So tired of Adobe. They're part of the problem.

๐‘”๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ๐‘– to – 780 points –

I held off on Windows 10 for as long as I could until Adobe, and therefore my job, required it. Now this nonsense. I hope this isn't the start of them joining on the web DRM bandwagon.


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Adobe reactivated my subscription without my permission and now wonโ€™t refund me. They have records of my subscription being cancelled in May but canโ€™t explain why I was suddenly billed again in August.

Chargeback time.

Hello Bank? Yes I'd like to issue a stop payment

Iโ€™m going to try Adobe customer service one more time, but this may be the route I go. I always try to avoid chargebacks because it can lead to stuff just getting sent to collections which is more harmful than eating the payment.

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