Cruz introduces bill to limit using preferred names, pronouns; critics note he uses a preferred name to politics – 708 points –

Sen. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill that would limit the use of preferred names by trans people.
The irony, critics point out? The senator, whose legal name is Rafael Edward Cruz, uses a preferred name himself: Ted.


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How could this possibly be ruled as Constitutional? Let alone any remaining shadow of 'party of small government' irony, that shipped sailed into the West a long, long time ago.

The article's title presents this in a misleading way. The bill in question wouldn't prevent people from using their preferred names and pronouns. What it would do is prohibit the government from spending federal funds to implement or enforce any rules or recommendations encouraging its employees and contractors to respect those names and pronouns.

So in other words this is an attempt at protecting hate-speech, not at restricting free-speech. Shitty, but probably not unconstitutional.

No word from Rafael yet on whether he thinks enforcing preferred names if how the Pentagon lost 6 trillion dollars

They never meant that "small government" thing; they were just chapped that the feds interfered with their racist bullshit at the state level.