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Joined 12 months ago

…which is a hate group

Adobe reactivated my subscription without my permission and now won’t refund me. They have records of my subscription being cancelled in May but can’t explain why I was suddenly billed again in August.

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I don’t understand why they have not asked the DOJ to conduct an espionage act investigation on Tuberville. Holding up the appointment of leaders of the US military doesn’t seem like something someone acting in the interest of the US would do. Even if he is just being a cunt, telling him he’s under investigation for espionage and announcing so publicly, considering the death penalty is an allowable sentence for espionage, he will comply very quickly.

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The comments on the post the mods made yesterday about discord are awful. “Get over yourselves,” “Spez owned you guys,” “Why would we go to Didcord, we chose Reddit.” They’re all from accounts that are 8+ years old that have never interacted on MFA or didn’t start commenting until Rexxit started.

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I keep seeing YouTube shorts of dudes like this doing not just stupid shit, but DANGEROUS shit. I saw this one of this dude flashing gang signs in gang territory in LA. You DO NOT do that shit. Any time someone would get aggressive with him he’s go “it’s a prank there’s a camera!” One of these days he’s going to say that and it’s going to piss the dude he flashed signs at off even more and he is going to get shot.

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Wait, people hate Firefox? Why??

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If they’re not losing money, shareholders do not care. The end goal of a corporation is to maximize profits for the shareholders within the confines of the law. So until they start actually costing shareholders substantial amounts of money they will do nothing.

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My wife tells me she thinks that I am being over dramatic when I say we need to start thinking about exit strategies for fleeing the US, and then stuff like this pops up.

Holy shit, so does that mean if Mali is reclaiming .ml that lemmy.ml is going to go down? That will really hurt Lemmy as a whole for content purposes but also user loss and retention. A good chunk of the users onLemmy.ml may not come back.

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Oh no! The grandson of one of Hitler’s largest US supporters might lose money. How awful. So sad. Fuck Ford.

Ford, GM, and Stellantis are lucky they even exist. The government should have let them collapse and did in 2008.

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Southwest has the shittiest in flight wifi I’ve ever used. Frontier had better wifi the last time I used them.

The commerce clause would like a word.

Yes, when they’re older. I’d rather be the “dad, can you find this for me?” guy, and then when they’re older and start talking about wanting to set up their own Plex server or something I’ll show them how to do it, if they even want to. I would be perfectly happy being the perma media pirate for my family.

They will take your house. As someone else said, with student loans there is no collateral. With a mortgage, your home is collateral, so you will forfeit it.

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I literally saw lady letting fucking hellspawn of a child COVERED IN CHICKEN POX run around barefoot at Aldi a few weeks ago. I was so panicked I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t even see them until I was walking out so I just got out as fast as I could. My wife has never had chickenpox, and adult chickenpox can apparently be much more deadly, so it was definitely kind of terrifying.

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That’s not going to happen until we get the majority of the elected boomers out of the Democratic Party. The boomers in the Democratic Party are the most milquetoast policy makers. They literally will stand up for nothing. They let fake Democrats like Joe Manchin hold them hostage and then ignore all the younger elected officials who want to do anything because they’re worried the policies of the young dems is too “leftist.” They, like all boomers refuse to hand over power to anything while still somehow screaming “It’s the young’s responsibility to save our country! Get out and vote!” Fuck them.

He has been an excellent governor. All the conservatives in So. IL disagree, but when you ask them why, the literal only reason is “he raised the gas prices!!” They ignore the fact that Illinois has had a balanced budget for the last four years, that we are slowly climbing our way out of debt, that marijuana is legalized, cash bail has been ended, Southern Illinois has received a fuck load of infrastructure money, etc. They also ignore the fact that Southern Illinois is the prime reason WHY Illinois is so broke. Southern Illinois is where the majority of the people on snap, tanf, Medicaid, and other social programs are. They all conveniently ignore that though.

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Any time I’ve switched to android over the years that little switch is one of the biggest, yet smallest features on the iPhone that I end up really missing. It is so convenient, and now that it’s reprogrammable with different taps it will be even better.

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I never thought I would unsarcastically say “Oh no! Mitt Romney is retiring!” But here I am, saying just that. Even though he is Mormon and has some shitty politics he is one of the few remaining Republicans left that understands the importance of Bipartisan legislation and voting to help the people instead of voting against everything to “own the libs.” It probably helps that he while he is a Republican, a lot of his policies while he was governor of Ma, and even now are more Center right, and almost Center left, making it seem like he is largely GOP because he’s LDS and would really fit better as an Independent.*

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Also, if the crime is serious enough, the judge can rule to not release at all. One of the screaming points for conservatives in the state is that rapists and murder suspects are just going to be allowed to go free, which is not true at all. There is a list of serious crimes in the statute that judges are granted heavy discretion over in regards to whether the defendant should actually be released.

