Seems awfully dangerous

The Picard Maneuver@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 1016 points –

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Personally that's why I enjoy riding. It requires me to let go of the idea that I have overarching control of my life. Any day could be my last, and if today is my last day I'd like to enjoy it.

Part of me thinks this is insane, part of me gets it.

Riding my bicycle in the city is my version of it. While it is dangerous and initially I felt too afraid to enjoy it, eventually I came to the attitude that the adrenaline rush and requirement to be so focused is a feeling of being more alive than if I was half zoned out in a car because I could be half zoned out.

I've always said I would love a motorcycle if I could feel safe but maybe your perspective here is what I need.

Agreed that it's insane. The way I look at it is that there is an inherent amount of danger in any activity. Doesn't matter how safe or dangerous something is, conscious acceptance of the risk is satisfying.

I think not experiencing life for the short time it exists is insane. Being that controlled by fear, I think that person's ironically the biggest threat to their life, laying waste to experiences and opportunities to live it. A sane person wouldn't do that to themselves.

There's a balance though, right? Fear keeps us alive and is good at that. By this argument I could easily talk myself into trying heroin and be miserable then dead in 6 months.

To put it simply, "To live with as few regrets on the dying day as possible." Fear helps us survive but also holds us back. It keeps people away from heroin, but also puts them in miserable ruts. Individually it's different for all, but learning to control fear and not let it control you opens up a world of amazing possibilities and experiences. To have a life worth dying for is an achievement most squander until it's far too late.

Yeah I'm just saying it's not always easy to strike the balance. I'm several times more open to risk than my grandparents were, but I'm willing to bet I'm much more risk averse than you are. I think we are all controlled by "fear" to a large extent because if we weren't, we wouldn't last long.

I've been thinking about quitting my job for years. But there are so many pluses to it that it's incredibly hard to go through with it. On the other hand, I'm a slave stuck inside most of my life. I haven't figured out how to quit my job without blowing up my path to a secure retirement. It's hard. Life's hard.

Well, that's easy. Just don't make your retirement dependent on your current situation. Go explore the world and find better ways and meet good souls. You probably randomly stumbled into your situation through a jobs website or hiring agency. Not exactly a life defining moment when you can do it again any other week but now with a backlog of experience.

There's a lot of better opportunities out there. And if you don't like them, you can always come back. But sometimes pulling the plug feels scary because you don't know what's going to happen, despite plug pullers always saying it was the best thing they did.

Well, that's easy.

It's not. Your heart might be in the right place, but you really don't know other people's lives

They will die sad, regretful, and unfulfilled, having believed that lie. This should haunt them now, but instead it's short-term "what if" scenarios looping in the mind that convinces them that their life's "too complicated right now". Your remark there is a classic example of what I was just saying, and you genuinely believe it to be so as well. My guess is you're in a comfortable rut right now, have thought about leaving it, but when you do you convince yourself that it's too risky and therefore not an option. Your fear has morphed into.anxiety. Remove from life the things that make you anxious, your house, your job, your partner, whatever, and you will be free and happy again.

So without knowing my circumstance, you claim to know the solution....

Curious, do you know of any jobs available for someone with only a bachelor's degree (not even in their field of work), that pay very well, and also keep next to zero tabs on employee's day to day, and also pay a large percentage of their employee's salary freely into a 401k, no matching required? Virtually no meetings and allows work from home. I keep my camera nearly off every day, and no one harasses me about it.

I don't know of an opportunity even close to this elsewhere. I had a coworker friend go from my employer to an enormous corporation where he likely tripled his salary. But his work life balance was garbage. He quit, and now he's coming back to my current company. I'm very lucky. I just also happen to be very bored. Boredom comes from a failure to properly entertain oneself, so this is largely on me.

Again, you're passing judgement as if there were one simple binary factor there aren't. You don't know me. I appreciate it if you truly are trying to help, but it's also a bit condescending and necessarily ignorant.

You kinda just described the majority of remote work jobs, which there are heaps. I don't know about 401Ks. I've never opted to live somewhere where I'm not legally taken care.of. Like now in Australia, all that's automatic by law. My employer pays an additional 17% of my salary into a retirement investment fund.

Friend just got bacl.from three.months in Japan. Wanted to see if he could do his job overseas without anyone realising and pulled it off with most people. Another's off to go surf in Portugal for a while and working out of a van. Another's just sold their house and touring Australia until they find a spot they like and move there. They're a marketing lead for some big company, no degree. I myself just finished an 18 month stint in a totally different city and just flew back every 4–6 weeks to say hi and see the gang. Oh and there's the one that plays golf every afternoon by himself because he logs on at 5am and gets work out of the way and free up his day. His work isn't even based in Australia. I know more, but they're just your.normal WFH jobs, one guy's seen his office once to pick up a laptop on day one two years ago lol.

So, yeah, there's a lot. I think that's the preferred market.

If it's not like this where you are, just leave for a place that's better living.

I can't even read this ignorant mess after that first sentence. I no longer think you were being nice.

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Same here. I tell people that it’s my reminder of my mortality and how fragile life actually is. Treat each day as your last and live as if you won’t be here tomorrow, because it is promised to no one.

Thirded. And it keeps me disengaged for a while. I need to unplug because of what my job was for two damn decades. Five years ago I would have to pull over for a call or text because I was on call 24/7.

I certainly wouldn't answer that call if it were my last day on earth. Now I don't answer it while I'm on the bike.

Had the same attitude until psychiatrist said that it is suicidal behavior

I struggle to see how it is suicidal. I define suicide as "trying to kill yourself." I don't see how accepting my mortality and not letting the fear of death get in the way of enjoying my life could be classified as suicidal.

You (but probably me) enjoy the thought of having yourself killed. Moreover, you engage in behavior that increases chances of getting into an accident.

I don't know about you, maybe you have a different shit in your head, just take care

I enjoy the thought of living a life worth dying for, but I suppose you could look at it as if I'm killing myself in order to live my life?

Driving a car is also a behavior that increases the chances of getting into an accident, but I don't think think you'd call everyone who drives a car suicidal. (Or maybe you would, which I think would be totally fair based on your previous point.)

If I was speeding around without a helmet because I hated my life and wanted to die to get away from my responsibilities I think I'd be more likely to call that behavior "suicidal".

If I was speeding around without a helmet because I hated my life and wanted to die to get away from my responsibilities I think I'd be more likely to call that behavior "suicidal".


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That's an interesting take. I enjoy riding due to the full control of my machine and piercing through the wind while zooming through the landscape. And the best part is when there's some nice curves to corner through. All of these reasons would only be enhanced with less cars on the road.

Absolutely. There's a feeling of being more "present" in the world. It's more stimulating for your senses, which I think is ultimately why your brain rewards you for it with dopamine.

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