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Joined 1 years ago

If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance.

  • Marcus Aurelius

But it also allows Ring owners to send videos they've captured with their Ring video doorbell cameras and outdoor security cameras to law enforcement. (...) If a crime has been committed, law enforcement should obtain a warrant to access civilian video footage.

This is utter nonsense... Anyone is free to voluntarily provide their own pictures and video to the police. A warrant is so that police can come and take it from you against your will.

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This is actually far more self-destructive than Digg.

The Digg Exodus was mainly down to just stupidity on the part of a whole team and the users deciding they weren't going to take it. Rexxit is due to pure malice on the part of one person.

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Do you have any antivirus recomendations for Linux.

Install all applications from your package manager.

Don't run things as root.

Don't visit sketchy websites.

Run an ad-blocker that isn't owned by an advertising company.

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Travel between worksites is on the clock.

We've demonstrated for years now that home is a worksite.

I'm happy to drive in to the company office from my personal office, so long as my commute time is on the clock.

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Can it be done? Yes.

Can it be done in a reliable way that you can depend on to always just work when you need it? No.

If you are completely dependent on Adobe products for your livelihood, you should not plan to work exclusively on Linux.

Copy the file and paste it into anywhere you can enter text... you get the path to the file as text.

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You have to start with a 40 billion dollar company if you want a billion dollar company using Musk's methods.

Google drive integrates simply into the file manager on Gnome for cloud storage. It doesn't do offline file-sync between devices, however.

The Microsoft and Apple products don't support Linux because... Microsoft and Apple.

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OnlyOffice Desktop Editors...

Simpler interface but lacking more advanced features of MS Office or Libre. It has the features 90% of users actually use though.

Nearly perfect DOCX formatting compatibility. The only thing I have ever noticed when collaborating with Word users is the bullet symbols on list items may be different on my end.

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That’s great, right up until Ring unilaterally decides to...

Which is a completely different topic than the one I quoted. The article said that equipment owners shouldn't be able to provide their videos to the police without the police first getting a warrant, which is an utterly ridiculous position to take.

OBVIOUSLY the police should have a warrant to get the video without the equipment owner's permission, but that's not what the author said.

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I really want to switch to Linux as my main gaming/production OS but need the Adobe suite

That's not a hurdle... that's a wall.

If your livelihood depends on running a Windows-only application, run it on a Windows computer.

You are, of course, free to also have a Linux computer for everything else. Use a KVM switch to toggle between them, or something like Synergy or Barrier to pass the mouse/keyboard/clipboard between both PCS. Share the storage between them over your network.

Eroding that boundary can also be in your favor... I can step away from the desk for a few minutes to start my laundry, prep something for dinner, or even just go to the grocery store during "lunch" because I can bring the food straight back home since I'm not far away from home at an office. Working remotely is giving me back time. And this isn't time "lost" from the employer's perspective... I'm just doing something useful with my break times rather than wandering down to the water-cooler to chat with other employees.

The trick is to allow only the erosion that you find acceptable. That's a matter of personal organization and self-control, and each person has to set up a system that works best for them. I use a spare bedroom as my office, and I only go in there during working hours. Everything work-related stays in there.

"Military grade" is not a statement of high-quality... it's a statement of specified minimum capabilities and characteristics to satisfy a contract. It's quite common for off the shelf commercial equipment, even stuff targeted at home consumers, to meet or exceed MIL-STDs.

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The portion of managers which don't actually contribute anything to productivity don't have much to do if everyone is at home.

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Brave essentially has done this all along.

Conversational masturbation.

Good news everyone! We all DO have this problem... It's just most obvious in China because they industrialized and urbanized more rapidly than anyone else AND had this stupid legal policy.

Industrialization, urbanization and improving healthcare also significantly drops births, to below the replacement rate of 2.1. The whole world is on this path, with China, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Russia leading the way.

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It doesn't say "convicted of...".

The hero we need, but not the hero we deserve.

The charged particles that affect our electrical and electronic systems have mass and therefore cannot travel at the speed of light... We can see the visible light effects of a flare and know that the slower-moving particles that will cause actual damage are on the way.

Didn't they find parts from an Electra in the surf on the edge of a South Pacific atoll several years ago, with no other Electra ever reported lost in the area, and signs of decades old brief human habitation on the island?

Could be worse... AIG

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The only way to say "no" is to not give them the opportunity to ask the question to begin with.

A lot of companies won't employ technical writers, who exist to make good, thorough, complete and well-presented documentation... they rather assume their engineers can just write the docs.

And no, no they can't... very few engineers study the principles of effective communication. They may understand things, but they can't explain them.

Russia is getting desperate.

The facility now identifies as Jail Force One.

You are unlikely to find a new non-smart TV... the TV manufacturers get kickbacks from the streaming services for bundling their apps.

If you did find one, it would be more expensive than the dumb TV because you don't have a bunch of streaming services subsidizing the price of the TV for you.

A computer monitor may work for you, or just buy a smart TV and never connect it to a network. You should be able to set it to automatically start up on the last-used input so you never see the built-in UI.

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And the outlets don't make the connection that their readers are telling them to stop shoveling AI-generated garbage at them?

discourage drinking and thereby decrease the likelihood of handgun-carrying

correlation ≠ causation

Common courtesy is to not even link to paywalled articles... The publisher has already made it clear they are not interested in public awareness of their content.

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We've had one Linux, yes... what about Second Linux?

You leave a voicemail by calling someone that doesn't answer.

Blocking the call at your phone is just not answering.

Use something like Google's Call Screening that actually answers numbers not in your contacts so they don't get the opportunity to leave a voicemail.

Here's an idea... stop giving your money to companies that don't want you as a customer.

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It's not propaganda when it's true.

And SLS is hideously expensive compared to every other launch vehicle in history.

To real hell? Or made-up hell?

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Who could have possibly predicted that?

Thanks for providing an example supporting what I said.

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Irrational people behaving irrationally.

I use traditional packages and Flatpaks... with "user apps" being preferred as Flatpak. This is potentially safer as the OS itself can't be affected by installing or removing these applications, and also can mitigate dependency hell as apps that require different versions of the same dependency can coexist peacefully, with each one using its own bundled version of that dependency.

I also have a couple of appimages that aren't available as a Flatpack, and I'll simply find an alternative to anything that is only distributed as a Snap due to the performance issues, mount clutter, and proprietary nature of the Snap distribution back-end.

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Lock her him up!