
1 Post – 141 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Has there been an update? The last time I tried this... It was not a good experience... Seemed to crash pretty often, but I am on an arm64 device.. so maybe that has something to do with it

If the Internet has taught me anything... I know someone out there took one look and said 'imma fuck this thing. '

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we really ain't making any jokes on the name of the drives? okay...

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I miss this type of shit from early ufc days... Like they used to just put muy Thai vs karate masters and it was interesting as hell to see. I get why it happened but now it's all mma vs mma... Not as fun imo.

Edit- I'm remembering seeing a few sumo dudes too. I'm thinking this was the 90s

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semi-related tale. when i was in college, there was a snow storm and a bachelor party in the same week... so I missed 2 of 2 classes before the friday quiz. the class was hard already and i wanted to at least show that i cared about the course. so, I showed up to the quiz anyway. i ended up spending 40 mins or so writing about how the rhythmic hip thursts of some historical science person had changed my entire life and the landscape of modern dance. i had zero clue what the quiz was on and deserved to fail. i got a 50 % on the quiz and the professor thanked me, but asked that i never do that again. that was a fucking win over a zero. sometimes people just need a good laugh.

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Wow mfers really added tiling too... Cosmic has so much hype around it... I wish it the best and hope to check it out.

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<3 my pinephone pro

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I worked with a guy that only shat if he was naked. He said it was the cleanest and most comfortable way to poo.a Side note is that he went to jail once and he cleaned up his act after he had to "poop in front of another man"

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oh wow, i had forgotten! I too was hopeful....

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i took this personally, upvoted

there's been a lot of development.

https://pine64.org/blog/ https://xnux.eu/log/ https://linmob.net/

just depends what you're into. megi just figured out audio stuff for calls but he be busy. plasma mobile is a ton of dev'ing going on.

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I've seen a very similar picture of this a few years back. Happy to see it wasn't removed but no fucking way I'm smoking out of that ...

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yo so one fuck this guy, but also this is just sad to see. fuck this dude's people for riding this shit train until it's dead.

I use https://m3u4u.com/ to edit it down... There's a fair amount of good content. Cartoon Network, toonami aftermath and mythos are some of my faves. But there's so much content that there's bound to have something decent.

edit - sorry for those i shared this too some ass just shared it publicly... i had to delete it. this is why we can't have nice things.

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as much as i'm not surpirsed.... it's finally looking like a meaningful conclusion (pls don't crush my dreams, its been a long week)

I love you Ross. You fighting the good fight. Probably for no reason as I doubt he'll have any impact... But I'm fucking rooting (I haven't watched it yet so maybe that'll change my mind.... But On bunny watch... She can't be trusted. )

edit - just finished. well written, well researched... but seems a lil optimistic even for how realistic he seems to be. but damn it i hope he WE win

So I use both for work... Libre for most things, but for spreadsheets or powerpoints that are a bit more complex, onlyoffice works/looks better.

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Mario RPG for the SNES is really good. I was going to replay it recently but it sounds like a remaster is coming

No. I genuinely doubt it ever will... Huge pinephone stan here but I don't see it happening. And before you make the purchase.... Please be sure you know what you're getting into... I'm so sick and tired of folks popping in the chat rooms asking how to install android. We're actually dealing with a lot of spam lately due to a clearly butt hurt person...

You kid and aren't wrong, but this was a huge metric when I was first getting into Linux. I remember seeing it prodominantly posted on Ubuntu's site ... I wonder which version... I think 4 or 6?

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Am I crazy, or do I not see a link? I am headed to bed...

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Geez how crazy is it that I misread this as 'death penalty for child rape victims' and was like 'yo that's fucked up... But I'm not surprised '

somehow no one said puppy linux. it's small, fast and functional. there is an compatible debian version here - https://vanilla-dpup.github.io/

I'm in the States so dunno how this translates... But my parents made get a 500usd limit credit card when I was like 14. It had been the best decision that I've made. My credit is so dn good now that I can get what ever I want easily approved. That and they insisted I make a home purchase at like 23- right be fore the mortgages went nuts. My mortgage is like a quarter of what others pay for a rental...

Thanks ma and pa 🤜🤛

weird trump shit brother. i've noticed much of those flags are also the back the blue shit flags too (blue lives matter tomfoolery)

There is.... But let me tell you... I've had to restore my backups several times. Occasionally steam just will update it... It drives me nuts

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Well as a Hispanic, I'm obligated to say adobo, sazon and or sofrito...

But cumin is fire in a lot of things too... Like wanna add flavor but no salt? Sprinkle in a lil cumin. Mac n cheese with cumin is a vibe.

Yes! SXMO Arch with waybar. It's a great little device (if you're ready and able to jump thru some hoops).

and i kinda want to see her do porn, but life's not always fair... well i mean this case she's gotten away with far more than most folks would... so yeah maybe its not fair in that regard either.

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So I grew up christian... But have always adhered to scientific beliefs. I was working with someone and they commented that my dinosaur wallpaper was funny for a lot of reasons. Curious I asked why... She proceeded to tell me that she didn't believe in dinosaurs. I've genuinely never heard this and left the lab without replying. I went home to research and I discovered a lot of people believe that... I was shocked. I mean we have their dookie. I never looked at her the same. Then never really spoke to her when she forgot I was ethnic and mentioned something about 'the people that aren't the same tone as us' (I'm pale... I don't go out much... I look ambiguously Italian)

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So covids def changed the place, but I'm rooting for it... But I love Montreal, QC. I know Quebec gets hate for being rude to non French speakers but I've genuinely only had one bad experience and it was a McDonald's outside Montreal.... But the food is great, they have a lot to do both indoor and outdoor activities (see edit) and it helps coming from the states my money is worth a bit more. Man... It's been too long... I wanna go back.

edit - my favorite things to do is the tam tams, frites alors (hands down my favie resturant), there's a lot of beautiful cathedrals.... the aboritory is awesome. all the 'lil x towns' are legit too... man... i need to go back. i recommend going during the jazz fest if you can afford it.

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i'm kind of surprised no one mention the old boi last.fm

edit - to be clear i understand its an all but dead platform but its always been there for me :') and their algorithm seems better than it should be.

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I'm really not trying to derail this severity of the post... but I legit thought these were a new type of butt plug... the internet has ruined me.

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Every time i see BYD, I get excited at prospects at 'bringing your own device' and then I realize I can't read, once again.

Maybe one day...

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This looks crazy promising for us sxmo users ... I'll def check this out.

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super sad story...

but those last two parapgraphs confuse the hell out of me... i tried searching to understand and am much more confused... eli5?

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