3 Post – 217 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

sie/ihr, she/her


his own charity (this is wealth preservation tactic used by ultra rich).

I've never understood how this is supposed to work. If his money goes into the charity, it's not his anymore. Seriously, someone please explain?

4 more...

The only opinion that matters here is your partner's.

This is still traffic on the site.

18 more...

"Removes" or "hides them so that you think they're gone and won't try to delete them manually but they're still keeping them for nefarious reasons that mere mortals cannot fathom"?

Edit: I noticed by sheer coincidence that my reply to the next comment was removed. I SERIOUSLY do not know why. I'm very confused and if I did anything wrong, I'm unable to learn from this without being told what I did wrong.

5 more...

It was probably yesterday.

"There's too few people, until more people have joined nobody should join!"

message to Twitter, formerly X

Nobody tells me anything around here.

I mean, I did partake in the "Skyrim in space" jokes but I didn't know there'd be pickpocketing. Huh. So is it safe to say everybody's builds are going to trend towards stealth sniping?

23 more...

You may have nothing to hide now but what if your (political) opponents reach a point where they have access to your data and the (political) power to use it? What happens if they don't like your opinions which (you think) you don't have to hide now?

My opinions may mostly align with the current general consensus in my country and since I'm not politically active I am rather unlikely to be harmed because of my opinions in the foreseeable future (unless I call someone 1 Pimmel). But there are certain developments that are troubling and there are people who don't like what I've said on the internet (duh). Now, I'm not exactly anyone important and realistically there are far more important targets than me personally. But still, it's not unthinkable that the things I've said (things I've looked at on the internet, things I've bought, things I've like/upvoted) might be used to my detriment if certain people came into a position where they have access to any stored data on me.

This applies regardless of your political leanings. If data exists, no matter how harmless it may seem, there's always the possibility of people who REALLY don't like it getting access.

[image description]

Toot by Marco Arment, Toot reads:

Can we please pronounce it "ten"

[end image description]

yes. done.

11 more...

not everyone gets it


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I never posted anything worth preserving over there so my choice was clear lel

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This is the analogue version of what OP is describing, VERY common here.

A flat, blue plastic device with a white dial to indicate arrival time

"(Okay. Okay, okay, okay, here goes.) Hey, I'm so sorry, I'm so very bad with names, what's yours again? (Gawd that was awful, but it's over, we did it, I'm so proud of us, we overcame our fear and.... FUCK what did they say?!)"

3 more...

They could blame a bad connection.

Just wait for people to post screenshots. No need for all of us to monitor the thing.

I have absolutely no interest in owning cryptocurrency but if anybody wanted to donate some ETH or BTC or USDC or XKCD or MPH or whatever to me, I'd take it, sure (and then exchange for real world money, obviously). Why would you reject free money? Especially if you're a smaller project that doesn't get too many donations anyway.

1 more...

What do you mean multiple users? Everybody OBVIOUSLY needs their own device! And if your eyes get worse with age, you OBVIOUSLY need a brand new device! Swappable lenses, pfft, what is this, Marxism?

I was trying to make it sound like I was not bothered by the software lock, so that you would not feel bad for me.


I will try my best to be more accurate and truthful in the future.

You things keep saying that and yet, again and again....

Fellas, is it gay to want to know who a man is?

I keep seeing this advice from very smart people who have their lives together, "if you want to finish a thing, don't tell people about it" - and two clicks later there's other very smart people who also have their lives together going "if you want to finish a thing, tell people about it". It's really 50/50 which one you're going to be told, almost as if it either depends on the individual which one works or it's entirely meaningless.

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Lemmy is catching up with 4chan circa 2006 in terms of "wtf is going on".

13 more...

Everybody is saying how the goal of these things isn't to make you feel good, but here's the thing: people keep telling me how "you'll feel better once you've done it" for all kinds of shit as the ultimate reason to "just do it". And then I (somehow manage to) do it and I don't. That's messing with my head and I suspect OP's as well.

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You'll get people ridiculing you for not remembering your own age but believe you me, you're not alone in the struggle. My husband and I started dating in 2000 so that's awfully convenient.

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Just fyi, I took this screenshot a year ago. This was very common for years already.

you are supposed to be pooping, aka "having bowel movements" once every day.

Citation needed, pretty sure this is long outdated. Afaik, anything from 3 times a day to once every three days is fine.

4 more...

Thankfully the phone regularly probes home to fix this sort of mess

1 more...

They're seeing things in themselves that are different from (what they correctly or mistakenly perceive as) the "norm". Since most NDs have experienced being scolded, ridiculed, shamed, ostracised for being "different", some over and over again, for all their life, they've internalised that the "weird" thing is their fault, that there's something inherently wrong with them. Recontextualising a (new) "weird" thing as a consequence of their neurodivergence makes it not their fault or at least lessens the feeling of "wrong". ... I keep saying "they" as if I don't catch myself doing it.

Very few things are true for every person with a given neurodivergence. But this is one of the more (most?) common things that people with ADHD struggle with, some to a lesser, some to a greater extent.

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After reading this article, I feel like I should know what actually happened on the show - I don't though?

You have used the internet though.

1 more...

movies can get your credit card stolen

joke's on you i've never had a credit card

That might work once or twice but if you're apologising 10 times a day, I don't think you're getting off that easy.

2 more...

My first thought was indeed Blinding Lights.

Depends on what country. But in general, probably because the departments responsible tend to be understaffed and overworked, regardless of where, and there are quite a lot of migrants.

Actual, genuine nazis were few and far in between back then. A more innocent time.

10 more...

You REALLY don't want to use the things posted in ich_iel as learning material. Most of them use deliberately poor language, not just puns, but our memes are frequently based on badly translated English memes (which means that even if an English "translation" seems to make sense, you'd be learning nonsense). They don't make sense to native speakers who aren't "in the know" and they're useless if you're just learning. Any machine translation would be lost entirely because there is no context, no grammar or anything. Do yourself a favour and flee this place until you've built a solid foundation of German to recognise what is a normal sentence and what is dumbassery on the internet.

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That's the neat part, there doesn't need to be a reason.

That's not how it's supposed to work. The theoretical concept (and a selling point, really) is that you can move your entire account elsewhere. In practice, it's not implemented yet for Lemmy, afaik.