The Supreme Court Has Itself to Blame for Texas Defying Its Orders to politics – 414 points –
Gift Article: The Supreme Court Has Itself to Blame for Texas Defying Its Orders

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i, for one, would love to see conservative states get spanked into submission like they did 150 years ago. they need to learn to shut their fucking mouths and do as they're told.

You're aware hundreds of thousands were killed during the Civil War, right?

I, for one, would love to see a resolution without bloodshed.

One side of the political spectrum has proven that they are willing to kill to get what they want.

Not sure how it will turn out but there's already bloodshed.

The question is how much bloodshed are we willing to see before we do something about it.

That's precisely the reason a peaceful outcome should be reached. Rather than advocating for an extreme escalation in violence to "own" the other side.

I would love to see our national problems solved peacefully but the same republicans pushing for civil war in Texas are the same people who also have been obstructing Congress from doing the will of the people for the last 15 years. They're the same people who tried to overthrow the government when Trump lost to Biden.

Have you been living under a rock, or just idealistic? It might be time to get a bag ready.

If advocating against a civil war makes me idealistic, then so be it.

Anyone who thinks a civil war is necessary and appropriate is ignorant of the cost of war. They should honestly ask themselves if they would truly back up their words with actions, or do they only hold those feelings behind the safety of a screen.

If I'm going to get shot at by some AR-toting bigot, or I'm going to get shot at by an AR-toting bigot that I'm returning fire on, I'll take the second choice 10/10 times. These people have proven that they are willing and able to use violence to accomplish their goals. Waiting calmly for them to do so is a recipe for dying without anything to show for it.

we're dooming untold generations yet to be born if we don't take quick decisive action. i'd sacrifice 10 million to save 20 billion.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots from time to time.”

I’m quoting this as though I’m brave enough to go die in some urban street combat.

I'd rather see them secede and watch how quickly Texas and Florida get tired of having to carry the rest of the red states without federal money from blue states. We'd be fine or perhaps better of without them, but I don't think the reverse is true.