Maven (famous)

@Maven (famous)
88 Post – 231 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.

I've determined it means that people who ride bikes are smart and rich.

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You're one of today's lucky 10,000!

My least favorite people are:

  1. anyone who hates someone else just due to where they are from
  2. Minnesotans
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I spend most of my time on Grindr playing with balls so that's not far off

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This is actually a sequel post! The conversation started with this:

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The website actually lists a moral under every single post. This one is about consuming information and knowledge and how if you try to shove too much info on at once you won't actually take all of it in. The comic however just makes it look like people like to eat books.

Outside of the crop, the edit is a big improvement to readability for me. Trying to read the original was really confusing for a second.

GOG is also a filter too. Everything in the whole store you know is DRM free when with other stores you have to check each game individually.

Steam is also a form of DRM in most cases though either way.

One of my favorite things about discord was the fact that your experience was similar on both mobile and desktop. I honestly thought it was fantastic from a UX perspective since your knowledge of the app transferred easily between platforms. The new update destroys that and tosses out a large amount of shared knowledge.

Another, more important, complaint is the changes to the colors/themes makes the accessibility significantly worse no matter what theme you use for anyone with eye issues. They changed the light mode font to gray???? They reduced the contrast on the other modes significantly making it genuinely difficult to read text on a MESSAGING APP.

To me this whole thing, and the earlier username changes, feel like changing for the sake of changing rather than actually improving anything. This is just for the shareholders and not because literally anyone asked for it.

Also why is dms it's own tab I really liked that they were listed next to the servers!

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Unlike the current unchecked violence to keep capitalism in place.

Reload the last save (day 6)

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You'd be surprised on that 2nd one

Shockingly not a single person has replied... Which is not very confidence inducing.

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It started out by just trying to get McDonald's and burger King to fight and turned into a "barn style painting" with fire, brimstone, and flying gold fish.

How is that going to change if you don't try using them?

The top comment on the other one


No, this is Joshi. Japanese women's wrestling. Like WWE but surprisingly more hardcore????

It's less about it not being open source and more about it being Facebook. One of the worst companies. I refuse to strap my face into spyware.

This is the same company that made a study on how it negatively impacted people's lives and then purposely moved against it for profit. I simply don't trust them to make anything with my best interests in mind.

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I'm admittedly biased as the person who posted this but also... I don't see this as sexy.

I agree that it could be fetishized but I wouldn't describe the image itself as fetishizing and moreso just acknowledging the existence of the feminine penis.

If we're pegging the minimum wage then call me "$7.25 an hour"

Ah yes... This is a selfie of me... This isn't a drawing or a meme.

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God damnit

Is that... Good?

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I have so many more of these they can have

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This feels like something he does all the time.


I'd argue that you have to be horrible already to have loads of money. Any reasonably good person would be using their excess wealth for a good cause rather than building ego rockets.

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He had AI Tupac tell people that liking young girls is a gift.

Edit: that isn't a joke Lyrics

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One time I matched with a girl and every single one of her profile pictures was her in the same bathroom wearing the same outfit but in the background of each were various different anime characters.

My opening line was "man I hate when people only have group photos, it's so hard to tell who I actually matched with"

They called me a dumbass and unmatched me.

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I'm not convinced 100% isn't shrunk in some way

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I use this a lot and people seem to appreciate the honesty.

Mockery mostly


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Yeah but like... This post has (rule) in the title and also I have no idea what editing a post is

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I LOVE Bernie

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I have no idea how you would be this confused here.

I used to be hardcore anti-subs but then I started to realize that a large amount of English movies are mixed in a way where you can't understand anything that's going on anyway (thanks Christopher Nolan) so I have subs on for everything now because I can more consistently experience the entirety of the movie/show instead of my understanding of lines being up to if the director was upset that day.

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