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Mercedes: the EV market is challenging at the moment.

Also mercedes: pay 100k for this car with limited autonomy and dubious software in early beta stages...

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Ghaderi claims Krishnakumar later pressured her into delaying the start of her maternity leave from the planned date of November 7. Agreeing to the request, she worked until November 15, 2022, "the day she was forced to undergo an emergency C-section," according to the filing.

What the actual fuck!?

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No, it is just incompetence. There's a serious disconnect between the people making the return to office call and the people dealing with it. The thinking is that, over years, the talent lost will be replaced and the backlash will subside and whatever reason they have for the RTO is more important than these.

The trouble with the software industry upper management is that they have never had to deal with an industry in trouble. They've been working in a rapidly growing industry for their whole career. Bad decisions matter very little in such environments so they think they don't make any.

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it's funny how the conventional wisdom at the end of the last decade was that slack was preferred over other simpler/free alternatives because of its UX. People were hailing it for how simple and intuitive it was to use, etc.

5, 6 years later, it has become a bloated piece of crap riddled with bugs. And the UI changes which come unannounced... it should be a criminal offense to change UI through automated updates.

Anyway, here we are, companies have handed their data to this monster and we'll see how they react when the data gets misused. Hopefully that would be the beginning of the end for it

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54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.

It would be interesting to know how many of these references don't exist anymore and how many have just moved. Web has come a very long way since 2013 and I bet that websites hosting the references have undergone several iterations altering the URLs in some way.

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immediately move on to even more anti consumer ways

but they'll keep collecting that data even after the slap on the wrist which will be more like a gentle tap

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Everything you post has potential to remain forever even if it's not monetized directly. Cautioning people about it makes sense now and has always made sense.

Why are we still surprised by stories like these? Post pandemic tech layoffs are not performance based. The tech industry has decided that less employees is better than more employees and they're laying off entire departments.

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oh, they're there and they're just as useless. I'm the kind of person who refuses to remember things so I have been using google search to take me to the particular website which contains that one liner which I know fixes my issue. For the past 4 years or so, I started actually remembering a lot of things because it's impossible to get to those pages through all the spam.

A search for a specific question used to take me to a stack overflow page with that specific wording to which the answer was the specific command and a description of what it does. Now not only does google ignore half the search terms, but the first 5 results are crap websites with a long description which seems to be close to what i'm looking for only to prove to be useless 3 minutes in.

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As of the second quarter of fiscal year 2024, the Americas held around 41 percent of the revenue, whereas Europe came in second with roughly over 26.5 percent.


As the second largest revenue generator, Europe has a powerful voice.

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the bible also contains accounts of god helping his people conquer land and uproot the residing population from it. I wouldn't use it as a moral reference.

In fact, let's be honest: there is no point in quoting any religious text, regardless of religion, when discussing morality. These texts are horribly dated and should be considered as historically interesting, but nothing more.

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I understand how "Big pharma" type conspiracy theories might appear in the USA, but how the hell can someone believe them in EU where the pharmaceutical and health industries are heavily regulated and vaccines are almost exclusively provided by the state? I just can't wrap my head around this.

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This is a dumb question. Almost 50 million people live in Sudan where there’s an ongoing famine. 70 million people live in UK where mass surveillance is roughly state supported. Asking why 300 million people don’t just move is … stupid

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You made me check, the cheapest I can buy one here is 70k EUR for the EQA:

EQA is the name of the new entry-level model to the all-electric world of Mercedes-EQ vehicles.

What a bargain for an entry level model

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If it is high quality, why do you care how it was produced?

But it's not the high quality content that's threatened by AI, it's the mediocre gargabe. It's the endless stream of poor quality TV shows and movies which are produced not as art, but as a means of steady predictibile income for the companies involved. That's the industry aspect of the business. This side of the business consumes most of the talent in the industry. They all know it's not good and they all hope they will get the funding to actually work on the things they know will be high quality. I think AI will allow them to do that.

Further more, this strike is not just about AI. I think this aspect is the one media outlets care most about and gets reported on more. The entertainment industry has suffered a major shift with streaming platforms and the movement of money from production studios to streaming platforms has left the employees behind. They're getting less money from streaming platforms but still do the same work. That's what the strike is about. The industry didn't care for them when it changed.

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That would explain the targeted scams I've been subjected to which seem to have been coming from old colleagues

That's called leadership. You put the right people in the right places and you don't get in their way.

But as long as our major politicians are Republicans and neoliberals, nothing is going to change.

Those poorer countries have governments too. They should be the first line of defense for their citizens. Fuck Nestle and all their products, but the reality is that there's absolutely nothing a foreign power can do to protect the people living in those countries

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the modern internet has existed without google much less than it has with google

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First, unions don’t prevent mass layoffs. They might help make things more manageable and help some individuals in need but layoffs are entirely at the discretion of the business.

