playing a super basic beat in that time and you can see how you feel from there. Learning instruments is hard for most people, especially learning a first instrument. At first it kind of sucks, because you don't know how to do anything. That's where an instructor will also be really helpful because they can show you some things that are fun but also easy. If you enjoy the lessons but still aren't sure you want to commit to buying anything, look for practice spaces in your area that provide equipment. Most small cities will likely have a few. This way you can try some stuff out on your own and play around without having to go all in on buying anything.

Then look in to getting a practice pad. I like this one because it's got two sides that emulate the feel of both drums and cymbals pretty well and is good for getting your hand coordination down, and the soft side is pretty quiet.

If you're still in to it, I would strongly suggest looking in to getting a used acoustic kit. Try craigslist/fb marketplace and look for Yamaha, Ludwig, Pearl, Gretsch, Tama, DW, Sonor, or Mapex. Try to get something that includes hardware and cymbals. If you're patient, you can usually find something in the $300-$500 range. Anything lower in those brands is an absolute steal. Learn how to tune and know that, just like playing, tuning drums is a skill that takes practice and you will be bad at at first.

As far as electric goes, there are very good electric kits out there, but in my opinion the only ones really worth getting are very expensive (think $1500-$2000+). The cheaper ones are a good way to learn bad habits and not get a feel for how large a dynamic range acoustic drums can be. If you do start out on electric and switch to acoustic when you find you want to stick with it it will likely be a harder transition than if you just started on acoustic. I understand some people can't make acoustic work because of their living situation, but imo everyone wanting to give drums a serious try should start acoustic if at all possible.

One final note, and I kind of touched on this before, but if you really want to give it a serious try just know that starting out sucks because you will be bad, and that's ok. Sucking at something is the first step to being good at something. Practicing can be a real bore, but if you focus on fundamentals and taking it slow you can build a great foundation quicker than you might expect that will make things easier and more fun down the road.

You mean like the disinformation that this user is literally spreading in this very thread?

Mass shootings account for only 0.1% of firearm homicides.

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If you're interested in this game at all at a pro level check out T90 on twitch. He streams pretty much all tournaments and is just genuinely a good dude.

Even worse than that imo is 'quarter of'. I swear to god it's been used to mean both before or after whatever hour they're talking about

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What do you mean? From that wiki page it looks like personal income tax is more than 5 times what is brought in from corporations

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