
0 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Fox News male audience: OMG where is a dick i can suck? I didn't want to be stuck!!!

Only 650?? Can i be your ghost?

5 more...

Dang. Even he got a new job. My "not selected for the position" emails are at 376 currently.

8 more...

Construction workers can make bank, mom!

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Fuckin kkr. The ones who got Toys R Us to go bankrupt just to make a buck. They also purchased the company i worked for then sold it to another company which resulted in big layoffs some years back. They can eat shit and die.

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And he never phones it in. He's a National Treasure!

I care. I don't want this weasel to con his way into a way to be president again and somehow pardon himself. It seems like for politicians there is always a way.

"The Tina Fey directed musical stars Jamie Fox as Trump..."

Omg, you straight af gurl!

He's definitely on the list of most punchable faces.

His dad should have never busted him.

14 more...

So apparently it was chocolate. I hope it really was.

Blasphemy! You guys should circle jerk in haste!

Snap into a VR. Ohhhh yeaaahhhh!

I would see that movie and i wouldn't even need to watch a trailer.

Get your freaking towel and get outta here, man!

I understand this reference.

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And less mass

OLED is worth it.

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It's ok. Jesus died for all the sins. Now please excuse me. I have women to rape, men to kill, and kittens to kick. Ciao!

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Nice. I'm using a dell 7440 latitude with Mint Cinnamon and the track pad is glitchy to say the least.

It's a European company.

Seriously. That last bit totally changed what he really meant.

Side note, i recently found out the guy Bill is playing is Matthew Perry's step dad.

We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.

Seriously. We were made to be horny goats for procreation purposes by nature.

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Clone it in case your SSD dies.

And... How did you come to this conclusion?!

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A MILLION DOLLARS! Austin Powers scene.

No. But for 100 million 🤔

Did you even read the article?

Guru energy drink is your friend. Acting like you are working is your profession for the day.

Come on man. The talk has always been about apple not implementing the industry standard charging port on their phones. It goes back to the 30 pin days. They just want to make proprietary items for mad profits and milk it until all sheeps wake up.

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Sensible chuckle

Im sorry. I meant once you go OLED you don't go back.

Edit: it's like eye orgasms.

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Well, i thought it was funny.


Wow, try reading the articles first before commenting.

Oh right, i forgot Mac's are primarily used for making phone calls, texts, are kept in pockets when traveling, and USB-C is mainstream now so charging is a breeze, but screw iphones ami'rite?

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His mind is capable of speaking up to a third grade level. The people in favor of Trump understand him clearly.

Afghanistan, really?!

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