
2 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Cruising the #threadiverse. Let's seed more resilient communities

Hasbro being the worst, yet again

BG3's only sin is having to be tied to the worst owner in tabletop gaming. Thank god Larian is independent.

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Fingers crossed that this will be implemented well, im tired of having sleek electronics be irrelevant in 2 years when the silicon could go for 5 or six

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I love to see indie games pop off. I hate to see Linux-hostile anti-cheats. C'est a la vie.

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If all goes well, the IRS should be able to do a simple tax prep service for most Americans for free next year 🤞🤞

It's really freaking stupid that Intuit has commandeered the tax prep market for almost 3 decades now

Hate to spoil the parade but this Twitter user is of a person mocking nftbros, not an actual NFTbro

That's genius honestly. The void should win this year

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TIL reddit has RSS feeds. Welp, I'll see if I can use it to plug in my favorites until they cut it for 'profit-seeking measures' and 'loosing 200 billion dollars a year'

Macabre. Why do you need two silent letters?

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Cool software.

Even as someone sympathetic to 'privateers' though...you gotta have more plausible deniability bro, workshop that name lmao

Why is he stealing Xorg's logo?

I feel that it is important for you substantiate your claims or credibility to some extent before making potentially inflammatory moves - if you want the community to question the lemmy.world team, that is.

I wish there was a way to have responsible news sponsorship without having this annoying ass article limit system or web 3.0 crypto nonsense.

(I nearly flinched when writing that last sentence because I still have PTSD from Twitter summoning the Hordes if you so much as mention that c-word.)

Welllllllllllllllllllll there is a stereotype with the armed forces 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Suppose it just formalized the situation already effectively in place. Bungie giving a thumbs down + major staff loss on a live service is essentially game over.
Glad they didn't double down.

Retro-indie gamers are absolutely eating this generation

Over 200% markup in a single pricing change, yeesh

You think they'd gradually ease people into it at least. This app is always on something

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Choosing beggar pirate that's also your mom? Oh brother, I do not envy you

I am no longer apathetic but livid

Fuck u/spez.

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I can't imagine a website so anti-CCP it utterly internalized the social credit meme (despite it being somewhat more nuanced in reality, I still don't approve of it, just learned it gets exaggerated in the west) would take well to an invisible 'reputation system' that demands data collection and punishes privacy actions.

The vibes continue to deteriorate.

Hey pot? I got kettle on the line here, it's for you

Ahahaha, the first approach was hilarious I will give you that. But I'm proud to see your new branding — I really think this could build some traction. Hopefully you will be able to work on a Linux client in the future.

Best of luck!

Wish they had a native app. The misskey clients make my phone itch

Samsung One UI moment

You can do some heavy modifications to their skin, on par with some custom ROMs of old, but it seems that a third of the time all the users do is install The Ugliest Font You've Ever Seen

This mf is really going to set the state back decades.

Conservative as a party ideology? No.

Neoliberal Conservative in effective policy and outcomes? Yeah basically.

God I hate FPTP.

IME it only works for the initial tweet; can't see any replies or suggested tweets. Might just be enough to keep their search traffic up, but it's still enough that I don't think people should link to Twitter anymore.

Seems like a rather large shitpost, but I encourage them to cause chaos by any means necessary (feasibility be damned).

If it helps you feel better kbin.social doesn't seem to apply those suspicious votes

Depends. Are those feminine-presenting kneeples?

This type of food taxonomy is always fascinating and disturbing, as it tends to spawn even more unhinged classifications (ravioli is a dumpling. A bowl of cereal is a salad).

That being said, the most politically neutral take would be that tamales are a pie.

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ActivityPub is more of a social network protocol rather than a messaging protocol. It assumes most data sent through it will get public by default and has very little encryption set up for it, let along E2EE. Now Matrix is a better use case for an open protocol like that and also offers bridges between other chat networks (I wouldn't be surprised if Beeper has Matrix under the hood).

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Lol, lmao

Every time I think he's reached a ceiling on his meltdown, he ups the ante.
Hufflepuff really is a sniveling whelp after Muskrat's own heart.

Farewell to #HoloYolo - the last release of its generation, and the first of Android RunTime

If you build it, bots will come. 'Twas inevitably a more pressing concern when you suddenly have 30 mil+ signups in less than 2 weeks.

Hopefully our admin communities will handle our bot waves strongly.

RiF made Reddit Fun. So long, friend.

Goddammit. Could the internet not break all at once for 5 minutes please?

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I basically see this going in 1 of three directions:

a) Sony will deliver the Q Lite as is, in this form - a barely unmodified Android (13?) Tablet handheld that presumably has Remote Play and PS+ preinstalled. I find this very unlikely, but probably the best case scenario to maximizing value/minimizing e-waste of this device.

b) Sony will deliver a heavily modified/locked down version of Android dedicated to a PS5 aesthetic/UX that only uses Remote Play/PS+. I find this the most likely option from a matter of cost and practicality. Android is extremely competent at scaling to various form factors and has 1.5 decades+ of application and hardware support. Other than embedded Linux (yes I know the kernel, shush) it's one of, if not the easiest OSes to build up from, especially if you are running Qualcomm, which they are rumored to be in a partnership with. This will make things more difficult to modify/hack though.

c) Sony will ship a completely different, restricted scope OS likely based on a cut down Linux or variant of their PS4/5 BSD-derived Orbis OS. This is less likely than the modified Android, but far more likely than the naked Android tablet shown above. It would fit the branding and ethos that Playstation tries to exude and probably increase the difficulty of hacking even higher, but the design of this device does not strike me as being in the scope/budget of porting over their console OS to mobile ARM hardware. They are very clear about this being a companion device, likely just to test the waters of making handhelds again, with a lower scale target to reach (video and input streaming) than actually including another power target for their entire platform SDK (committing to a Switch style platform halfway through the console cycle or adding the equivalent of a PS Vita in an era of developers barely being able to target 1 console SKU competently, let alone 2).

Either way, this mf ugg-leee.

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It really sucks that we're facing the digital equivalent of climate change with regards to the internet and the content economy on top of the decline of the actual economy and actual climate change. It's all so much.

And some experts think that Covid reinfection will decrease with successive generations who are exposed in young childhood until SARS-CoV-2 becomes just another nothingburger childhood viral illness like the other four or so endemic human coronaviruses.

That seems to be a rather dangerous gamble considering the severe side effects and risks of successive reinfections.

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He should get that addiction to chewing wires sorted out