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Part of it is the standard crisis of capitalism, the profit you get from doing the same thing always declines, so over time you have to push up revenue (increasing prices, forcing people to pay, showing more ads, gathering more data, etc) & push down costs (fire engineers, run on less hardware, etc)

Part of it is capitalisms natural tendency to create monopolies, and the lack of competition in a given field causing the company to then lose sight of what it's good at to compete in a bigger field.

Part is that interest rates mean loans are no longer cheap, so taking on debt to get customer, to at some point down the line make money, is a less viable plan. Twitter is a special case where the bad loans are because that was the original deal not interested rate related, and Musk is trying to pull all of the enshitification levers at the same time.

Part is that CEOs generally don't have a fucking clue about their products or what they are doing (it's a circuit job about who you know/blow, not what you know), so once one CEO starts firing/enshitifying, the rest just copy them so as to not be left out.

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This is the result of alienation from your labor that capitalism excells at, get hobbies or start organizing as a way to break out of it.

We don't need to change the entire god damn system to be useful, but at least building towards it is infinitely more rewarding than doing nothing IMO

Funny how we addressed the tool that helped black kids first, rather than the one that hurt them.

Maybe it's because this is being pushed by bad people, that you seem to agree with under some fantasy of "100% merit based" reality.

Systemic biases exist, AA compensated for them banking AA is basically pretending this nation isn't racist AF.

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It's not pure greed though, if companies do not push down costs & push up revenues enough, they get replaced by those that do.

It is capitalism doing what it does "best", here's a clip from I'm A Virgo that explains it better than me:

There are niches where companies can hide out for a while, especially if they provide a service that needs local implementation, but social media isn't one of those niches, if you get outcompeted, your toast, no matter how big you peak, MySpace, Tumbler, Digg, Slashdot, etc, this is the monopolization effect of markets.

You can never change who your parents are, that's some real mental gymnastics to justify how hereditary acceptance criteria is good actually, but using race to identify those underservered by k-12 education, lacking in family connections, not having knowledge of college specific tricks to getting accepted & generally having less resources available to do the extra-ciricular activity to get in, and compensate for that bias is bad.

Affirmative action is only silly if you don't accept that systemic racism exists.

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But asking them who their father is is fine?

If people gave a shit about fairness they'd care about legacy admission more than affirmative action.

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Subreddits belong to the community of users…

So you're providing tools to allow democratic control of subreddits, right?


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This is why nobody use conscripts, imagine an army that is all cops.

But the only thing it's actually good at is generating languages, if they try and pretend to know stuff in fields, they're quickly exposed as frauds.

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Nah GPT makes it a lot easier, it's the thing it's actually good at.

Before they were autogenerated with bad English, GPT can generate good English that is equally devoid of content

Fine the mental gymnastics is to justify why hereditary admission criteria are more acceptable to you not "good"

Yes the white kid does.

  • The racial biases of whoever runs the admission system
  • The racial biases of teachers at the school
  • The white kid is still more likely to benefit from hereditary admission and insider information on how to do well in admission tests/letter.

To pretend a white kid in a predominantly black school doesn't have an advantage in "colorblind" admissions is to deny the existence of systemic racism.

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Without AA, racism in admissions is illegal.

No positive measure to counteract systemic biases are illegal.

Hereditary admissions when 80% of previous students were not black, is pretty explicitly racist and still very much legal

All the implicit systemic biases in the admission system are very much legal

The only thing you can't do is ensure black kids get admitted.

If you have a system and you know its giving you biases results you can compensate for the bias, without understanding every single component bias, that's what AA was, banning it, is sticking your head in the sand and going back to faux/real Naïvity about how system racism works.

We might as well start asking "why do black people prefer renting?", because as a nation we are commited to pretending to not understand that there are systemic reasons for things.

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Also Hamas was empowered by the Israeli state by the distruction of secular opposition.

Not disimilar to how the US armed the Taliban & created a power vacuum for them to fill

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Fuck that, I don't want to give Nazis a safe space to organize and spread their hate.

It's an apt comparison, there aren't many examples so on the nose about deliberately destabilizing secular groups and Islamist groups filling the power vacuum, only to become a more violent threat.

If you want you could compare it to the allied powers starving the Spanish Republic of resources, enabling the rise of the Nazis, but it's a bit of a stretch.

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I suspect his "logic" is that most users only read & do not interact or post (IIRC the general rule for socials is 90/9/1), so in addition to whatever technical reason, he thinks this is a genius way to get more subscribers.

Fucking genius move, so glad he's fired everyone who would disagree.

Good thing I've watched that video, twice then!

It could even tell me what 1312 means, after I told it it was a number substitution cypher

flatpaks are all updated at once, just like distro packages, so yeah you might need to commands, but that's still very different to having each application update itself (and the security hell implied by that)

Also I think pkcon can manage your updates across various backends (unless you are on Arch, where I think there are both technical & ideological objections to having a simple tool that just works)

Ok do you understand what an analogue is?

Perhaps Lemmy needs a "translate to simple English feature for you"

I don't think that many companies have their shit together well enough to mirror the source code, besides the RHEL repos aren't small, so that'll cost.

The companies I've helped either had a minimalist mirror to reduce the surface area of what was installable or to save on cost.

