AI-Music Arms Race: Meet Udio, the Other ChatGPT for Music to – 7 points –
AI-Music Arms Race: Meet Udio, the <em>Other</em> ChatGPT for Music

I've messed around with Udio and Suno quite a bit and I think Udio is a bit better. Especially with generating vocals without an auto-tune sound. Although I don't think it responds to prompts quite as well.


Oh, cool, I hadn't heard of these.

takes a look

These are actually pretty impressive.

I mean, I recall looking at last efforts at computer-generated music, but this looks remarkably general purpose. They've got meaningful lyrics, vocals, and instruments.

I thought so too. It's really fun to mess around with as someone who isn't very musically inclined. I did a quick search on Lemmy and was surprised to see neither has really been posted about.

Thanks for posting, don't mind the downvotes from the luddites :D

No worries, I just wanted to share a couple cool AI tools. Figured this sub was as good as any to post about Suno and Udio in.

I think you can provide lyrics yourself, can udio generate lyrics on its own? I listened to some of the staff pick songs, and they were pretty good. I'm not musically inclined, and I have zero skill in coming up with lyrics, but stuff like this and Midjourney let me be creative in ways I don't have natural talent in.

I bet Udio is going to loathed by musicians even harder then artists hate Midjourney.

I feel exactly the same way. I can now be creative in ways I couldn't before. Sometimes I'll use my own lyrics, sometimes I'll use ChatGPT to write lyrics and I'll edit. It's really fun to play with the same lyrics in different genres too.