ALSO, think of this as a way to combat recidivism. One of the reasons people continue to commit crimes even when they’re incarcerated because they can’t afford bail is because they lose their jobs. They end up in jail for a week or more and don’t show up to work, they lose their job that was likely hard for them to get in the first place. It’s a major part of the prison industrial complex and the Right’s war against the poor. Ending cash bail takes away a major component of that.

Huh, I haven’t really noticed any differences since making the switch. What do you mean by google connectivity?

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Sadly I didn’t, it came about pretty early on.

Yep. It’s easier to just break the law, pay the fine, and continue making billions over actually stopping the activity that causes the fine. That’s what happens when it’s almost impossible to hold anyone actually personally responsible force actions of a corporation.

Oh yeah no, I don’t disagree that going to discord of all places is a horrible idea. I hate discord and I hate that people are trying to use it as community alternatives, but the real issue is the Reddit apologism.

I honestly have no idea how much cable costs where I live and it’s not for a lack of trying. I’ve tried to look but it’s literally not possible to look on mediacom’s website to get cable prices unless I add a cable package to my internet plan. My only other option is to call them, and their entire support is outsourced and it’s a toss up on whether I get someone who speaks English or not. One time the call center person spoke so little English that they had to transfer me to someone else.

Ohhhh, I didn’t even consider that being a deal breaker for some people, but I’m pretty sure Mozilla will let you transfer all your saved passwords from chrome.

And then after the war grant a bunch of them US citizenship in exchange for them to work on behalf of the US govt on projects the US stole from Nazi Germany after the war.

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Kentucky is very weird. They are not afraid to elect a democrat to governor if it’s necessary, but for any other position it’s GOP or bust. Most people I know in Kentucky HATE Mitch McConnell but vote for him anyway. Rand Paul on the other hand, they worship the ground he walks on.

Also the Democratic Party in Kentucky sucks. They are not effective at organizing outside of Jefferson County and are totally out of touch with what to do in the rest of the State. The last two elections against McConnell they ran women against him. I worked on one of them in 2014, and I had so many people tell me “I don’t like Mitch, but I won’t vote for a woman.” Other people experienced the same thing, and for some reason they decided to do it AGAIN in 2020 thinking the state had changed just because they elected a dem governor. Kentucky is not ready for women in politics even in 2023, but the Kentucky Dems refuse to see that. They will either have to run an old white guy or not even bother. Sucks to say, but that’s the state.

They’re so deluded, they all see themselves as disenfranchised millionaire. So when the graduated income tax was proposed, they freaked the fuck out, when anything is raised that impacts the wealthy, they freak the fuck out. I was an attorney that dealt with some of the poorest people in Illinois, and the conservatives, despite living in a 40 year old trailer and not owning a vehicle because they couldn’t afford one STILL bitched about this stuff like it effected them in anyway, while having the audacity to ask me if I could help them commit Medicaid fraud in case they needed the state to pay for nursing home costs in the future.

I don’t understand how they can do this with iPhone when Apple requires all apps to prompt with the option to deny tracking?

It’s clear that you don’t understand Disney Adults. Even if it were just a $1,400 per year perk, the people that work there solely because of the perk that allows them to go to Disney properties whenever they want will have just lost their incentive. It’s entirely likely that some of these people have willingly turned down positions at fire departments or in the industries that require their experience for the explicit reason that they enjoy the access to disney their job provides. Without that, there would be little incentive to stay even if they could get a $1400 bonus.

I played New World through beta to launch and didn’t touch it after release. I just bought it and started last night. Really enjoying it so far.

I have a 2020 rav4 and it is only valued at $3k less than what I paid for it brand new. This isn’t a reality anymore.

There may be content that isn’t porn that may be marked nsfw for whatever reasons users may want to see that blanket disabling NSFW would hide.

I was on Reddit for 12 years and I’ve literally never even heard of r/place until people started talking about it coming back this week

No, your income isn’t collateral. Garnishment is sought because there is no collateral to claim. Collateral is explicitly put up to guarantee a loan.

I second Kentucky. Wife is from there, and we are looking to move back there somewhere around Lexington or Louisville because it is extremely affordable and still a nice city.

I’m going to try Adobe customer service one more time, but this may be the route I go. I always try to avoid chargebacks because it can lead to stuff just getting sent to collections which is more harmful than eating the payment.

Ah gotcha. I don’t use a lot of 2FA outside of duo.

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I hope you’ll be able to get seeds and strains imported from the US and Canada. I smoked weed in Germany while I was living there in 2015 a few times and it was the worst weed I’ve ever smoked. It tasted weird, smelled bad, and didn’t even get me high. When I asked someone about it they were just like “weed isn’t as strong here as it is in the U.S.”

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