7 Post – 221 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How about term limits in congress too?

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This headline is technically correct, but it's clearly meant to cause outrage. The headline "Trump's Bible only includes the bill of rights" isn't going to get as much attention.

Manufacturing outrage obfuscates Trump's actions that people should actually be outraged about.

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The boomers aren't a monolith. It's millions of people with different experiences and actions throughout their lives.

Did a large number vote/legislate themselves into this problem? Yes. Are millions of others also along for the ride despite not supporting this system? Also, yes.

The issues in this article aren't even applicable to boomers exclusively. Gen-X is a big portion of the population mentioned in the article. This isn't a generational problem, it's a class problem.

And don't forget the fact that if these systemic issues aren't addressed, we'll all face the consequences.

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The bill forbids "intentional injection, release, or dispersion" of chemicals into the air.

Instead it broadly prohibits "affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight".

This bill is obviously based in ignorance, but from an envirinmental/pollution standpoint this seems like a good thing. It's not their intention, but it sounds like it would protect the atmosphere from potential real polluters.

Edit: based in ignorance in the sense that some people supported the bill to ban "chem trails" (an ignorant position). Not in the sense that weather manipulation isn't real.

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CEO of the powerful trade group PhRMA—Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America—said in a statement that the group is "deeply concerned with the FDA’s reckless decision to approve Florida’s state importation plan" and claimed importation "poses a serious danger to public health."

Yeah right. These Canadian drugs will definitely pose a health risk to Americans. Suuuuure. They're definitely not worried they'll have less money to line their pockets with.

I understand that the US is likely vulnerable to cyber attack, but is a widespread attack by China likely in the immediate future?

I mean, let's say China does disable infrastructure, banking, etc in a coordinated and widespread attack. But then what? An attack on that scale is an act of war, and I doubt China would be willing to follow up with military action at this time.

Perhaps this is more of a preventive MAD type strategy? Essentially a warning to the US to not mess with China, or else these are the consequences.

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If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $1.1 trillion, that's the bank's problem.

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Her job was to be on active tarmac near running aircraft. She isn't some random person that shouldn't have been there.

It appears she wasn't paying attention and people tried to stop her from walking into the propeller.

“Others began shouting and waving to get [Cosme’s] attention as well,” the report said. It added: “Without looking up to determine her position relative to the aircraft, [Cosme] proceeded to walk directly into the propeller … sustaining fatal injuries.”

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A war between Russia and NATO would result in the textbook definition of a pyrhhic victory. Everyone should be afraid of that. There will be no winners in nuclear combat.

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I know it's not the popular opinion, but I agree with your position in your first paragraph. I think the context does make a difference.

The chocolate pudding line is definitely weird, but also definitely racist.

And if you're a fan of quotation marks you could call it a "2"x4"."

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The Nicaraguans “have no reason to inject themselves into a conflict over the Middle East,” one of the western intelligence officers said.

Well that's definitely the most ironic thing I'm going to read for a while.

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Not to mention the fact all the tolerances should have been determined before mass production began. You determine the dimensional requirements and develop the manufacturing process to deliver that.

There is absolutely no way they have the systems and tools in place to properly measure every part with sub 10-micron accuracy and precision either. To control those dimensions you need to go a whole additional order of magnitude out. I pity the fool that has to manage that control plan.

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Isn't this redundant? The UN Outer Space Treaty already prohibits all WMDs in space, and all major countries have signed on.

States shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies or station them in outer space in any other manner;

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I don't disagree one bit. The Border(TM) gets trotted out more than it ought to every couple years. That's probably why this issue will never be fixed--it's great at riling people up.

However, I think people should still be aware of the facts of the situation. At least if they actually care about the problem. Misinformation doesn't fix anything.

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I don't know why you're being down voted. I swear, some people would rather complain than make the smallest effort to help themselves. It's good advice.

Even very small contributions to a retirement account can make a big difference in old age.

It's a high crime neighborhood because criminals live there. Or more precisely, because it's a poor, gang infested neighborhood.

