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16 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A Greek FOSS Game Developer that aims to change the world! :)

I agree 1000000000% with them. One console called PC. :)

Still, casual gamers did think Linux couldn't game. It's changing this opinion in the best way possible and that's really important since Linux is the best OS. I personally think we still live in medieval PC times as long as Windows is the main OS used.

I just signed up at . This is pretty lackluster for the moment but has tremendous potential. Thank you so much for letting me know of it! :)

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Now I have to buy their games lol.

Is this based on Activity Pub?

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OP of the original video here. Wait till you see the Nvidia Optimus results. Even I was dumbdfounded by them. Windows is SOOOO bloated it's thermal throttling like no tomorrow on my laptop. Linux is about 20% faster even on Nvidia. XD

People will at some point need to realize that they have to donate and not pay a compulsory fee for products that are worth the money. It may not be apparent now but this is where the world is heading. When Youtube Premium also starts having ads and there's a higher tier for no ads then things will start moving and fast.

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Actually, this seems like Spotify, I was talking abou something with comments and likes, kinda social. That would be even better imo.

Not wrong but it would be a nice alternative at the very least. That's why I talked about ads so they also have an incentive beyond donations if they want to monetize. Perhaps a download button with the system would also be an option. It's just something that doesn't exist yet and I think has great potential.

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Nah, the increase is 0.52%. Could be a little overblown? Yeah. Could be completely wrong? Very doubtful. Next month it will probably drop a little and keep climbing steadily but surely. But the fact that for this month Linux gamers are more than MacOS gamers for the first time is at the very least very impressive! :)

I LOVE KDE. Seriously. But there is no proper Sliding TWM for it at the moment and it's soooooo good having a proper one. I tried Karousel but it was too glitchy, especially when streaming. Thus, I am on Gnome with PaperWM. A simply phenomenal experience! :)

Such gigachads! :)

Awesome, do you have a link to find instances?

Serious games are a genre. So like education games, brain training games. These are called Serious Games. This is a traditional Action RPG with the aim to make the players think. :)

The have laid off half their stuff and I think they're getting sold.

Sliding Tiling Window Management akin to PaperWM for Gnome.

One of the few things that makes me proud to be a modern Greek! :)

Lina replaied to me on Mastodon and said it's not usable yet, so I'm gonna have to wait to properly test gaming on an M1.

Ubuntu and Snaps are the cancer of the Linux world. :)

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Oh wow! Along with my newly implanted BCI microschip this seems perfect! :)

Oh, no worries. I've seen more insane things happen. Like Facebook and Google being created.

Yeah this is a laptop. :)

Mac is just extremely pricey and very underwhelming for an everyday person. UwU

I'm writing this from Kalpa. What is immature about it?

Yeah I used to do Linux vs Windows benchmarks. On an AMD GPU Linux is usually faster. :)

Yup! Doable with gamescope-git and some env vars set to true. :)

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That's what I meant thanx! :)

The driver is just beginning to be developed. It's a miracle it can do this already. In 1-2 years it should be be immensely better, I would say, at this rate, comparable to the proprietary drivers of Nvidia.

Sure! :)

This is the full archwiki article on HDR! :) gamescope-session is not needed in my experience but the rest are.

Hope this helps! :)

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Oh I don't know about that tbh. Never tried it. Plasma 6 should have HDR to an extent and HDR work in general has picked up and is progressing rather nicely for Linux in general. :)

It's been awesome! The only thing I need to do is transfer my Metahumans using a Windows machine. Beyond that everything has been phenomenal. Everything is supported and runs 2x smoother than Windows. Totally recommended checking it out! :)

Have you tried Garuda? Best one for gaming. :)

Garuda Linux and then VanillaOS when Orchid is out and you're a little more familiar with the system. :)

I installed Tumbleweed immediately after seeing this. What a great company! :)