US supreme court strikes down affirmative action to World – 99 points –
Live updates: Supreme Court decision on affirmative action

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Fine the mental gymnastics is to justify why hereditary admission criteria are more acceptable to you not "good"

Yes the white kid does.

  • The racial biases of whoever runs the admission system
  • The racial biases of teachers at the school
  • The white kid is still more likely to benefit from hereditary admission and insider information on how to do well in admission tests/letter.

To pretend a white kid in a predominantly black school doesn't have an advantage in "colorblind" admissions is to deny the existence of systemic racism.

The racial biases of whoever runs the admission system

Can be biased both for or against the student based on who the specific administrators are.

The racial biases of teachers at the school

Can be biased both for or against the student based on who the specific teachers are.

Sure buddy, and if you're too stupid to get into any college you might believe both those have the same chance of happen 🤣

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