Entire mod teams of r/interestingasfuck, r/TIHI and r/mildlyinteresting KICKED out. Some even locked out of their accounts

Wander@yiffit.net to Technology@kbin.social – 299 points –
The entire r/MildlyInteresting mod team has just been removed without any communication, some of us locked out of our accounts

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This is actually far more self-destructive than Digg.

The Digg Exodus was mainly down to just stupidity on the part of a whole team and the users deciding they weren't going to take it. Rexxit is due to pure malice on the part of one person.

We're calling it Rexxit now? Reminds me a bit of this classic every time I hear a term like that.

That’s so funny because it’s so absurdly true to most issues, on both sides. We are so screwed.

The incredible thing is that the July1 day-of-reckoning for every 3rd party app user is less than 2 weeks away. Like, the fires will barely be extinguished when they throw gasoline on a heap of tinder. No time at all to let things cool off.

I mean, to be realistic Reddit will remain a top 0.1% site for years. But they're really making sure that its all downhill from here.

Except for the part of it composed of John Olivier pics -> THAT part is freaking awesome!:-P

I haven't heard it called Rexxit yet, and I wholeheartedly support the naming convention.

Yep, I don't think it's made it's way to lemmy or kbin yet but I know it's been passed around on mastodon hash tags for the last week or so at least.

I started calling it that on Reddit as soon as the app shutdowns were announced and have been pushing it for broader adoption. I'm sure some other people came up with on their own, too, but I'm happy to see it spreading whatever the source. :)

Well, I'm not convinced that the C-suite at Snoo Inc aren't also co-signing this, but Hufflepuff McSpeztron certainly wants to play the big baddie, so the big baddie he shall be.

I wish all remaining redditors luck on making this #rexxit very painful for him.