
67 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I know its only one data point, but I just logged on to see how many people were online in a sub i used to frequent and it was down 30-50%, the lowest numbers i've seen all year.

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Pretty good. Using it much more and noticed a pretty good uptick in other posting stuff since I created my account.. I'd say I have two feet in the door to a new home. . Edited to clean up as was typing initial response on the go.

Thanks for keeping us updated. FYI i noticed an issue there was an error message saying to check (the matix) and (somewhere else, Lemmy community support?). Both of them pointed to the same URL, but im sure they were meant to point to different places.

Edit. Happed again and I took notes. Both point to lemmy.ml community support

If anyone has any coins they want to dump, r/GoForGold has reopened for challenges.

If you want to get rid of them quickly, a challenge could be like "first 5 commenters get a platinum", you could award a community award. GoForGold have a 5,000 coin "Golden Bracelet Award" which gives 1,000 coins to mods to give out on behalf of the sub. (10,000 also gives them 1,000 so 5,000 is better value. same for the 40,000 coin award, only giving 4,000 to community). The GoForGold mods have a summer bonanza lined up and i think they'll find a way to make use of all community awarded coins.

If you want to get rid of them efficiently, the timeless beauty award gives the awardee 100 coins to spend and the community.

Giving a gold medal gives the recipient a week of ad-free browsing and giving a platinum gives a month of ad-free browsing.

On the new scheme, A while ago i had Reddit app installed and noted there was an option for a "vault" in the menu bar where you could share stuff with other people, it needed a sign up for something else and i didn't look further into it, but think it could be related.

Since all the 3rd party stuff kicked off, Reddit feels different. Also i noted they kicked up a stink saying that DNDMemes and NCD were both SFW when people joined and its unfair that mods changed it to NSFW. When i signed up i could award people coins and without a replacement scheme out for us to judge it feels a bit hypocritical.

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Its not just the subreddit, ive noticed a change across the wider site. I suspect quite a few 3rd party app users have gone for a vacation, never came back.

Holy Hell!

I thought of writing a reply over there and maybe they'd get something out of it, but i think anything said will fall on deaf ears. It would have been short and maybe been more for my benefit then theirs by getting some feelings out (edit: Can of worms opened & were off...).

I joined up on Reddit to interact with some nerds, i thought they were funny. It really helped me get through some trying times, especially watching "The game" and looking forward to its daily updates. Im sad it didnt finish. After the subs mod asked for more mods, i put my hand up and helped out for a bit with another new mod. This mod who asked was effectively running the place.

The active, long time mod sought to gain the top mod position as there were other mods who were doing tens of actions a month while they and the new mods were doing thousands. Reddit knocked the request back saying they counted as active. It was things like approving posts that didnt need to be approved and unstickying posts.

Without going into intermod drama, the active long time mod left and i followed shortly after. I had been spending many hours in the sub, getting rid of spam etc and something hit one day after the ad-free time from a platinum i was gifted ran out and i started seeing ads. I felt that Reddit giving active mods a free premium was the least they could do. I was seeing how much time i spend in the app and had other things to do.

I think Reddit has lost something, it feels different and likely the 3rd party apps have lead to a lot of key contributors leaving. After that kicked off I started putting one foot out the door over there and now i'd say ive got two out. I might stilll drop in sometime, but by will to create has completely gone. And I'm annoyed how r/blind was treated.

I wont be participating in place although i did for place 22 and found it fun. I will be curious about the results though and if someone goes to place extra pixels again. I know they are pushing for an IPO and think it will end up different to however anyone envisaged it happening in January.

I'm happy with Lemmy and this instance and will try my best to be a good participant here in recognition of donated server time and it being run as a hobby. Thanks lemmy.world admins for running and hosting and being open and honest about policies and events.

Ne4+ placeholder move

Checkers. You start with only one piece type and they go to the trouble to make all those squares and you only use half of 'em.

I heard it was ostriches. Allegedly.

