3 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

The benefits of being leaner include, having to pay less workers. = making more money.

But what are the consequences of less workers?

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Why would an open source browser remove a feature just because a corperation did it. Talking like that, might as well use Chrome. Oh wait. But it's *spyware / anti AdBlock.

Why doesn't Firefox make *using AdBlock harder since Google does the same? Firefox isn't competing for Market share, it's suppose to be an Opensource browser and being so should mean that you have the best features for the user, and not a company.

Had you ever asked why would Google get rid of 3rd party cookies, and also ask, what did they replace 3rd party cookies with? another way for them to track you, and only them. They took potential revenue from sites that aren't them just because they can.

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probally has to do with a future plan to not pay for news content.

In order for Google to improve profitability they targeted adblockers and adblockers in 3rd party browsers.

If my prediction isn't too far off, countries that enforce laws forcing Google to pay to the news may not get news at all or *very limited.

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How to stay private online without needing avast.

  1. Use open source/offline apps. Only use others apps if you just have to.

  2. If you're navigating websites or servers, where it is located mostly will influence the privacy. How you may ask?

Some countries have specific laws and restrictions what sites and apps can collect or even do. Figure out which ones align in your favor and use sites and servers located in those places.

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I do agree, that removing it would improve user privacy, however I feel that should be up to the user to decide on their own if they want or don't want third party tracking cookies as it has been.

The alternative that Google proposed I don't think it's any better then what is was before with 3rd party tracking cookies. I'd say it's worse since it introduces new problems while keeping old problems under a new name.

If everything goes through Google, no one has personal control and that's what i'm against. This encourages what open source users should be against.

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I get that money can be tight but to avoid such situation (at a personal level) regarding piracy. things to note.

  1. don't talk/post about how that you pirated any media, or face potential legal risks.

  2. movies companies might not like it yet it's not illegal to tell people how to pirate a movie. Don't hint that you did it yourself though.

  3. Reddit doesn't have to provide any info to them, i'm assuming the film companies wanted the scoop from Reddit for free. What if they pay Reddid? who knows..


I hadn't used any anti virus in about 8 years. Being on Linux and Chromeos mostly on the pc side and using Fdroid opensource apps and the few big apps needed from PlayStore.

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exactly. They would rather work individuals to extremes, then pay for more workers.

I feel that using it is important so that more people can feel included in what you're writing about. Say you're writing a news story, you would want as many people to agree as possible and support you. Last thing you want is to upset a minority group because then what happens is that people that aren't monorities that do have influences won't even invest in you.

On the other hand, should someone be forced into using inclusive language? I don't think so. Just don't expect as much respect from as many people.

email verification might slow *spam down, but manual approvals seems like the best option from having the best results out of the two. You could be more able to tell if someone is a spammer or even a ban evader potentially before they are approved to join the server.

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Unlike on Google search, if you see a bot on Lemmy, or Mastodon, you can just block the bot and never see them again. Follow accounts/communities you trust to be reliable for finding info on various topics to eliminate the chances of running into the bots (since you more likely will be looking at your following feed.)

I wish seo would make the web more lively again but I just see them as a lost cause, and the Fediverse as the better future.

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Leave coding to ai? What does this look like? How does this concept work? any examples?

Or does he mean just let ai handle everything and they don't give the ai any input?? I am no programmer but this just doesn't sound right to me. As a regular user.

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That is probally why. As more and more countries stack up more news tax for the tech companies. People seem to forget that news is optional for them, and shouldn't take that for granted.

Google search doesn't need news, Facebook doesn't need it, why would they want to pay for it?

I don't think this is new I experienced this happening last year seemingly on certian searches.

I can't speak much about my opinion on a person, as it might a be off topic of the original post and b start controversy for either side of politics.

Sure some people can be controversal, but to have something like gemini and to seemingly go out of their way to just not generate a persons appearance traits accurately. Not the most proffesional look.

Although, if a user were to ask for a raceswap of a historical president I would be ok with that if that's something they inputed that they wanted.

The difference is I can enjoy some popcorn, seo takes the enjoyment out of most of everything if not everything.

