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Joined 12 months ago

They haven't thought that far yet 🤔

This fucking sucks. Why is it that the right thinks science and expertise is an opinion? I'm so fucking sick of these fascist cunts.

This right wing bullshit is starting to happen all over the western world. Seriously, what can we do about this? What can we realistically do to stop the right? Because everything is being completely fucked.

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If square enix makes or publishes a game. It is not an indie game...

What kind of help have you been getting since you can't take stimulants?

People in china make things with love too. Electronics, games, movies, shows, comedy, art, software etc.

Fuck the government but the hate for the people in china is disgusting. I do get it. I do. The government is absolutely fucked and very oppressive.

But i feel like a lot of people don't see that a TON of american and european products are made in china too. And think "oh i don't buy a chinese phone! Its made by abused workers!".

And then buy an iPhone. Completely forgetting that phone is made in the same factory but with an american logo on it.

We need to be more focused. We can't let people forget that the government and the people are not the same.

I know people say the "chinese" or the "russians" or the "americans". But we should say the government instead when talking about political conflicts. A lot of people read the "chinese" or the "americans" and see it as that ENTIRE country. People, government etc. As if it is all one singular thing.

Its just sad and wrong to see them as one and the same.

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Elon downloaded blender and spend 3 minutes on a cube. Then forced the poor engineers to make his car "design".

That... is not how programming bugs work...

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I refuse to use the official youtube app. Its so trash... I use newpipe and its amazing to just have all my favorite videos bookmarked locally in different lists.

If they take that away from me i will just stop using youtube.

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All the people returning and forgetting what reddit did and will continue to do. Then the next time reddit messes up, they will come back. 😔

Edit: other stats seem pretty good though! Unless i am misunderstanding them.

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This is actually a good thing! Let them all bundle up together and maybe they can fund and start his little society on mars and he can take all the right wing cunts with him. Then they can go cry about women and minorities together without bothering the rest of us.

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Cunt talks just like trump and other right wingers.

"We do it best. By far. No one can compare to us. We do it better than anyone."

Which is always a lie.

A few weeks ago i actually did a bit of a deep dive on the ADL website myself on this topic because i always really respected the ADL for their work and i wanted to know what they had to say about the situation. It honestly was pretty confused about the way they talked about it. Saying anti zionism is basically the same as anti semitism.

I spend hours just reading through their stuff and it felt like there was no discussion possible. You're either fully behind israel or you're anti semitic.

I think i found one single instance of them saying that there are legitimate instances where being critical of the israeli government is justified. But everything else felt more like propaganda than information.

Not gonna lie. It made me really sad that such an amazing organization is so wrong on this topic. Because they really do great work on all other topics including anti semitism. But the situation of israel-palestine is not one of them.

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It said the drug she bought wasn't what was advertised and contained a lethal amount of fentanyl. Legalizing drugs will allow people to get what is advertised and users are able to seek help for addiction etc. Users are going to use regardless if its legal or not. So being able to get help for addiction and buy it safely can significantly reduce the number of unnecessary deaths.

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So next time there is a school shooting in america, and the shooter is hiding in the school, we can just bomb the school? I mean, the shooter could have just let the kids go or stop hiding among them. But no...

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Can you please think of the shareholders of corporations that make missiles and weapons? 😠

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Chill.. people are just having a discussion about the odyssey website this video is hosted on. Some of us have never seen that site before and are discussing it. Just scroll past. Its not that big a deal honestly.

You can click on leftist content and you get random videos in the suggested videos. You click on anything near the center or right wing: "Here are some more videos on hating women, lgbtqia+, people of color, immigrants etc... OH! Nearly forgot! Here is a video of a piece of shit guy laughing at and doxxing disabled people!"

They push you right down the fascist rabbit hole...

Absolutely disgusting. The further you go in the video, the more pissed you get. The guards walk so damn slow looking for a fire extinguisher. One even has his hand in his pocket. They don't give a fuck.

Migrants are so often not seen as human, let alone equal.

I mean, i get it. But i wish the world would just work together on everything and stop with the country bullshit. Imagine the stuff we could make if everyone worked together.

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I remember having an argument with my teacher in college about this. He asked us what we would do if we were asked to code something that could be used for things you personally don't agree with such as the government using tools to "help" but also remove peoples privacy. Or corporations being able to show you more ads. I told him i would refuse. And he said that it would be my job though and sometimes you have to do things you don't like. So i told him i would quit. And for some reason he could not really comprehend that and we got into an argument.

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We live in a greed system though. So that one is basically all year round.

Lets not. I thought for awhile "hehe lets see how dumb we can go before people stop and realize how dumb they are". But they're not stopping. Everyday they surprise me with how incredibly fucking dumb the average person is.

Sorry, what did you say? I don't speak racist.

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I was looking up lambda functions for rust because i needed it for something and didn't know how, what, etc. But searching anything lambda now only shows results for fucking amazon lambda bullshit! Really pisses me off... its fucked 😠

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Pig to pig heart transplants are already possible. This was the first time it being transplanted to a human!

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This is personally such a big issue in open source software.

"Blazing fast!" "Enhances your development" "Makes developing exhilarating user experiences faster and easier!"


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They're probably talking about mommy and daddy that got them the phone. Which is why they're responding like a 5 year old.

That evil fake fucking smile...

Oh so it wasn't just me who felt that was feeling off in r/worldnews. The comments are horrific at times.

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A lot of people are just... not so bright. I remember seeing the video of all those trump supporters rocking out to "killing in the name of" by rage against the machine. Waving a thin blue line and american flag around with the lyrics blasting in the background.

Its the same with that new game Helldivers 2. Zero awareness.

Schrödinger's Refugee 😐

Would that really be safe though? I wouldn't want everything to unzip without checking first what's inside.

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What in the shit is "xtreme programming"?

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We are being ruled by braindead morons...

When i was little, me and my sister were playing outside and i saw a strange man standing on the corner. The creepiest part was that he was completely black. I could only make out that he was wearing a coat and a hat. Last year i was talking to my mother about it and she said she once saw the same figure in the hallway when she was in her early twenties. I'm a science guy so i don't believe in the supernatural or spiritual stuff. But when i read somebody else on reddit had the same experience and people linked the urban legend of the "hat man", i became pretty creeped out.

There is probably a scientific explanation for it but it still scared the shit out of me.


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So if people dress a certain way its okay to stare like a weirdo? The post isn't about just looking at someone. Its old creeps staring at young girls. There is a difference.

If they REALLY want it to be like discord, why not use Revolt?


I don't understand.

One that really ticked me off was that "the legend of zelda ocarina of time" pc build "ship of harkinian".

I have never had such a tough time installing something. You have to do everything through their discord and it was a complete fucking mess.

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I personally mind because its microsoft. I don't like them nor do i trust them. There is stuff i use where i don't mind the telemetry and i leave it on to help developers. But microsoft is not one of them.

For OP and other people with this issue, make sure you set media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled to true in about:config in firefox. Unless you do that, hardware video acceleration often wont be used.

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They are, but only discord has that data. Now any dick that wants to harass somebody can get a LOT of info on people very easily.

Discord shouldn't have all that data either but you get my point.

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