You'll need an appointment, a head scan, and prescription data to buy an Apple Vision Pro to – 98 points –
You'll need an appointment, a head scan, and prescription data to buy an Apple Vision Pro

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I guess it makes sense to need prescription data but its weird. Also if you get prescription version will anyone else be able to use it? Will there be swapable lenses for multiple users?

What do you mean multiple users? Everybody OBVIOUSLY needs their own device! And if your eyes get worse with age, you OBVIOUSLY need a brand new device! Swappable lenses, pfft, what is this, Marxism?

How stupid of me LOL- of course its a one user device JUST like a phone. I’m sure that’s how they’ll hit 4Trillion market cap next years. /s

Magnetic swappable lenses I believe.

For $3500 they should have this.

Pretty sure the lenses cost extra. I heard somewhere in the region of $800 I think but I could be misremembering

I would guess that the Zeiss prescription lenses for the Vision Pro will be at least $300-600 a pair, unless Apple is eating part of the cost given the already high price of the headset itself. — Mark Gurman (@markgurman) June 6, 2023

This is all I’m aware of, and it’s a guess. Personally I think every pair will need lenses, and if you have a prescription you get a specific set. If you don’t have a prescription, you get a generic set.

didn’t they say during the keynote that the lenses will attach magnetically to the visor?

The inserts are magnetically attached so you can swap ‘em. They said so during wwdc.

Every VR headset needs lenses, and if you have a prescription you get a set for your prescription. If you don’t have a prescription, you get a generic set.

They are magnetic, so sure they can be swapped out. Extra sets for other eyes will cost something.