Very true. It was their intention. I hope Google can atleast give whites some resonable amount of representation because surely whites should get some amount of playtime not just next to nothing on the ai.

I don't know if that's the best example since with an audio book you're still getting the same reading material.

It's more like, kids shouldn't learn how to sing, they should just have ai sing with their voice for them. They'l never know the ins and outs of it, but they'l know what they want it to be like and describe it to the ai.

True. I was really talking about what's already available to most Mostodon admins. If somehow this could be added in to Mastodon that would be great. (never hosted an instance in my life.)

If Microsoft actually pulls this off I can finally stop using 3rd party firewalls to avoid the forced reboots! Revolutionary on Windows part. Meanwhile on Linux. They already know the assignment. (generally)

Yes, Google isn't getting rid of tracking in it's entirety, they're just getting rid of the tracking competition on the Chrome browser. And no one has the guts to make their own commercial browser to stick it to Google and their monopoly, all we really have are open source browsers. Even Edge has to be open source to an extent since they borrow from Chromium.

I wouldn't go so far as to just assume that all younger gen people aren't tech savvy. I guess it would just depend on the person and how casual or into tech they really are.

Google is aware of the situation and suposibly working on it.

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This shouldn't had been an issue in Windows 10, having 11 look as slick, but force rebooting to update. Why is it still like this? Why is it forced to auto update? Why doesn't Linux or Chromeos force auto updates? Sure you have to reboot Chromebook but it's manual rebooting not forced auto rebooting.

That's a price to pay to have a free internet.

If bots are an issue, and I believe it can be sometimes, you could try suggesting to Lemmy developers to invest into bot protection for the platform. Also, the instance maintainers themselves.

If it works it works.

just use an Android.

Is this actually true? They all seem hooked on their Smartphones and Nintendo Switches playing Animal Crossing.

There might be some that like the *aesthetic of the landline phones to it but I don't currently believe its many. Atleast not many would use it in their daily lives.

also, always ask yourself, "who gets a leveraged advantage from this?"

How is Mozilla using this ai? Or is it know yet? What are they using it for? How will ai benefit the privacy of Firefox users on the private browser?

Will Mozilla's ai be open source?

Apparently fakebot uses targeted advertising? I'm so glad i use Falcon browser as my alternative. None of this.

There is that too.

I'm all for letting people of all backgrounds having an equal work/representation opportunity but this ai went too far.

What I am against is taking official / past figures such as u.s presidents and race swapping them. These are real people who were white. Sorry if it offends someone but that's just how it was.

At this point we are putting dei even over who use to govern the u.s as offical presidents? Why? Who does this help? If anything you make people with legit purposes hate dei more by doing this. Imagine if they did that to president Obama people would be sticking it to Google 10 times harder then they are now.

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Try adding redditcat the end of your searches, I heard that improves search quality on Google.

Let me answer your first question by reversing it back at you If Barack Obama was historocally black should a black person be able to play as him. I believe so. This should be the same for all real life historical figures. If you want more diversity create new characters to fill the void. If the new characters are good people will love them.

In film industry I feel that may be different since a made up story generally in alot of these shows and movies. So if they changed something it isn't the biggest deal to me because it wasn't meant to be taken seriosly rather meant for entertainment.

My argument was actually for real life historical figures to be represented more properly because this isn't just about diversity in jobs and entertainment anymore, your changing real life history regarding governments, militaries and presidents and etc. And this wasn't done just to u.s figures by Gemini.

I do agree ai can make mistakes and isn't perfect. Shouldn't be used as real life context all the time but from Google sometimes you just expect better.

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I disagree with that, because Barack was actually black so he should be depicted as such despite how people feel because that is how his appearence was.

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What you got to do for this is,

If no Peertube account

click the link and then go to the original peertube server it is actually hosted on. (Should say on their channel page.)

If you have a Peertube account

This is because not all servers will auto check all channels for videos. But if you subscribe to a channel the videos will all show in your subscriptions no matter what server you are on if you have an account.


Good point. While Search Engines do have their place and uses. My issue isn't with the idea of the search engine itself but with seo deciding what resualts show up or will never show up regardless of the quality of the source. A lot of it goes against the open internet.

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