The Toilet Theory of the Internet: Google is serving an audience that wants quick and easy results. That may lead to disaster. to – 365 points –
The Toilet Theory of the Internet

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oh, they're there and they're just as useless. I'm the kind of person who refuses to remember things so I have been using google search to take me to the particular website which contains that one liner which I know fixes my issue. For the past 4 years or so, I started actually remembering a lot of things because it's impossible to get to those pages through all the spam.

A search for a specific question used to take me to a stack overflow page with that specific wording to which the answer was the specific command and a description of what it does. Now not only does google ignore half the search terms, but the first 5 results are crap websites with a long description which seems to be close to what i'm looking for only to prove to be useless 3 minutes in.

I was once searching Native-American in quotes and was getting Indian Ocean as a result.

Edit: I was searching for statistics on electrification of the reservations during the 1960's. It may have been "Indian" with
