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“I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert told TMZ

Doesn't this entirely invalidate the claims of people like Boebert that woke-ism ruins people's personalities and thought processes? Shouldn't she be able to see that this guy was a degenerate trans groomer or whatever without needing to know his "political affiliation"?

If not, perhaps the negative side effects of people-with-different-opinions is not actually a fatal condition, after all.

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Kansas state patrol needs to step in and take over this situation, hopefully ending with the prosecution of the police chief for abuse of power and manslaughter. If they don't act soon, the FBI needs to investigate both organizations.

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Any official acknowledgment of the rising threat from ring-wing domestic terrorism is good. The first step to solving a problem is identification!

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Such a weird thing to volunteer, especially for someone that is supposedly a 'master negotiator'. The hook was set and line was being pulled back. The sell was done!

It might not be the #1 rule of sales, but pretty close to the top is "once you've closed the deal, stop talking".

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How could this possibly be ruled as Constitutional? Let alone any remaining shadow of 'party of small government' irony, that shipped sailed into the West a long, long time ago.

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Spot on. I would have no idea Framework existed without LTT, and I likely would not have clicked into the article or comments on this thread, either.

It's hilarious to me that Elon insisted on having a headshot and being mentioned first in the team description. Everyone knows he isn't doing anything of value, but he has to appear as if he's writing the code himself because his tiny ego can't tolerate "just" being the money guy.

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Oh wow, that last part about wars in the middle east being a conspiracy is totally new to me. I suppose it's no less unbelievable than the planet being a flat disc or moon landing hoaxes.

I don't use Haier products but a similar thing happened with Chamberlain when they blocked the MyQ integration even though it was using the legitimate API and not breaking any rules. No attempt to work with anyone in the HA community at all, just shut everything down.

On one hand, this means projects like Home Assistant are getting popular enough to have enough usage to effect these companies. So that's great! In the long term, we'll all figure out solutions, but in the short term it feels like an increasing fight between corporate and open-source control over smart devices.

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“The takeaway I got is that she wants to turn our schools into pedophile molestation factories,” DePape testified

Honest question: what does "pedophile molestation factory" even mean?!

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Hamas is not all Palestinians.

Israel is a country, not a religion.

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Billet Labs sent them a 3090ti to test with and LMG lost it before they filmed the review. They comment on the GPU being wrong in the video. .

BL also commented on the video explaining why it would perform poorly with the 4090.

Someone at LMG agreed to send it back before they sold it at auction. Then that didn't happen and there was no apology or attempt to make it right until the GN video came out.

They always knew it was being tested wrong.

Wasn't the hair, it was the motor oil black hair dye that Frank Reynolds mixed up for him in his underground salon.

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I will just never understand how so many people look at a broken down car on the side of the highway, then think "what if whatever happened to that vehicle was the same, but 5,000 feet in the air?"

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One of the most prominent generative AI tools that has been making headlines in the last few months. Stable Diffusion is specifically meant to create fully artificial, photo-realistic images. If you've ever seen one of those "all of these people don't exist" montages, it was almost certainly using images generated by this tool.

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Honest question, what structures or authorities exist outside of the city level to investigate something like this? Is it all down to what the mayor decides, or can the Kansas governor or state patrol launch an investigation? What about federal agencies like the FBI?

I could be misremembering, but from the original story it sounded like the mayor was likely tied up in the motivation for the original raid. Not surprising for a small town, really. Once you get down to a few hundred people, there's only so many businesses and families to go around.

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You should, sounds like you definitely contributed more to the benefit of human society than I ever have!

This is standard policy for Israel, the same entity that pretends giving people a 'warning' before blowing up their home is a good enough excuse.

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You're just doing the same thing in the opposite direction. Calling his take "fictional" is making a claim, not 'just asking questions'.

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Oh, but you are also decrying any reaction at all.

Saying something is not acceptable is action.

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Almost like it's a bit for entertainment! Being a "jackass" on camera is not at all the same thing as this story.

My conservative Catholic family thinks the current Pope is a plant by the liberals, so he must be doing something right in my book.

Bernie voters were statistically unreliable at the polls. He lost that one and isn't running this cycle, so what is the relevance?

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Broadcasting on TV these days is less likely to reach a wide audience than posting on the internet, but a platform is a platform.

The whole idea of the opposition not voting to keep the current Speaker being a "threat to the institution" is so absurd. The entire point of the Speaker of the House is to acknowledge that one group of representatives have decided to vote together on important issues, in other words it's the result of having a majority. If you can't do a simple thing like decide on a leader, are you really a majority?

Sounds like the Dems and the handful of GOP reps that voted to kick out the old Speaker should be treated as the new de facto majority, no?

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From the quotes in the article, they didn't just "not disclose" so much as "lied". Regardless of subject matter, when someone cares enough to make sure something they don't want to be associated with isn't involved and then they find out it actually is, they have a right to be upset.

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Yeah, but it kinda makes him a hypocrite now, don't it?

They know enough to not want to be associated with it.

Let's not forget the prosecutors!

That's just straight up racism.

Oh, so war crimes are justified as long as the other side does it first?

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It's just a natural extension of the concept that entities have some kind of ownership of their creation and thus some say over how it's used. We already do this for humans and human-based organizations, so why would a program not need to follow the same rules?

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Excuses and spin. Nobody claimed they sold it, just that they didn't return property that didn't belong to them.

How did he back down on student loan forgiveness? Biden administration is still pushing and working on that issue.

What do you think the President can do to "fix our broken system riddled with corruption" while also fighting a very real threat to the end of democracy? That is really the job of Congress, and Biden has said many times that he'll sign whatever the Dems send him. But they don't have the votes there and everything is even more chaotic, but at least blame the right people.

I know this from personal experience after reading the entirety of the Left Behind book series as they were published. At the start I was spending my summers in the equivalent of that Jesus Camp documentary, and by the time I finished was at the end of my personal deconversion journey and come out the other side as an opinionated college atheist.

So, yeah, quite terrifying to see that kink for the apocalypse continue to play out in front of us.

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Longer than the warning they gave for the API changes!

I think you are likely right, but it's more general than just about training costs. The term "AI" carries a ton of baggage, both good and bad.

To some extent, I think we also keep pushing back the boundary of what we consider "intelligence" as we learn more and better understand what we're creating. I wonder if every future tech generation will continue this cycle until/unless humanity actually does create a general artificial intelligence--every iteration getting slightly closer but still falling short of "true" AI, then being looked at as a disappointment and not worthy of the term anymore. Rinse and repeat.

Does SponsorBlock automatically skipping vs me manually scrubbing actually make any difference to what the creator receives in compensation?

No, the two party 'system' is a natural byproduct of how our current election process works. If we saw the rise of a third party, it would eventually supplant one of the existing major parties, just like we've seen in the past.