2 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It probably isn’t. The webview grabs the title directly from github. Thanks

I see no title, its just a link with no context whatsoever.

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This is actually the very first non-clickbait title I have seen all week.

That’s capitalism for you 😉

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Can we stop repeating clickbait titles from cancer tech magazines? If you post, then why not just give us the gist of the article? For instance here: what’s the feature, and why is it a concern that one might „fall in love“ with it?

If you run random .pdf.something-files pm‘d to you on LinkedIn you probably shouldn’t use a computer anyway, no matter if it runs Linux or Windows…

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It’s a bit rich for a site that uses about 200 „legitimate interest“ cookies to complain about chinese practices.

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I recommend sponsorblock browser extension. Skips sponsored segments automatically.

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Wasn’t Teams hot garbage before?

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Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum…

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I love how this has 81k stars on Github, a platform Microsoft acquired in 2018.

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I feel this is all just a scam, trying to drive the value of AI stocks. Noone in the media seems to talk about the hallucination problem, the problem with limited data for new models (Habsburg-AI), the energy restrictions etc.

It’s all uncritical believe that „AI“ will just become smart eventually. This technology is built upon a hype, it is nothing more than that. There are limitations, and they reached them.

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This does not need to be a 8 minute video. Read your tldw instead. Thanks, OP.

Or, here’s a crazy idea: don’t shop on amazon at all.

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You may think they would want to use all that money to make people not need to pirate things. but here we are.

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Of course they are cheaper, thats why they put them everywhere instead of regular buttons.

Why is pornhub obvious? Americans are so prude, it hurts my brain. God forbid there are nipples somewhere! But murder is fine.

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Drop me a message, i could design that in creo and send you any format you like. Looks like 15 minutes of work, and I love bees 😊

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Europe != EU. UK is not in the EU.

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The German word for raccoon is Waschbär

Curing instagram addiction is easy. Just unfollow everyone you don’t know in person. Cut my instagram time from ~2h/day to 5 minutes every other day

Archive link against the pay/subscription wall

How is a system with 400 alarms the largest in the world? I couldn’t find the numbers for Germany but in Austria there are over 8000 sirens. Does anyone know more about that?

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Why would grandma want to do that? I have set up computers for tech illiterate people with Linux quite successfully. You just tell them: „if it wants your password, you did something wrong. Never enter your password, unless you know exactly why“ Set and forget.

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The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) decided that. They developed a standard which can be found here

That’s security through obscurity and one should never rely on this strategy alone

Try this, if your TV can run it: No ads, and there is even sponsor block included, so you don’t have to hear the annoying „segue to our sponsor“ and „please like and subscribe“ nonsense.

Do you really do Alt+C and Alt+P for copy paste? I usually press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V

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Oh wow I didn’t know. Fuck Ashton Kutcher!

I abandoned my lifetime plex license long ago. It’s the sunk cost fallacy, some people are immune to it and others aren’t. Quite obviously some people here aren’t, because they still defend plex.

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Is this graffiti? Or is it just vandalism? Imo graffiti is an art, and this is no art.

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I don’t see what was wrong with the comment of /u/voyajer. Can you elaborate?

Haha very much so! I had to downvote my own comment for that. Shame.

There are a lot of typos in this book. Are you looking for someone to proofread? Great work btw

1 more... With no paywall. Thanks, what an interesting read!

😂😂😂 thank you, this just made my day. Sorry about your concussion though! And yes it is the same project, it shows in the screenshot.

I change it, because my distro came with pale moon browser which looks like something from the early 2000s

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I am still angry at google for killing Play Music. You could upload your own files, back in the day. It was a genuinely awesome and unique product that I used every single day.

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Too be fair, they are all evil.