Maven (famous) to Lemmy – 704 points –

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Dang. Even he got a new job. My "not selected for the position" emails are at 376 currently.

The new normal. You're lucky if an actual person reads your application nowadays.

I'm so exhausted. Just shoveling resumes into the void.

2019 - Present

Professional Resume Void Shoveler

I'm starting a job search today and dreading it. There are only like 5 positions open right now that fit with my skills and also pay even close to a livable amount of money, so that's not great. Deceased sounds like a great opportunity at this point - no commute and you don't need a living wage if you're not living.

Nah, dude. Just wait until the deceased field gets oversaturated. All the hordes of people wandering pointlessly, everybody trampling over everyone else trying to eat the organs of the's a dead end job that'll get worse with time.

You get those emails? Nice.

(Gets a job by knowing someone) I can explain!

You didn't have to interview? I had to go to through three interviews!

I'd love to get an interview. All I get are rejection emails.

You guys are getting responses?