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Ok, but then don‘t cry when Trump gets reelected

She told people to vote and most Taylor Swift Fans probably aren‘t conservative

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Dear wokeists, if conservatives don‘t want people to have rights, then why are they part of the right-wing? Checkmate, liburals

It actually is

I agree with most of your comment, but when I was suicidal I absolutely was looking for ways to achieve something good through my death.

Cancer also attempts to grow infinatly. I see a connection

You guys definitely have an addiction

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Dunno man. I feel like there are a ton of artists, that don‘t earn a cent with their art

Thats a huge cock

According to highly credible german far right Qanon followers german antifascists get paid 600€ (656,15$) per demo they visit. They also get 20€ (21,87$) per sticker they spread. I demand the same payment for any antifascist worldwide! International Solidarity!

Based Lemmy

They were not „hiding in a hospital“. They were undergoing medical treatment.

Nope. They lost, but inflicted heavy casualties

wtf i love communism now

I nut in ya dad

I‘m sure they call 161

Thanks for the sources.

The first article doesn‘t invalidate my thesis. It explains the difference between sex and gender.

The second article argues against the sex binary, which I never defended. I view „male“ and „female“ (in the context of the biological sex) as terms for a combination of chromosomes. The article still was absolutely worth reading, thanks.

The third article actually lists a bunch of stuff I didn‘t know about. I‘m going to look into that.

Thats happening a lot lately in Germany. At every fucking Antifa protest at least one suspicious looking guy films with his handy. I honestly doubt, that they have the necessary skill and contact with other fascists in other cities to identify everybody, but I still don‘t want them to know my face

As you may have guessed I don‘t have a doctorate in genetics, just like you, I assume.

I don‘t get to determine biological definitions, but the definition of a biological sex, if such a thing exists, is still heavily debated in science. Therefore a consensus couldn‘t be reached so far. I just argued for the definition, that sounds the most logical to me. If you have other definitions or models I am open always open to learn.

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I mean the social democrats had a similar slogan:

"Governments come and go. [...] After Hitler, we come to power! It will once again be the German republicans who will have to clean up the mess. We are preparing for that day!"

  • Karl Hölterman, the leader of the democratic militia „Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold“, 1933


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So you are male even if you have a complete set of female sex organs and no male sex organs?

Biologically yes. At least according to my definition, but thats a different discussion.

Literally the only way to determine 'male' or 'female' is a DNA test?

Biologically, yes.

We've never been able to determine that before Flemming discovered chromosomes in the late 19th century?

In the 19th century we assumed, that social and biological gender are the same and ignored, that basically every definition of „male“ or „female“ at the time had exceptions and wasn‘t applicable to everyone.

That's really weird, because the etymology of the word male traces it back to the 14th century.

I am surprised it doesn‘t traces back even further. People believed in all kind of shit back then. Thats no argument.

Now I'm not math expert, but I'm pretty sure 14 comes before 18.

That doesn‘t make sense in the slightest. By that logic the earth is flat, because the first models of a flat earth were published before the first models of a round earth.

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Biological gender: A Person with two X-Chromosons

Social Gender: Anyone who wants to be a woman

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