4 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good luck with that.

When I was a member living in Utah and ran into a financial issue they wanted to look at my bills and help me figure out how to cut costs out of my budget first.

His suggestion- cancel your cell phones a land line is much cheaper. He also suggested I sell my smart phone and get a dumb phone.

That wouldn’t have helped at all as at that time phones were on contracts for 2 years and I’d have had to pay for the full price of the phone if I left the contract early. I’d have LOST $500 between retail and what I could sell the phone for.

I ended up just borrowing money from a friend.

Keep in mind the Mormon church has a hedge fund worth OVER $100 billion.

The suggested use for anyone not bothering to look this up is to deodorize gas and stool but it’s suggested use is for people with colostomy or exposed stomas where smelly gas and stool is a constantly expelled or people with chronic gas and liquid stool.

I wouldn’t want to stick any drug in my body just to stop farting in social situations. Every drug has or could have side effects even Tylenol or aspirin.

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I read that as “fap desk” was intrigued then disappointed.

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I really like Lemmy better than new reddit because scrolling the front page reminds me of 2010-2016 Reddit. I hated when they added ADS and removed the NSFW subs from the front page. Everything about NEW Reddit sucked.

Lemmy fixed new reddit and I ain't going back.

This is horrible. I hate that stuff like this happens.

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Jesus Christ these fascist fucks. Damn.

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I guess it makes sense to need prescription data but its weird. Also if you get prescription version will anyone else be able to use it? Will there be swapable lenses for multiple users?

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Soda specifically - is something we should be looking closer at in relation to sugar abuse. The number of kids and young adults I see quaffing giant plastic cups of fountain drinks is alarming.

Even worse when they use it to replace water.

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I went to Reddit from Digg during the great migration and I didn't look back. The Ads and format change were a huge misstep on their part. I honestly would have left Reddit when they went to New Reddit if we would have had Lemmy back then.

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Where can one donate? I used to pay for Reddit premium to get rid of ads but I un subbed. I could def pitch in if there was a sub model somewhere.

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If the car breaks down you can just not pay for it and they can repo it for non-payment. After that they can’t do shit especially if you file bankruptcy.

There’s no discharging student loans. That shit will follow you to your grave.

Here’s Lies: Oregon Trail Generation.

Reads our tombstone somewhere between Fort Laramie and Independence Rock.

I searched for husavara images once because we were watching an old b sci-fi movie where they dressed one up with crappy “prosthetics” but didn’t paint it and I wanted to prove that’s what it was.

I got huskavara and John Deere ads all over my socials pretty much exclusively the next day and extremely frequently for a week afterwards. There’s just no way those were there prior to that search. I turned off targeted ads and never saw them again.

I believe op when he says he was inundated with them.

Look at you with all your…… friends. :cries:

There was it was in 2016 when people thought Hillary was crooked.

Assholes Recognizing the shit that’s coming out your mouth is the first step.

The trick is finding jobs that synergize to an broader overall industry. If you’re moving every 3yrs or so that’s plenty of time to learn many of the specifics of the job and markets you’re in. You treat each job as a training assignment for becoming an expert in the field.

For example

If you start out marketing for a pharmeceutical company You’re next move could be marketing for a bio-pharma company After that you move to marketing for phjarmaceutical ingredients After that you move to marketing for a drug delivery devices Then you can go to medical devices materials


Calcium carbonate is inorganic because it doesn’t contain hydrogen. Organic compound must have both carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Edit- more specifically the hydrogen and carbon should be covalently bonded and there are still a few exceptions as noted by other comments below.

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It all makes sense now. Damn.

How stupid of me LOL- of course its a one user device JUST like a phone. I’m sure that’s how they’ll hit 4Trillion market cap next years. /s

The size of this current console gen is strange TBH. Consoles have always been smaller and more compact than a full fledged Desktop PC.

I was taking my brand new PS4 on work trips and playing games all the time. No way that’s happening with the size of the PS5.

Consoles aren’t supposed to be portable I understand that BUT it’s definitely a consideration for a subset of customers that are on the go.

I prolly won’t get a PS5 unless I’m burning cash when GTA6 comes out.

For $3500 they should have this.

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Im finding that people have strong opinion on what qualifies as organic. Haha.

I think it’s cool I can talk to people about chemistry outside of work tho. None of my friends understand anything about what I do for a living.

Charcoal and activated charcoal are not amorphous carbon compounds because their structures contain other elements than just carbon.

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I feel like you might like the book Doomed based on your username. Lol

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I agree especially with concentrates or “juice drinks” that have less than 10% juice. All of those things are just sugar drinks.

I completely left July 1st when Apollo shut down. The Memmey ap is really close to a replacement.

Lemmy reminds me of old reddit and I like it much better.

Thanks for listening! They’re a great band and their vocals are varied for each song. They usually have a saxophonist but he had something come up the day they were in the studio.

No. Appraisals and tax assessments have a land value and a “structural improvement” values. Both of these are added together for the purchase price.

If there’s a building on the land that’s not derelict and has utilities- it’s almost always going to be worth more than the land value by itself.

There are def certain zip codes and/or a very large plot of land with a single house on it where the inverse is the case (land being worth more than improvement) but that is not the norm.

Yes but evenso site wide changes still affected old reddit. NSFW subs were still removed from r/all and the sponsored content was still there too. Not to mention all the bots and spam. I was also primarily a mobile user so killing Apollo was the end for me.

According to Wikipedia it is- but I agree after looking at its structure that it is not.

There are no carbon-hydrogen covalent bonds in the structure.,quite%20stable%20at%20room%20temperature.

Modern definition of Organic as it pertains to chemistry is any compound that contains BOTH hydrogen AND carbon.

Edit: Vitamins in general including absorbed acid are organic compounds because they contain both carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Edit2- I left out a key piece of information. The carbon and hydrogen need to be covalently bonded as well not just part of the compound.

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None of those compounds would be stable. Theoretically you’re making a good point for an exception to C-H bonds defining organic chemistry but I bet all of your fully halogenated compounds would degrade and break apart until some number of hygrogens replace the halogens to make it stable.

Point taken tho.

Not really completely false just missing a piece of information- ie I should have mentioned they be bonded but carbonic acid and ketones are both organic compounds so I’m not sure what you’re trying to say there.

Edit: carbonic Acid is not because there are no C-H bonds.

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It's basically old reddit. It feels like I just left Digg and I def enjoy it much more. I'd have left back when they changed to new reddit if Lemmy was around.

I don’t mind paying for it either even ads are fine as long as they aren’t as bad as they were on the Reddit App.

Lenny is pretty good so far. Glad theres an alternative.

Digging this- I’ll check more of their stuff

I don't know if I want it to get as big as reddit is today. I went to Reddit from Digg and I think the sweet spot of people was around 2014-15 right before all the bots and corporate shills showed up. When they started advertising is when it really started going to shit.

If Lemmy ever gets too big I'll prolly leave for something smaller again.

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So it was actual radio? That’s pretty cool.

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