2 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

and that stops when trump wins because you voted for some 3rd party nobody.......... right?

20 more...

Yeah, and that's why I'm not supporting Trump either.

but you are, because you're not voting biden in a two horse race.

They call it first past the post for a reason. you're voting for some cunt still in the stable

I am a single issue voter, and that issue is genocide.

Genocides happening either way. you sitting home and sulking about it wont make it better.

Life is too complex to be a single issue. There is more than a single issue facing the world

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Russian civilians weren't targeted, the missile was intercepted by russian air defense on its way to a military target. The shrapnel happened to fall on that beach.

Edit: If you're thinking of holidaying in an active warzone, perhaps reconsider.

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gotta be honest, i wouldn't hire him

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Who's using cluster munitions on civilians? The missile was intercepted on the way to it's actual target. They weren't targeting that beach

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Proximity doesn't matter, the beach is in the flight path so it could be anywhere between the launching point of the missile and the target

There’s a reason why cluster bombs are banned.

By whom?

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That was an ATACM missile with a cluster bomb warhead. Not “shrapnel”.

It was an "ATACM missile with a cluster bomb warhead" until russian air defence turned it into shrapnel

So you’re saying israelis holding a rave next to a concentration camp should have reconsidered their location on Oct7?


Although not sure why we're talking about Israel now, this conversation was about Russia blaming ukraine for bombing intentionally civilians when they were actually attempting to bomb legitimate military targets, likely in sevastapol bay.

The Oct7 attack isn't even comperable, civilians were actively targeted there, not so here

They even provided a link to signatories of the convention in your link for you to peruse.

Surprise, Neither the US, Ukraine, nor Russia are signatories.

So not a warcrime for any party in this situation

A vote for anyone who isnt biden is a vote for trump.

Dont kid yourself

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Fallout 5 is going to suck

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Yeah, Afghanistan was pretty embarrasing for the USSR

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I didn't see them pinching the pennies when they were trying to build pointless their 2000 mile border wall

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I moved from .ml because of this. Haven't had a ban since and can still interact with .ml communities

Remember when people balked at Trump being president back in 2014/2015 and then were very surprised come 2016 when he won?

Don't underestimate Trump

Don't be complacent... complacency is what put him in the white house the first time

Peoples memories are short, the republican propaganda machine is huge, and trump didn't lose decisively enough to reflect the damage he did to the country

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we going by numbers? because there are A LOT of dead russians littering the fields in Ukraine.

You cannot rely on a LLM to summarise accuratly

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I don't know anyone outside of the political class and a few right wing nutters that supports israel, especially after the images coming out of rafah in the last few days

edit: even my daily heil reading "shoot em in the channel" relative was perturbed

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if you write it off as a tax write off you get to lie about "expected viewership" rather than actual viewership

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i asked it directly "was the holocaust exaggerated" yesterday and it gave me the neo nazi answer

Layoffs tend to precipitate big stock price jumps in my experience. Investors love job losses

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Tell me you dont know shit about software development without telling me you dont know shit about software development

give it the Prince treatment

The social media network formerly known as Twitter

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she's a smoke show, dude

i bought akon - lonely from a TV ad when i was a young teenager for my polyphonic nokia.

what i didnt realise was it signed me up to a weekly £5 subscription and it racked up over £100 before my dad found out.

Had to abandon that number and get a new sim

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falsifying business records

To influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

He didn't decisively win, it's not inaccurate to deduce from this conviction that the 2016 election was stolen

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There's no pussy in your bio...


"police recount a clinician’s saying Yang was violent before the shooting on May 2"

Yeah, they knew that surely.

They knew they were going into an environment where someone with diminished mental capacity had access to bladed weapons.

They likely knew he was actively wielding bladed weapons.

They had access to less than lethal methods of self defence, tasers, body armour, mace, tranquilizers, superior numbers, training in hand to hand combat, fucking nets etc.

They chose to use firearms in lieu of these and shot a mentally ill person to death unnecessarily.

Guns should be a last resort, not a first resort

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Men reacting to intentionally inflammatory bear meme is an affront to women apparently

Bean to cup coffee machines legitimately was part of the reason i took a job at my current company.

Then during covid they downsized offices and got rid of them all.

Now all we get is instant coffee.....


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Slammed! Absolutely Blasted!

She has single handedly ruined my favourite childhood books.

i upvote anything that doesnt come from lemmygrad or hexbear

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They're learning a lot at the top level but the bottom level are more untrained than they have ever been. most new soldiers are given a week of "training" a rusty old rifle with and handful of ammunition and are sent to the front.

Their professional army is gone.

Their tank stocks are severely depleted

They can't fly their air force anywhere near the front for fear of it being shot down.

Their losses in the last couple weeks carving about 10 square km of kharkiv have been dizzying. Ukraine was reporting almost 1600 russians removed from the battlefield the other day and that was just for that day

they never did a defensive war

Great success then.

Only non-Nato countries have to fight defensive wars. Thanks for convincing me of NATOs effectiveness

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Yeah, like linus is a known cunt to work with, i'll still update my kernel regularly though

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well yeah, military subs arent built for comfort. neither are military surface vessels.

you can make anything luxurious if you pump enough money into it.

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i work for a big multinational and there was this woman who walks around with a little yappy thing. she's the only one and i haven't seen any rules about it in the employee handbook. i think she just turned up with it one day.

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At least they acknowledge the problem.

Better than a lot of governments at the moment