People born in the year 2000 don't have to try and calculate how old they are when people ask them their age to – 587 points –

I was born in 1989 and the math is HARD some days.


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You'll get people ridiculing you for not remembering your own age but believe you me, you're not alone in the struggle. My husband and I started dating in 2000 so that's awfully convenient.

My wife and I started dating in 2000 as well. Got married in 2001. The math is in my favor for remembering how long we've been together and our wedding anniversary.

Now our ages are a bit harder. '77 and '79.

My younger son has it easy. Born in 2010.

We got married in 2000 and our daughter was born in 2010. Very easy to remember.

I never had a problem when I was younger, but as I get older (I'm not even that old) it gets harder. Not REALLY hard or anything, but having to pause to remember how old I am sometimes makes me feel a bit slow.