2 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

So they’re taking shows away from people who have already purchased them and moving the shows to other services in order to try to make potential customers subscribe to more services?

Fuck those guys, especially for ripping off people who already paid for the content.

Here we go again. Instead of being forced to subscribe to shitty bundles of cable channels in order to get the channel you do want, we’re being forced to subscribe to multiple shitty services to get the shows we want.

This industry is a one-trick pony. Literally giving the worst service they can to force people to subscribe to more services.

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I’m curious how they implemented this. The air completely has to be replaced with nitrogen, no breathing in a mix of nitrogen and outside air, no oxygen at all. People that enter confined spaces with no oxygen pretty much just drop and are dead quickly, so this doesn’t sound like they did it right.

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Yeah, but if you start labeling neighborhoods as “bad” on a mapping program you have a different set of problems.

People need to be aware of their surroundings and not cluelessly follow programs like this.

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IMO they didn’t crush anything?

The apathetic remained.

Those who have niche communities that aren’t available elsewhere likely remained.

Several of my subscribed subs are completely gone or functionally extinct due to lack of participation.

Anecdotally I find reduced participation in other subs, people seem less willing to have a discussion.

Personally I’ve moved on to Lemmy/KBin/etc. and spend most of my time there now.

But “crushed”?

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Windows 11? Ads. New outlook program? Ads. Old outlook iOS app? Now injecting ads there too.

Ads are a cancer on the internet.

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Let’s clarify this title a little. White hat hacker found a way to see the poorly secured database containing said info. It hasn’t been stolen or found on the web, so it wasn’t “leaked” publicly in the sense that it was deliberately made available.

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…and the Native Americans.

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You forgot conservative/republican, anti science, reactionary, pro-gun, etc. just being white and Christian isn’t enough because you can still be a liberal or have some actual intelligence.

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FTR I’m generally against the death penalty, so same, don’t give me grief. I’m of the opinion that if it’s gonna be done, don’t fuck it up.

Ok. So regarding the implementation it sounds like they fucked it up. As you said (and I previously implied) it sounds like they didn’t properly exclude oxygen/remove waste CO2. Kinda hard to believe they fucked up something so simple considering the ton of evidence on hypoxic accidents.

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Couldn’t possibly be instances like this, could it?

Or the price premium for FSD that doesn’t actually work?

Or the reports of poor build quality?

Or the difficulty in getting service?

The lack of customer service?

Or maybe people don’t want to support a company run by an unstable dickhead?

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We’re still here. We’re the latchkey kids even on the internet. We show up, pop a TV dinner in the microwave and watch the boomers and everyone after us fight. We remember the “good old days” of MS DOS, C64s and get cranky at having to fix both our parent’s electronics as well as our kids stuff; because ot seems most anyone after the advent of the iphone tends to be clueless about tech and would rather take a selfie than learn how to assemble today’s dead-simple PC components.

We’re the last group that had a shot at getting the cheese in the laid-out easy maze of graduating college with a degree and walking into a place we wanted to work and dropping off a paper resumee.

We’ve also been at the tail end of seeing things disappear. Pensions. Affordable health care. Affordable education. Realistic retirement. Company loyalty. Etc. so we’re caught between everything the boomers had and the generations after don’t. We’re a transitional group between rotary dial phones and the modern internet.

Nobody knows what to do with us. Not even ourselves.

So we get forgotten.

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Why not? I prefer a hard wired connection over wifi where possible any day. The speeds are more than adequate for 99.9% of needs, it’s pretty secure, what’s not to like?

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A precedent where your followers break the law in your name can be a dangerous war of escalation between opponents.

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Amazing how completely absurd things like this come out of their mouths and they expect people to believe it. Insulting is what it is. We’ve had an HP AIO printer for a decade + that is “bricked” because of their stupid DRM. I can’t even use the scanner because we have non-HP ink. Never gonna buy another HP product.

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Billionaire worshippers

Politician worshippers

Wealth worshippers

Fame worshippers

Basically people who defend people who don’t deserve or need to be defended. Wealthy people have lawyers to defend them, they certainly don’t need or want you, and they don’t need you to justify them making a million an hour in dividends or interest while sitting on their asses.

Politicians work for you, why do you worship your employee?

Famous people can fuck right off, especially influencers. Why do you defend someone destroying a $200k car or wasting absurd amounts of food?

E: oh, Military worship, too. That shit is right up there with fascism and autocratic rule.

I’ve lived in left leaning areas for decades. Solar is everywhere, from rooftops to open fields. We don’t have a ton of wind, but there’s a lot of offshore farms and quite a few in the hills. Nobody is “taking” land, it’s sold by the landowner.

If right wing areas are blocking renewables it’s far more likely to be done so it props up the fossil fuel/power generation companies and has little or nothing to do with any actual drawbacks of renewables or their installation.

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Doc Martens are now Chinese made IIRC and don’t last.

Solovair is the the company that used to make Martens and you can still buy that style there. I hear they’re much better than Martens, but also occasionally a mixed review that they didn’t last very long.

I’ll offer a mixed review for carhartt…while they used to be strictly workwear, they’ve started putting up retail spaces in designer clothing areas. Prices have shot up. I had a belt from them that fell apart pretty quick with normal wear. Got a work shirt that’s doing pretty good though. IMO they’re headed down the same road as a lot of brands that get popular - price hikes with decreased quality.

