The weirdos, punks and hippies in the town where I grew up all hung out at a little park downtown. Many of us are on a social media group together. Someone shared this park classic with us.

Flying to – 186 points –

Ah, memories...


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I've seen a very similar picture of this a few years back. Happy to see it wasn't removed but no fucking way I'm smoking out of that ...

When you're a teenager, you take what options you can get.

Pop can, apple, toilet paper roll wrapped in tinfoil, using tap aerator as pipe screen, hot knives on the stove, bottle tokes off the end of a burning cigarette, etc. Lol.

hot knives on the stove,

That first time you get a hash ball and completely waste it because you don't know how to hot knife.. Good times. I mean bad times at the time, but good times.

I think I'm the only one in my extended group in highschool that didn't burn my lower lip. Ouch!

Some time ago when visiting my parents i took a knive from the drawer and it was the one i remember quite well from my teenage years cause it has a permanent burn mark on it.

My mom saw me looking at it and said, yeah that one just suddenly turned up like that, i still have no idea what happend to it.

Sorry mom..

The pop can was my go-to in a pinch in my teenage years. Wonder if it left any lasting effects.. I also recall using someone's homemade bong made out of a Gatorade bottle and socket, pretty sure the original creator never cleaned it. Good times.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have cancer from the soda can print fumes in 10 years

I think it's burning the plastic the coats the inside that causes cancer, cans aren't just metal and ink

Pop cans have a plastic liner to stop the super acidic contents (Pepsi/coke) from corroding the aluminum

I can see you aren't a stupid teenager who was just handed a small bud that's probably ditch weed.

you won my heart with the last statement. you can def tell someone's age by how much shitty weed they smoked in their life.

I remember an older guy that grew said there was some shake in his attic we could have. It was a small kitchen catcher garbage bag full. And almost no THC but we learned how to roll huge J's and made the best of it.

Pen + water bottle until they replaced the metal tip with chrome plated plastic onesa

Apples always worked too

Yeah no way that isn't filled with dried piss or worse. Nowadays gas stations sell glass pipes, but even if you're desperate an apple or soda can will do the trick.

Apple pipe is elite, I'm a grown man and I still smoke an apple pipe sometimes.