It's possible that a few enterprises do a full mirror of all RHEL sources, but i doubt it's many

Why 3rd party?

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Amazon are famous for this, they try and run AWS at a net loss of whatever profit Amazon Retail makes, because it's easy to spend money quickly at the end of the year to avoid taxes on IP and contracts.

Sure buddy, and if you're too stupid to get into any college you might believe both those have the same chance of happen 🤣

You are now a moderator of BiPartisanConsensus@lemmy.warmachine

But Lemmy is open source, so any improvements could just be made to Lemmy's frontend/PWA, maintaining a bunch of native apps made more sense when they were hacking around closed source limits.

Respectfully: Fuck that.

If you want to find the best instant rice recommendations on Lemmy, Lemmy should have a functional post search function, rather than me relying on a malevolent corporate entity like google to index all the content.

Search has gone to shit as the Internet has embraced social media sites, an upside of this is that wikipedia+Lemmy+key word search, mayas accurate as asking Google Bard or bing, and they can be built on entirety open tech.

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What benefits do you want/envision from a native app over a PWA?

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If Israel don't like Hamas they shouldn't have created them

Not really sure what you think is wrong with karma? most of reddit's problem IMO come down to bad moderation.

But for comment scoring, there are really just 3 methods I've seen:

  • Generic Up/Downvote - Reddit
  • Categorized Up/Downvote - Slashdot - This worked on a technical forum to keep technical knowledge near the top, while still allowing stupid/funny comments further down the page, plus it made ignoring stupid/funny threads easy
  • Personalized Up/Downvote - Facebook/Twitter/etc - basically build a profile of users you agree/interact with, and then weight their interactions accordingly to predict what content you'll like/hate.
    • I believe Ticktok take this to the next level, because 90% of users don't up/downvote, ticktok logs the passive act of continuing to watch content as a partial upvote making their algorithms train on the average users likes/dislikes faster.

You could probably combine Personalized & Categorized, but I've AFAIK not seen it done.

I think the problems with moderation are harder to solve, because you have both bad-faith moderators & good-faith but easily played moderators as problems, and you also want different dynamics as forums grow.

I think lemmy could really experiment with good moderation & meta-moderation and if the developers are interested anyway, be a far better forum as a result.

  • Peer review of moderator decisions is something Slashdot did that went quite well. Once you'd been an active user with good "karma" for a while you would occasionally be asked to review other users votes, I think a similar thing could be done for moderation decisions
  • Elected mods. For subs above a certain size, having moderation essentially boil down to whatever the guy who created the sub decides, is bad. I don't know exactly how it would work to prevent abuse, but as subs grow, at some point it would be good if the community chose the mods.
    • even short of full fledged democracy community approval of mod appointments would certainly reduce the amount of mod drama where it 1 bad head mod, will purge the other mods and replace them all with sock puppets.
  • Users-led replacement of bad mods, similar to electing mods, it would be good for users to "recall" a bad mod.
  • Transparency over mod actions, I understand that with the number of Nazis & other assorted trolls online reddit chose to let mods, moderate anonymously, but it really means you have no idea who is doing a good/bad job in many subreddits, some level of transparency for all but the worst content is key.
  • Moving subs, as lemmy instances have some control over the content of the subs that reside on them, it would make sense for there to be some method for the users + mods of a sub to decide to move it to another instances. This not only prevents admin abuse, but also encourages competition between instances for technical administration & content administration.
  • Splitting communities , sometimes subs grow "too big" and have different subcommunities that end up fighting for control of a sub, it would be good if there were a way of these communities splitting into 2 rather than fighting over the original name. not sure how it would work, but thinking about how r/trees & r/cannabis split or something similar. Maybe /r/canabis could become an combo of /r/canabisnews & /r/canabismemes, where users can just ubsub from the 1/2 of the content they don't want.
  • Letting users weight subs/filter subs how much of subs they see, sometimes I've unsubbed from a high-content sub, just because while i liked the content it was overpowering the rest of my feed, it would be nice to have users configure how much of a sub they see (especially if combined with Categorized Up/Downvote), rather than complaining about "bad moderation" I can just personally choose to see less of what I don't want.

Anyway thank you for reading/not-reading my ted talk, but I suspect this will come up again so now I can copy/pasta it.

You ever wonder what it would be like if you had self-esteem & were proud of your values instead of complaining about others having virtues?

Would you rather have 3 big websites instead of indexed web?

That's what we already have, I'd you need to find stuff by doing site specific googles, both google & that site have failed.

The web is dead, it's been dead for a while, now is the time to build something new in it's wake that rather than depending on closed source algorithms, indexing 3 big websites, we could just search the 3 big websites directly.

End capitalism (& the nation state/state in general)

LMAO "we solved racism cuz Obama"

The US is still a white supremacists nation where white lives are placed above non-black lives, you can bury your head in the sand but systemic racism is very much real.

You can pretend you care about class, but if you're analysis of the material conditions ignore the fundamental structure of the US, you're not helping anyone.

Our entire society is plain wrong, doing things to address those injustices is good actually.

P.s you can't be "racist" against white people, in a white supremacists nation.

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I dunno EDM sucks.

As does confining millions to an open air prison

As does Israel creating Hamas

As does the current Israeli government ignoring intelligence reports because they wanted this to happen.