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I could keep going. And I did. Eventually I ended up with a PDF that Preview claimed is larger than the entire universe – approximately 37 trillion light years square. Admittedly it’s mostly empty space, but so is the universe.

So yes. It can be done.

I thought Edinburgh was two different places because of pronunciation.

I always read it as pronounced like -berg, but there was this other, similar town pronounced -bruh or -boro that people talked about.

Just one of those place names that didn’t come up often at all, so I never compared them in my head and wondered if “hey, these might be the same place…” It came up and bit me in conversation far too recently where my misunderstanding was worth a laugh among friends.

That, and I thought we’d elect basically decent (as far as politicians go) people to the presidency that would at least honor tradition and the institution. Boy, was I wrong about that.

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The hypocrisy of the religious. Hands down the biggest reason.

The exclusivity, in the negative sense.

The constant premise that there is something wrong with you if you don’t conform or otherwise fit the mold, or bend a knee to those thought of as superiors. Dissent is not allowed.

Pray problems away instead of actually doing something about them. Like school shootings.

The toss in all the rest of the BS like fighting other religions, wars in god’s name, god gave me (the win, the victory, saved my life but it wasn’t the surgeons, spared my house in the tornado but not the neighbor’s, my Mercedes, whatever) but not you because you’re gay or support LGBTQ, liberal, atheist, etc.

There really is so much to despise about people who using religion as a shield for their shitty beliefs and actions.

  • CEOs anywhere

Screw these guys.

Why can’t they release the server code or whatever so the community can keep playing the games. I’ve got a bunch of games that I can no longer play because there’s no servers. There was a community attempt at putting something together, they were working from scratch, but it seems to have failed.

The devs won’t support it, but they won’t let anyone play with the abandonware either. Took their ball and went home.

Says a fat man wearing a suit.

Could we not tie critical infrastructure to the open web? I know it’s great to have these systems communicating with each other, but damn…hire some extra humans to throw the important switches and push the right buttons air gapped from the web so that some malicious actor can’t cause massive damage from halfway around the world via a few lines of code.

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A US business rethink an anti-union model? Even businesses with unions would be happy to get rid of them here. They’re not going to rethink anything, they’ll expend every possible effort to avoid bending a knee to a union, especially a foreign one.

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There’s nothing a dressed up truck driver likes more than pulling out someone stuck in the mud or snow. It’s like justification for everything they think they have a truck for and guaranteed they’ll tell you about it.

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I’m sure they’ll expend the effort to track the offenders down and slap them on the wrist.

From post-truth to post-reality in just a few years. SMH.

You don’t say…

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I have a similar device for my PC. It enables me to use my joystick on a game that won’t allow it because I also use a G13 game pad. Using the device makes it possible to fly in a game that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to. The issue is that the device also can abuse aim-assist on PC and others. I’ve tried it out, it’s almost a no-recoil, no bullet deviation, soft aimbot. I can tell most top players are using one because their guns are laser beams compared to everyone else. In a 32 player match at least 2-4 people on each side are using one. All the same scores, all the same guns and play style. I don’t see how they don’t get bored with it. When I used it the thrill of an earned victory was gone. Didn’t like it at all.

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Just a scam to grab investor and preorder cash, then bolt. Repeat.

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The Space Battleship Yamato, seeing as you said “Battleship”.

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The sheriff’s office said the teen created several accounts on websites offering swatting services

Now this is the real story. You can hire out to swat people? This is fucked up.

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Well, fuck.

And of course wages aren’t going to take a leap forward either.

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Cutting to profitability. A tired and true way to make the books look good.

(Not a typo)


From the difference between WiFi, cellular data, and wired Ethernet to the ports on a computer.

People don’t know shit, and it’s getting worse thanks to the abundance of things like tablets and phones. Nobody knows anything about operating systems, file system structure or types, or even how to turn Bluetooth on.

And I am not what I consider highly tech literate. Plenty of stuff stumps me or I simply don’t know how to do. Yet I’m the family “IT guy” that has to troubleshoot and fix stuff.

Probably the worst part isn’t people not knowing. That’s fine. There’s tons of shit I don’t know. It’s the unwillingness to remember and learn about the system. That’s pretty maddening.

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Game of Thrones.

Read the books and got maybe to the 5th book? 6th? And gave up. It stopped going anywhere, the politics went away, it was just people going from A to B and getting killed somewhere along the way. Just like the show, they lost direction and floundered, Martin couldn’t finish it off.

So I never bothered to watch it. Never will.

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Unfortunately something like “Biden’s college ex-roomate’s best friend’s cousin was caught on camera saying a bad word!” constitutes “Breaking News” for CNN.

I’m not in favor of celebrity moving to politics. Even ones that I think are intelligent. Stewart has long been involved in political mockery and has actual experience in helping a bill get passed, but I think he wouldn’t survive the frustration of being forced to work in DC as President.

There’s a video out there that I can’t find where Stewart is talking to (political science students?) who ask him about his time in DC trying to get the 9/11 First Responders Bill passed and what he thought of politics there. His disgust for real politics and how politicians operate is vividly apparent and borders on revulsion.

I think he’s a good man, but I don’t know that he would be a successful president.

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