And second, the industry is contracting because it hasn’t innovated in more than 5 years now. There is no growth vector but loads of people who aren’t producing value (not their fault, there is nothing to produce). Of course, better protection for employees is always needed, but as someone who watched an european company reduce its workforce from 110k people to 19k over the course of 3 years in early 2010s, i can guarantee that nothing can stop a business from maximizing profits.

This is what we’re seeing now: the work is simply not needed.

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The headline is click-bait. I honestly don’t know why people still read this crap.

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I’m honestly surprised that seemingly everyone in here supports funding the Ukraine war over looking after the American people.

But that's just it. It's not one or the other. US wouldn't have invested the funds going to Ukraine in health care or any other social welfare direction. That budget is a military budget.

US mentality is what keeps investments out of social welfare, not lack of resources. Even with the Ukrainian aid, there are enough resources to invest in infrastructure & welfare, there just isn't any political will to do so.

And, of course, you should also see that supporting Ukraine is in the advantage of the American people long term. It's basically a long term investment. Having a strong stable Europe without the constant threat from Russia is very good for business. Not to mention that when this war ends, there's a 40 million people country which needs rebuilding and there is a lot of money to be made from that.

This is well beyond what minimum wage is about. The authorities should heavily regulate tourism there and make sure it’s not damaging the local communities. This is not only within their power, it is also the very reason they exist

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Bad things can happen but that's why you build disaster recovery into the infrastructure. Especially with a compqny as big as Toyota, you can't have a single point of failure like this. They produce over 13,000 cars per day. This failure cost them close to 300,000,000 dollars just in cars.

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Yeah, “global elite” my ass. He found the perfect opportunity to protect his funders and give a speech that caters to idiots.

Side note: as a non US person, hearing US officials talking about a “global elite” makes me chuckle. My friends, you were the global elite since WW2 ended and possibly still are

It's not sweedes who are doing it. It just happens is sweeden.

A Christian man who immigrated from Iraq to Sweden stomped on a Koran then burnt it on June 28, 2023, in front of Stockholm’s largest mosque on the first day of the Muslim holiday of Eid.

He was denied citizenship, by the way.

Who's we? Did those "we" really manage to exhaust the subject of

This case of al-Ghamdi’s sentencing appears to be the first instance of a death penalty being imposed solely for online posts in Saudi Arabia.


As tourists, sure. But getting a work visa/residence permit is not as easy as you think.

And second of all, what do you expect? An entire country to up an leave? That's stupid beyond measure. Won't that entire country elect the same government wherever else they end up in?

A company who's unable to meet customer demands should not be this profitable. It should use it's revenue to invest back into growing the business to meet customer demand. This should be the real headline.

Anywhere else… It never ceases to amaze me how someone can feel like they know better than the people going through the situation.

I don’t want to take anything away from this protest. It worked about as well as everyone hoped. We’re talking about it in an international community. But come on, there was only one way this was going to end and it was with them getting fired regardless of the country/situation. The employees knew this as well, they probably have other jobs lined out already.

I think that what you're saying is that actions of hypocrites cannot be considered hypocritical since it's their nature to be hypocrites. It's all a bit circular, isn't it?

I think that in the case of Mr. Musk, the issue is that he has been seen as an innovator not just as a capitalist for much of his time in the spotlight. For 2018 Musk, this declaration would have been hypocritical. For 2024 Musk, whatever, why are we still listening to this clown?

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Yes, thank you! I think this should be written in capitals somewhere so that people could understand it quicker. The answers are not wrong or right on purpose. LLMs don't have any way of distinguishing between the two.

The brands are so strong that they can afford to move slowly on this.

I really don't think they are strong. The car industry was basically ravaged by the 2007 financial crisis and a lot of what were companies back then are just brands owned by a few of the industry players. It's hard to believe they would survive another situation like that. I think they want to move fast, but they simply aren't able to do so.

There we go. Now that people have calmed their proverbial tits about these thinking machines, we can start talking maturely about the strengths and limitation of the LLM implementations and find their niche in our tools arsenal.

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this is feudalism, basically.

Serverless just means that the user doesn't manage the capacity by themselves. This scenario can happen easily if the serverless provider is as incompetent as the Toyota admins.

a quick summary is that there might be evidence that Google favored increasing revenue from ads instead of user experience and functionality. The author gathers form of emails (not linked in the article) and the background of Google leadership.

There, that’s most of it. The rest is a difficult read of a rant that’s not always coherent.

but it’s not realistic to expect someone to stay alert for an 8-hour shift where the task is as monotonous as watching a car drive itself.

It wasn't an 8 hour shift and watching the car was the actual job, come on! The driver was the tester. They were testing a system which wasn't yet ready to go untested. The accident is entirely the fault of the driver in that case.

And it's not like their reflexes were slower because of boredom. No. They were not paying any attention at all. They were watching a video. That is gross negligence and not the fault of the car or of the manufacturer.

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