German government to review aid for Palestinians following Hamas attack to World – 302 points –
German government to review aid for Palestinians following Hamas attack

The German government said on Sunday it was reviewing its hundreds of millions of euros of aid for Palestinians following the biggest attack on Israel in years by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

Development Minister Svenja Schulze said the government had always been careful to check that the money was only used for peaceful ends.

"But these attacks on Israel mark a terrible fracture," she said. "We will now review our entire engagement for the Palestinian territories."


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What do they expect the Palestinians to do, just accept their own extermination?

I mean you can fight back against your oppressors without massacring civilians, many of whom aren't even Isrealis

War is never that convenient or that easy.

Damn I sure wish the circumstances of war didn’t force hamas to shoot up a festival

What a convenient and easy answer in defence of their actions. "It was just out of their hands".