Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine, Imperiling an Array of Federal Rules to politics – 274 points –
Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine, Imperiling an Array of Federal Rules

This is what the decision by the Republican justices to allow "gratuities" for public officials creates an incentive for.


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This fucking sucks. Why is it that the right thinks science and expertise is an opinion? I'm so fucking sick of these fascist cunts.

This right wing bullshit is starting to happen all over the western world. Seriously, what can we do about this? What can we realistically do to stop the right? Because everything is being completely fucked.

We're going to have to start organizing at the grassroots level. Folks will need to develop a class consciousness that transcends cultural boundaries and harnesses the power of the internet. The major eras of civil rights expansion and reversal of the otherwise upward mobilization of wealth only came with significant grassroots organization, public protest, political activism, and sadly, bloodshed.

Rights aren't granted. They're taken.

Why is it that the right thinks science and expertise is an opinion?

They work off belief and faith, that's what religion is. So they project that everyone else thinks and works the same way, aka they think science is a belief and faith. It's always projection.

It's never been about belief or faith. This goes back to the tobacco lobby when progressives were considered progressive because they followed the advice and research of experts. Conservatives couldn't get away with doing whatever they wanted to do because progressives had facts and evidence to back up their platforms. While progressives were relying on input from third-party think tanks, conservatives invented their own think tanks by buying off professors from prestigious universities who needed more money and were willing to write bad-faith research.

Conservatives don't believe in anything other than money, power, and self-indulgence—they just muddied the waters enough to make facts and research look questionable. Finally, when people point to facts and figures, conservatives can point to their own tainted research and pretend like they believe their own lies.

It's a bit simpler. Those facts, evidence, research, and experts? The religious right thinks that's all faith and belief, because that's how they work. That's really what they think. It's mind boggling but that's what they think.

Protest every day until they collapse or the system does.