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Joined 7 months ago

trump thinks only in terms of television. he picked the pretty lawyer because, in his mind, everyone that looks good is better than other people. his narcissism is chronic.

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2030 is too far away and i think that's naive. we need them gone now. you don't understand how ingrained conservative thinking is in rural areas. they aren't going away. they're making new ones every day.

slavery never died. it just put on a new suit.

we fought a war to end it the first time. i fail to see why we should be so polite now.

they should have just let him go. it was going to work itself out.

have children forgotten that we had a flower power/summer of love/ hippie generation and the impacts of that are still being felt today? jim henson, mister rogers, public broadcasting... all that stuff was a ripple effect from a generation of people who were fed up with protestant america's quiet stoicism.

never forget that shit. those people changed western culture for the better. pick up the torch.

i don't know man... it's kind of a big deal. it's a woman's right to choose what she is allowed to do with her body. i'm more concerned about issues like that than i am economic BS. have you already gotten complacent about it?

i think it's a glaring indictment of what to expect if you let these psychopaths run the country. i think it needs to be center stage.

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we need to convince them that voting is a left wing conspiracy

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everything's fine personally, but it makes me sad and bitter that i see a world where the light keeps getting dimmer. when i was younger, i believed in a bright future. hell, i believed in a bright future up until 2015 or so.

i don't see young people making good memories any more. i don't see love any more.

what can you do about it? make sure there are consequences for the people who are making it go dark.

you guys gotta give these administrations a break over palestine and israel. this middle east policy has been ingrained into american politics since the end of WWII. it's really hard for one president to come in and undo shit that eisenhower and roosevelt engineered as a CENTURIES LONG STRATEGY. believe it or not, there are some big picture things at play here.

disclaimer: i do not support israel and think that palestinians are being treated in an inhumane way.

i feel like society as a whole would improve greatly if they just, you know, didn't exist. it's almost as if we stand on the verge of a complete global catastrophe and the only way to resolve it is to get rid of them all. entirely.

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if we could just get rid of the idiots waving flags and bibles... it's almost as if they're destroying the entire world with their ignorance.

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is anybody in here over the age of 25?

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you just have to get far enough away to not get burned while you watch the crash.

if there is one state that needs to be federally governed, it's this one i live in. fuck this place.

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everybody jokingly says eat the rich but i happen to mean it

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i, for one, would love to see conservative states get spanked into submission like they did 150 years ago. they need to learn to shut their fucking mouths and do as they're told.

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the ignorant masses are the one actually responsible. they want bibles and flags. the grifters making a profit off of it would be easily legislated into oblivion if there weren't masses of cruel idiots that provide a support base.

and if calling stupid out is ableist, then i'm un-apolegetically guilty of being ableist.

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financial equality is so much more important than a living planet /s

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if only we could start a political cleansing in that state. turn that purple into blue.

i wish they would get violent and we would respond in kind with greater force. give me a reason to start shooting these stupid fucks. let's get this over with ffs.

until you feel like they are trying to lead you into giving them reasonable suspicion, at which point you begin the "am i free to go?" routine.

the problem to me seems more like you're worried about what other people think? you were defending yourself before you did anything, and it backfired, but if you hadn't gave a fuck in the first place, we wouldn't be 6 replies deep about your anxiety?

anyways, please go tell FB that they're pedophiles.

i'll stick with the tried and true method of just not having a FB. if we all just stopped using it, it would go away. it seems pretty simple to me.

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there's still so much valuable academic information that never sees the light of day, or gets erased as the internet serpent eats its own tail.

you kids need to eat more acid.

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what about all the animals?

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this is the way

duh. i cut ties years ago. never looked back. life is better.

douglas adams quotes warm my soul

get ready for your mid life crisis at 45. it's gonna be great. you're gonna be hip again for like five minutes but it's gonna be glorious and you will get laid a lot.

ah, the wife is pissed and sad at me. she just left for her job away from home for 3 days without saying goodbye knowing that i will be leaving in a day for a work trip where i won't be back for 2 weeks. it's frustrating but i got a bad case of cynical stoicism that keeps me just distant enough and inside my own head that i don't really care. i'm probably gonna play warthunder and smoke weed about it.

thanks for asking.

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wealth redistribution =/= unlimited growth

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"I’ll implant a bullet in somebody's head before any tech directly touches my neurons."


we could have reformed him - 30 years ago when he was still a child in the public school system. the state could have made sure he was being fed, that his parents were capable, and gave him a good education and introduced him into a society that didn't feel like his life was over before it began.

but yes; at this point now, it's probably best that he be put out his misery before he hurts others.

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conservatives get strung up and gutted in my perfect world, so no, i'm not here to defend diversity.

remember when radiolab was THE PREMIERE PODCAST?

hey everybody! i'm masterblaster! i make modules for D&D and play in a blues band! remember, kill all conservatives for the future of humanity!

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i'm only interested in which method is more effective. whichever one that is is the one the good guys need to use.

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i'll be gone from here in april, but the other poster is right. poverty chains a lot of people here. we shouldn't just turn our back on these states. there are people who are being eaten alive by this state's piss poor government.

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it's a stupid meme. try harder next time.

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staying fed has always been a problem in central and south america. you can't grow big crops without wiping out large swaths of rain forest. stop cutting down rain forests. stop following catholic traditions that encourage large families. ya'll should be having way less kids. the ecosystem just can't support large populations. you'd be better off going back to living in small units dependent on hunting and fishing.

sorry bro. that's just how life works. you really don't want what america has. cherish what you have.