Climate denialists find new ways to monetize disinformation on YouTube

Lee to – 255 points –
Climate denialists find new ways to monetize disinformation on YouTube

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if we could just get rid of the idiots waving flags and bibles... it's almost as if they're destroying the entire world with their ignorance.

They're literally a death cult.

Historically, speaking, fascism goes hand-in-hand with death cults

How about destroying the people actually responsible? You know, like those who gave them those flags and bibles, and created the systems that indoctrinate them in to blindly worshiping both?

And also not being ableist while we're at it.. (E: better link)

the ignorant masses are the one actually responsible. they want bibles and flags. the grifters making a profit off of it would be easily legislated into oblivion if there weren't masses of cruel idiots that provide a support base.

and if calling stupid out is ableist, then i'm un-apolegetically guilty of being ableist.

We should do both. But at some age we must hold people accountable for their decisions.

These aren't children. These people want flags and bibles and things to hate. If they didn't, they'd stop consuming them.