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Well ACC works on linux, including VR, using proton. This probably will to unless it is using some form of broken copy protection.

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Until risc-v is at least as performant as top of the line 2 year old hardware it isn’t going to be of interest to most end users. Right now it is mostly hobbyist hardware.

I also think a lot of trust if being put into it that is going to be misplaced. Just because the ISA is open doesn’t mean anything about the developed hardware.

It isn’t as simple as just compiling. Large programs like games then need to be tested to make sure the code doesn’t have bugs on ARM. Developers often use assembly to optimize performance, so those portions would need to be rewritten as well. And Apple has been the only large install of performant ARM consumer hardware on anything laptop or desktop windows. So, there hasn’t been a strong install base to even encourage many developers to port their stuff to windows on ARM.

I actually bought a m1 mini for a linux low power server. I was getting tired of the Pi4 being so slow when I needed to compile something. Works real well, just need the Asahi team to get TB working. And for my server stuff, 8gb is plenty.

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I had a similar thought. She kind of looks like a cross between Angelina and Courteney Cox with a touch of stay away.

3 out of 3 will probably vote for trump in the general election.

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Had they not heard of Madonna?

Edit: "He’s suing Madonna for breach of written contract, negligent misrepresentation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false advertising, negligence/negligent infliction of emotional distress and unfair competition. "

If I went to her concert and this stuff didn't happen I'd probably sue for that.

This really isn’t surprising. Their market cap was larger than the whole of the rest of the auto industry combined. Had to come back to earth eventually.

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This is good. Less people in jail means less money spent there. That money can be spent elsewhere like in the community to prevent these outcomes in the first place. Unless the person is a danger to the community or a flight risk, they shouldn't really be a need to hold them. Shouldn't need to hold someone for say, being noisy(crappy ex), and they can't afford to pay, loose their job, etc etc.

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This kind of "self driving" shouldn't even be legal. Giving a driver a explicit reason not to pay attention but still instructing them and expecting them to pay attention is a recipe for disaster. I don't know whose bright idea that was, maybe an accident lawyer, but it has been quite deadly.

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So if I use Firefox I have a choice between a 5sec delay or a 5sec delay and ads. That seems like an easy choice.

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If a $30 million business get valued at over a billion dollars, I'd short sell it too. Trump probably did too.

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This seems a lot more rational than some other closings where you hear about hundreds closing. Closing a few, but possibly replacing some of them with their smaller stores. Sound much more proactive than some closings we hear about.

Sure it aged well. WAY WAY BIGGER than gnu.

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I will just say it uses an ARM A5 which was introduced in 2011. It is 32bit processor which could be problematic as most linux distros are moving or have moved to 64-bit. And most importantly only has USB2.0 ports.

“We’re not a banana republic,”

If that is the case then they should refuse US foreign aid.

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This is actually Medicaid, not Medicare. Medicaid is often used to cover premiums and copays for Medicare for lower income individuals including people dealing with cancer and such though.

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Not sure where I saw it on youtube, but there was a video telling how to report federal judges for bias was posted. Within the last week or 2.

Edit: Here it is.

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They should play one of the female lead characters, but as male.

Give me a cannonball run that has real roads and realistic speed and traffic

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There are other ways to give to creators. You can tip, many have stores, patreon and floatplane among other ways.

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Based on the little you share, I would lean towards that being a valid diagnosis. Nothing wrong with getting a second opinion though. Sounds like this is pretty new to you, so it is understandable that you a feeling this way. I’d suggest doing some research on it to see if you can relate and maybe check out local mental health support groups. They are free and peers with mental illnesses themselves. Talking to friends or people you know that you trust about how you were doing before treatment and now may be helpful as it can be very difficult to have personal insight with mental health issues.

There are various injectable treatments for it these days which means you don’t have to remember to take pills. Some last around a month and I have heard there are some that last half a year.

Pricing seems about right if in the US. A month of generic pills can be around $700 without insurance not to mention doctor appointment co-fees. Keep in mind that not taking schizophrenia treatment can end up costing more, not even getting into broken relationships, lost jobs and interruptions to education.

Of course they did. Don’t change it after release. In the future with a game like this they should make the singleplayer side part of the base game and move the multiplayer to a free “DLC” and just not offer that “DLC” where psn isn’t available if that is going to be a thing.

OBVIOUSLY it would be better to not have that requirement at all.

Not sure what the hell they are thinking. Also wonder how much money was refunded. Doesn’t even get into the number of buyers they are excluding.

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That estimate seems fairly high.

edit: Just to be clear, I'd be surprised it it is worth even $5Billion now.

Yeah, that goes with the Tesla stock among others.

Edit: Many of these are becoming just a popularity contest at this point.

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This why you should always have a personal email and work email.

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If it can be done manually, I don't see any reason it can't be done automatically. Other than just not wanting to allocate the person-power to it.

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They designated them as twins. How far apart would they have to be for them not to be considered twins? Say someone with the same condition gets a second pregnancy started 3 months later and delivers 3 months apart. would those still be considered twins?

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It isn't all of America, but a surprising large part of it. So many short sighted people here. Shoot, you have a large solar installation and they reflect light and therefore heat back up making it cooler on the ground. Instead of importing oil, we can make solar panels here. Just ridiculous.

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Range is the biggest. KMOX in St Louis was known to reach Colorado from my understanding. There are/were a lot of Cardinal fans because of it in that area before they got the Rockies. I don't think they broadcast as strong now, not sure. FM will cut out in under 75 miles* unless you have a "good" antenna.

*Not sure the proper range.

I can imagine that a bunch of those are astroturfing usernames. Businesses, celebrities and the like have a big deal of value in their online identity.

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Probably not yet as the gsp firmware loading that would allow full performance is not included in these patches and these patches will requires linux 6.6 to work at all while 6.4 is the current release.

That is sad and anxiety inducing. Just doing everyday stuff.

Sorry for his family and friends.

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Just got to say that at that point it isn't a stone anymore.

I simply quoted what he stated. If it wasn't for US financial aid Israel probably couldn't exist as a country so they are not going to stop accepting aid. Hamas couldn't have reasonably expected to win, so they must have had a different goal, most likely to turn the world against Israel and Netanyahu has pretty much stomped right through that door and has no issue pushing forward. If that was their goal they appear to be succeeding.

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Check the freedesktop site/repos. It was recently updated with support for 20, 30 & 40 series reclocking and hardware support. Runs pretty snappy on a 4080 and Plasma wayland. NVK, the vulkan part of it has been coming along nicely the past fee months as well.

Totally has signs of life.

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Disorderly conduct? Shouldn't that be assault?

Why would Canada pay for it?

That is my understanding. Additionally I have seen no evidence that it is actually enforced either. You could get Ghost of Tsushima for $59.99 on steam and for like $51.xx on another site using keys. Same happened with forbidden west.

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We need to be more proactive in our regulations than just wait for a company to violate antitrust law. Capitalism isn't good without strong regulations.