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About 3 months ago? They killed off the old award system. Gold, platinum, ternium , and the 100 other things you could add to posts or comments with reddit coins were Thanos snapped out of existence.

Now theres golden up votes where somehow if I spend real money and give something a golden upvote, the writer could receive real money (only for some countries). Don't know all the details as I figured I wouldn't be receiving any and wasn't going to be giving any.

Will it still fit in the the square hole?.

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I'm not sure if this will be unpopular, but if the emperor somehow returned, surely he could somehow go away again like it never happened and we get the thrawn trilogy and katana fleet.

Ng3 - placeholder move.

This is the last ad that had me paying full attention when it first came on. It was ran during the football finals season and they made two cuts, one for NRL and one for AFL. https://youtu.be/gbMeKMkE_mk

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Where's the Brick?

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I hope they never meet drop bears.

If I remember right, there was a spam detector bot or similar which I'm sure was third party and it either went off altogether or the project was suspended after accessing the API was going to come in.

Do you normally play with friendly fire turned on ? some 161660 ELO gaming.

I was binge watching the show "Letterkenny" One of their plotlines was about a Ostrich. Allegedly.... Im Australian, No Ostriches, only Emus.

Imma go see if the Southern Cross is still a thing. Or maybe I should just load up with two weeks of beer and wait it out. Why not both?

I once had the official app installed and saw it had something in the menu bar called "Vault" and was something to sign up for and said i could share stuff with my friends. I didnt look into it further, but think it might be related.

White just castled, its black to move. did you mean pawn on c7 to c6 ?

Meta Discussion. Next move is 8 hours because I need sleep. When i kicked this off, i was looking to do two games and have everything wrapped up by around now.

I am happy to continue this game while the community wants it, I will see about doing 3 moves a day. Just after I get up ~9am UTC, Just after lunch and around dinner ~9pm UTC so each side alternates who has the longer break. I am happy to be flexible and open to suggestions.

Ive also had a request to flip the board every time its blacks turn to move and will do that unless i hear strong opposition.

Hopefully this can be turned into a epic game and some titled players choose just one side to play and it turns into a close battle.

I would be looking to announce releases here and encourage gameplay among members. (It might sound like a shill statement, but i'd be looking as doing this as a hobby for the fun of it)

I havent looked at code, so i can only guess. Just before you looked at it, i clicked downvote. I realise my mistake and unclick/click it again. The local server we're browsing on (Server A) sends the downvote to the server the post was made on(Server B), but it also temporarily adjusts it local figure for a while until it can refresh from the server the post was made on. Last it knew server B had a tally at 0 downvotes, so it goes negative. (If Server A had a downvote figure of 4, the same process would have shown 3 to you)

A Logo turtle (programming language) is placed on f0 facing east.

Place a battleship on the board from c2-c6.

Its not over until the fat lady sings there are Snitties.

Bishops from the Knook game visit the board for a daytrip. They touch the squares they're not normally on (Dark bishop goes on light square, Light bishop goes on dark square)

With my current skillset, I reckon it'd take a lot more time to do than i have available. I'd probably see about modifying the inbuilt engine to recognise the new piece first.

Glad you like it. With a name like that, It's hard to be negative.

A diving bell would increase your underwater capabilities.

That got stuck in another canal, not the panama one. Maybe Suez?

First thought on a digital brick is that the player throwing the brick could force the other player to skip a move and be able to move twice in a row (while the bricked player is immobilized due to the pain) Edit. Adding the Knook by promotion to TODO list.

Noted, thankyou.

I received a move on another post for "Knight g1 to h3" and am putting this here on behalf of that commenter

I didn't realize Dex was the best attribute for chess unless it somehow avoids touching wrong pieces.

I say sure why not. Guy might be a God of Death, but surely it gets to be a lonely job and maybe Mortem just wants to chill. Maybe even go easy on them to give them a win.

What's the worst that could happen?

P.s. no idea what this game is.

Like a Knight or Rook. It can do both. Jump over pieces for knight, cant jump for rook moves.