Plex will be blocking access from at least one VPS provider to – 282 points –

Appears to be Hetzner for now, wouldn't be surprised if all VPS get affected eventually.


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I abandoned my lifetime plex license long ago. It’s the sunk cost fallacy, some people are immune to it and others aren’t. Quite obviously some people here aren’t, because they still defend plex.

I won't defend Plex, but Jellyfin just isn't quite there as an alternative yet. Their ATV app leaves still leaves a lot to be desired. I'm hoping it gets there sooner than later though so I can finally jump ship. The only other thing I really want is some tool to migrate the "watched" status of all my content to Jellyfin.

Only reason I haven't switched is cause many of my users are clueless boomers and no matter how painless the switch should be it won't be for them 😂

I'll probably switch to Jellyfin in the near future anyway tho since Plex just keeps getting enshittified

I just run them side by side on the same nuc. All my friends still use Plex though I think because the apps look nicer. I wish jellyfin had federated features so that you could choose to use a single account across many friends instances. I still use Plex because I don't want to deal with syncing watched status between instances.

Jellyfin is incredibly simple to use. It's even incredibly simple to setup.

I've been using Plex because it's what I heard the most about and I liked that it has native apps everywhere. Wasn't so tempted by Jellyfin since, even as a web developer, I'm not fond of web apps on other platforms. However, it's starting to be tempting to switch...

And many people here seem to misunderstand why Plex is doing what they're doing. Quite obviously you have no clue what you're talking about.

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