What you've said makes no sense. There are high crime neighborhoods like this all over the country independently of what Google maps does. There are also neighborhoods full of tourists that aren't high crime areas.

Particular conditions, in this particular neighborhood, lead to these particular crimes occurring.

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I don't really follow. Do you mean only non/minimally physical competitions or all competitive sports/games/activities?

For things like chess, fishing, and spelling bees gender segregation doesn't make sense. But for things like martial arts or weight lifting I think it makes sense.

It at least makes sense if the goal is competition between roughly similar groups of participants, and not just a single open class dominated by a particular physiology.

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No kidding. There's no need to be so judgemental of that woman over such a short quote. People react to all sorts of events this way. Tornados, fires, kidnappings, etc.

Yeah this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Bears (brown, not so much black) and wolves don't see people as prey? Wrong. Humans just cross paths with them less frequently.

Humans may not be the prey of choice for bears and wolves. But that's the case for mountain lions too.

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I would image it's because the original trial was declared invalid (mis-trial). Not because he was found not guilty. Essentially no verdict has been reached, therefore double jeopardy isn't applicable.

I agree. More power to them, but I'm way too risk adverse to personally stop paying. I genuinely hope they can induce some change. I guess that makes me a scab.

I hope this debt is forgiven someday, but I don't have enough faith in the powers that be to risk my future on it.

"A police state keeps everyone safe"


"No wait, not like that"

What? Sandwiches definitely shouldn't go days without refrigeration!?

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Let's see what the source says:

There were 50k more border encounters (illegal apprehensions) in December than the year before. In fact, encounters have been significantly higher than recent years since August (no data for January).

You can agree or disagree with the response to the influx of people at the border. But there is no denying there has been a considerable increase in traffic.

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Do you have any sources to back this up? I'm genuinely curious.

On a surface level this is an interesting interpretation. However, agriculture predates Abrahamic religions in that part of the world by thousands of years. As far as I know agrarian societies (and the concept of land ownership) were already well established.

The story of Prometheus doesn't even predate the earliest forms of Genesis by very much.

A flood in March 2019 created a 10-mile lake at the park. In October 2015, kayakers were able to paddle around the park when 1.3 inches of rain fell at one time

Crazy to imagine what 4 inches will do.

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That's a terrible reason. You would rather a patient in need not have blood available than be charged for it?

There is definitely price gouging in blood. But it also requires testing, transportation, and storage before it can be used. The money for all that has to come from somewhere (unfortunately in the US it's usually the patient).

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Too bad many states will just refuse the money.

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You know, Jesus did grow up. You don't always have to call him baby. It's a bit odd and off putting to pray to a baby.

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Why not both?

Guns are a fact of life in the US. Kids will be exposed to them. For every child killed in a mass shooting there are many more accidentally killed due to unsafe handling.

Ignoring this fact is the gun equivalent of "just say no."

The people most likely to be abused by police are the least likely to be able or willing to file a formal complaint.

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I get that the law is the law, and the jury has to rule as such (barring nullification), but this is such a stupid law.

None of our other constitutional rights are contingent on not using controlled substances.

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Fine, then think of it as free money to supplement your income with when you're 60+.

Plus it says maxing out credit cards. Not just credit card debt. I have a hard time too beliving it's that many people.

It's not a small minority. Look at the results of every presidential election since the 1980s, they're not representative of an overwhelming majority of the population. Nor are the republican/democratic splits in Congress.

But that's all besides the point. These generational lines are all arbitrary anyways. We agree there are problems with the status quo--do you think the fixes just shouldn't apply to anyone over 55? Would you be okay with that logic being applied to yourself in 30+ years?

Tom Hanks sent one of his kids to one of these institutions.

I live here and people are getting priority over AI?

Iowa isn't like many states where there is water scarcity. This cooling water isn't even being consumed. It's used for cooling and returned to the waste water system.

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Indignity of receiving child support? Are you kidding?

We're talking about a child/children's parent being killed, and you think it's somehow unjust that they're receiving the smallest amount of financial restitution from the person who killed them. I'd love to hear you explain how this is somehow stupid or insulting to a single parent and the surviving children.

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