
1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How do our brains process reality? Like this.

"Just according to Keikaku" God

Guy Fieri?

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It actually makes sense as a campaigning song to me as long as your platform is about trying to address the social problems the song is highlighting.

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I'd be interested in evidence that supports either claim.

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We need an open source electric car.

During the AI goldrush you can make your fortune selling bookshelves.

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I remember seeing Fred read the news on his stone tablet.

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Article titles like these always feel like a bit of a stretch. I would think the concept of race would extend as far back as homo sapiens vs neanderthals.

Obviously race is also a part of Christianity, but if I remember correctly the most relevant thing Jesus said about race is that salvation wasn't just for the Jews and that God's love extended to everyone. Weird how far off track Christianity can get when used as a populist tool for oppression.

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It's not so bad being the worst player on the team. Just means you have a lot of room for improvement as long as you're willing to learn. Honestly it's one of my favorite situations to find myself in. "Oh I suck. How can I get better?"

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I've been reading The Screwtape Letters and having aot of fun with it. Lewis and Wormwood both know how to pull the levers to get an emotional reaction out of a person lol

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Personally that's why I enjoy riding. It requires me to let go of the idea that I have overarching control of my life. Any day could be my last, and if today is my last day I'd like to enjoy it.

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Well it was a brand new discovery to them, and if they found value in it then it makes sense that they'd want to repeat it. But yeah, I guess I can see why that's "funny" coming from the perspective of an older person who may have forgotten what it's like to be a young, inexperienced kid capable of feeling fascination and wonder.

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In what way? Guys popping wheelies to impress girls was definitely a thing before the internet. I'm pretty sure that's why the wheelie was invented.

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He literally showed up yesterday to take mine and I had to tell him I didn't own one. He didn't believe me and said I'd need to submit proof that I don't own a truck or else he'll come down on me with the full force of the United States Navy :( I'm so glad he's not running for re-election.

Really uncool move. It's crazy how people pull stunts like this. It also frustrates me seeing this type of behavior from people in positions of authority.

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Two weeks? I feel like 9 months minimum.

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Fucked up that she lied about her age. Fucked up that he cheated on his wife.

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I can't give you any advice for your specific experience, but I know for me I've been a lot happier with myself after I realized that just because I think other people might judge me doesn't mean I have to judge myself the same way. It's up to you to look the way that makes you feel good, and no one except yourself can really tell you what that should be.

If you feel the need to change something but you can't figure out what you want to change I recommend meditating on it and being honest with yourself. A lot of times my indecision has been the result of cognitive dissonance that I didn't fully understand until years later when I actually started consciously unpacking my values.

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I like how in Trump's world he thinks he needs to explain the internet to people.

I don't think anyone is saying changing bathrooms will end bullying. Judging by the conversation I'm seeing I think most people are upset that a child in a government institution was physically beaten to death.

Although based on your comment it doesn't seem like you're on the same page as those people.

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I haven't seen the security footage myself, but the article indicates he had an opportunity to tell uniformed officers that he accidentally pulled the alarm but chose not to. It seems like something he did out of frustration, not incompetence. Of course it's impossible to prove intent, but the choice to not report it or explain the situation can't be overlooked. "It's not the crime, it's the cover up."

In a charging affidavit released Wednesday, an investigator said he had reviewed security camera footage and that Bowman can be seen pushing multiple doors that would not open before he looked at the emergency fire alarm pull station "and upon seeing it, he reached out and pulled the fire alarm down."

Bowman can also be seen "jogging" as he exits the building and does not stop to say anything to uniformed officers he passes as he enters the Capitol minutes later, according to the affidavit. It also said the building was evacuated for about 90 minutes before it was reopened after no threat was identified.

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Yeah, you'd need to be able to see Fallen Destiny in the background.

I always liked the ergonomics of the N64 controller. The recreation of those ergonomics using the Wiimote+nunchuk was one of my favorite things about the Wii lol

Also just talking about your kinks and other things you're ashamed of with people you trust is really helpful in clearing that. Shame will hold you back from being true to yourself, and it's not worth it.

Haha, agreed. I used to love "going fishing" with my grandparents until I actually caught a fish, then I just felt terrible. I used to have nightmares where there would be fish hooks in my food.

Now "going fishing" to me just means hanging out by the water and being peacefully bored while other people enjoy the things they enjoy.

Absolutely true, but it's also more difficult to ask a good question when you don't know anything about what you're asking.

People who know a lot about a topic can ask very good questions about that topic.

The problem I see with most questions people post online is that they make too many assumptions that their audience will will magically understand the context of their question.

Good questions require relevant context.

Determining relevancy requires expertise.

Expertise comes from experience.

No matter how many questions you ask and answers you get you'll never "understand" something until you do it.

Instead of asking questions like "How do I do X?" people should be asking "I'm trying to accomplish X, I've tried Y, but I'm encountering Z. How could I resolve this?"

I guess my rule is that you should never ask someone a question without first trying to answer it yourself.

Pachycephalasaurus has always been on of my favorites.


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Exactly! I think one of the fun things about growing up is realizing that your personal experience isn't completely unique, and that other people have shared similar experiences. I also don't think it's weird to have the idea that many of the things we enjoy and find funny (like puns and silly sounds) would cross language and cultural boundaries.

As long as she's willing to put up with that nonsense I'd love to see her as president. But I can certainly imagine a person in her position not wanting to rock the boat and subject herself to that.

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No. Peace of mind comes from trusting, not from knowing.

Let alone creatively.

I think understand where you're coming from, but this type of poem is exactly what needs to be spread in order to make "Christians" feel some cognitive dissonance about their hypocrisy.

I may be misinterpreting you, but it sounds like you're trying to justify your hatred for a group of people because you believe in a "greater good"; some sort of better world that would exist if religion disappeared. That's exactly the sort of mindset that christians and many others have used to justify their cruelty.

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I used to be in this meme, now I read it and feel a certain sense of relief that I'm becoming a little bit more like the person I want to be.

If you want to talk about anything you've got people here who want to listen to you.

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Honestly I don't even think gen 1 Pokémon are anymore creative than the others. I was still a kid when the concept was new so they felt fresh, but pretty much every Pokémon I can think of is based on an existing archetype of some sort. Plant/Animal, inanimate object brought to life, spirits, dinosaurs, etc. Then you sprinkle on some regional flavor and there you go, you got a Pokémon.

"Identity" isn't something that belongs to the object, it's something that is assigned to the object by an observer.

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Honestly, yeah sometimes. It's my emotional reflex to frustration that was programmed into me by my parents and I haven't done enough cognitive behavioral therapy to undo it.

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I think the questions you're asking require the oversimplification of the real world to the point where even if someone gave you an "answer" it would be close to meaningless. Specifically, not everyones looks at changing geographic locations through a lens of pure economics.

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I'd even argueit's the limits of the concept of language. There's a reason we paint and make music and write stories and tell jokes.

We're compelled to communicate in creative ways because we have so much we want to say that just doesn't seem to fit into words.

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Magnemite is named after a magnet and Voltorb is an electric orb.

Tauros and Porygon are just one letter away from Taurus and polygon.

Ekans is snake backwards.

I'm open to having my mind changed, but I'm going to need more lol

I have a salaried work from home job with no defined working hours. As long as the work gets done within SLAs the hours me and my team work are irrelevant.